parr 13- fist

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i clench my jaw and look back at the host.

"oh tom?" i say smiling to the audience, " bill and i have been friends for a very long time, and that includes tom, we're just friends!" i say,twisting and manipulating the picture to make tom look like he just came from a simple hangout.

"well we'll see how this friendship blooms" says the host teasingly

"certainly " i smile back

after an hour the interview ends, the broadcast ends and i thank the fans for coming,even handing autographs out.

i walk backstage, shining producers,crew, camera men and anyone in my way until i see the red head 2 faced bitch.

she's standing by the wall when she turns around to look at my direction and gives me a teasing frown.

i walk up to her, grab her head and smash her face in the wall. her face cocks back, giving her some degree of whiplash as blood gushes from her nose.

she falls to the floor on her ass and stars shivering.

her hair is tangled, her glasses are broken into 2 pieces, her nose is dripping and her lip is busted.

she looks up at me in fear.

"you want to fuck with me lydia?" i ask tauntingly,breathing heavily.

"then fuck with me" i say pointing at myself.

i stay in the same spot but turn around to calm myself and get myself in a composed state.

i turn back around .

"don't you dare speak a word about just now, and don't even think about suing either" i warn her, "let's not forget you stalking and taking pictures in private property"

she's still shivering and holding her palm out infront of her face to catch her blood.

i turn to kim and tell her that lydia is not fired and will be in close supervision to prevent this accident again.

i turn back to lydia , grin and walk away.

filled with anger i walk out the stuido by the back door to avoid any fans who might be waiting out front.

i enter my car and sit while i place my hands on the wheels.

i stare off to the distance.

i can't believe she did that.

my phone rings. it's Bill.

i pick up .


i know bill god i know.

who?how what i'm so lost.

lydia. she was a stalker and blackmailed me to not publish pictures of tom interacting with me and i was forced to get her a job at the company

i'm honestly amazed at how well you covered that. props to you

oh god tell me about it , i thought my veins were gonna burst any second

god what a dickhead

has tom seen it?

not yet, he's been in the studio all day practicing new riffs ,i'll let him know as soon as you hang up

bye then

i hang up and pray tom doesn't go crazy . i've known him long enough and have heard from bill about his  temper.

i place my head in the middle of my steering wheel and let myself stay there for a few seconds.

what a fucking hassle.

i drive home and once i get there i immediately open my computer to check what people are saying online.

people (as suspected) are obviously thinking there's something between me and tom, but are shipping us and stating that even if we aren't dating ,we'd be cute as a couple.

i sigh

yet i'm happy people are having such a positive response for this,some even going as far as calling out the host for posting these pictures without me giving them green light.

i close my computer and lay back, relieved nothing too negative happened out this situation.

i decide to call tom to let him know everything

heyyyyy tommie

y/n what the fuck.

i know dude.

it was lydia who leaked the pics bill said?


jesus fucking christ.

i smashed her face in the wall, by the way!



you're going to JAIL

nah i threatened her


yeah so no jail for me!

man i kinda fuck with bad girls but okay

i'm bad enough i'd say

yikes okay

okay bye that's all i wanted to say

hm ok, stay out of trouble....or don't 😈

oh god stop flirting with me bye

i'll never stop

i hang up and drag myself into bed . i lay there like a starfish and check the interview episode on the TV

I look at the interview and thank god it wasn't obvious how mad i was. and still am. that midget had it coming her way.

i close my eyes and wait for a new problematic day to start. i guess i'm just made for the spotlight,either good or bad

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now