part 18- star & moon

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i run through the dressing rooms trying to find my room backstage.

i closely watch every sign in front of doors until i spy "Y/N , PARAPHERNALIA ".

i breathe in and out deeply and fast as i've been literally sprinting through backstage to find my room.

as i walk in my stylist and MUA are looking at me like i'm some lunatic .

"mrs y/n?" my stylist asks

"YES THATS -wheeze- ME" i say as i drop my hands to my knees and try to catch my breath.

my hair is in a messy ponytail, i'm wearing a old the cure shirt and black sweatpants as i realize i woke up at 11am when i'm supposed to be here at 11:30. you can imagine how quick i got up when i checked my phone and it said "11:03".

i make my way to my seat in the vanity as my MUA gets his things ready.

by the end of it he does light dark brown eyeshadow, black waterline eyeliner and a small wing, he puts on false lashes and puts mascara in my bottom lashes. he does light fake freckles and a neutral dark pink lip.

my stylist then gives me a oversized black off the shoulder top, a black miniskirt ,dark blue tights and black platform pumps.

i look at myself in the mirror and smile.

the producer enters my room and gives me a 10 minute heads up until we're on stage.

i leave my room and thank my beauty crew.

i walk to the main area of backstage and see my team waiting for me.

" looking sexy today guys" i joke

"if it isn't sexy then what's the point" vic jokes back.

"huddle time." says raul quietly.

we huddle together and marc start his pep talk.

after a few tears and a few sniffles we put our hands in middle of the circle we're in and threw them in the air.

"PARAPHERNALIA!" we tell together, while other bands and soloists look at us like we're crazy.

we get on stage quickly before the lights turn on.

i'm placed in the middle of the stage , with raul on my right, marc on my left, and vic behind me on her set.

the host presents us and the audience goes quiet, waiting for us to start.

the song starts ( my own summer(shove it)- deftones for reference) and the spotlight hits me. the blue light hits all around me . once we're done with our song we go through our set list the last song starts.

this song was the song i wrote about tom when we were in a rocky situation.

i bite my lip. not knowing if
1. the public will know it's about him
2. if HE will know if it's about him as he sits in the artist section of the audience
3. this will cause controversy
4. people will like it as it's the first time we've performed this song.

the music starts and we go all out for the best ending we can possibly think of.

drums fill my ears and as i look to the side i see marc and raul going wild on the guitar. i grip my mic on the mic stand and sway with the music.

unexpectedly, fake blood splatters on me and the rest of the members and as soon as it happened the lights turn red. the blood gets on my clothes and face.

the crowd goes WILD.

i'm shocked, but stay professional.

i smile and move the blood around my face, making hand prints on my cheeks and continue singing.

we end the performance and the lights dim down.

the crowd is screaming and no other performance has had this much noise.

we leave stage after the lights go pitch black.

backstage we all look at each other . after a few seconds we start screaming. me and vic hug each other and same goes with the boys.

"y/n!" a female voice calls to me.

i turn around and it's alice with a boquet of white peony's.

"you did amazing " she tells me as she hands me the flowers

"thank you alice " i thank her and grin.

"next time i'll be up there too!" she says to the rest of the group.

they all talk for a bit as i stay back and think about the performance.

the producer lets us know we have 20mins to get ready until tokio hotel performs and the award ceremony begins.

i speed walk to my dressing room where as i open the door i see a bouquet of black roses and a pack of marlboro reds in the middle of the bouquet .

a note sits in the middle

you shock me everytime with your beauty. my  gorgeous violet , i hope you like the dress i got for you, your personal sexy rockstar tom .

i smile and turn around to see the dark purple dress on my door. it's a long dress with lace all over , the straps are thin and accompanied by it is a moon necklace.

i clean myself from the fake blood and touch my makeup and hair myself. i then try the dress on and the necklace but keep my pumps on as no one will be looking at them.

i leave my room and tom is standing there.

he's in his baggy ass clothes as always as hes about to perform, that's when i realize he's wearing the same necklace as me.

"THE NECKLACE " i point out

"the necklace!" he teases

he comes towards me and wraps his arms around my  waist and pulls me towards him. our faces are inches away.

"you look good" he says in a whisper as his husky voice surrounds my ears.

" thanks" i say as my ears get hot and i get flustered.

i pull back as i push on his chest

"shouldn't you be performing?" i ask

"im about to" he says " but i just had to see my girl for some motivation"

i roll my eyes playfully.

i go in to give him a forehead kiss , so i tiptoe in my already 4inch heals.

i step back and smile.

he smirks .

"have fun" i say with a smile as i walk away joining my team.

i look back and see he has his hands on his pockets, looking at me with a smile.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now