part 27: amour

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we all walk back to the hotel to pack up our shit and head to the airport. at this point it's 5 pm and we have 3 hours until we need to head out to the airport.

me and tom make our way to the hotel while bill makes a pit stop to the gas station to pick up some snacks to bring to the us.

as i walk into the room with tom following behind me like i'm the pied piper, i get a call from our airline letting us know our flight is delayed and will be leaving tomorrow at 12pm

"the airline just called me" i tell tom

"oh yeah what'd they say?" he asks as he goes into the fridge and gets some juice.

"our flights delayed and we don't leave until 12pm tomorrow" i say as i walk over to him and snatch the juice from his hands, and drink some

"oh" he says " go and tell bill" he says

i hand him back his juice and call bill



the airline just called me and we don't leave until tomorrow at 12pm

we do?


why did it even get delayed

they said bad weather like uhmmm...?

whatever if it means one more day

yeah yeah

i'm going out then, just letting you know so you don't get worried

like clubbing?

like clubbing

okay have fun pooks

bye y/n!

i hang up the phone and let tom know that bill is going to be out.

"so boring" says tom as he walks away from the kitchen and into the room.

i follow shortly behind him. he jumps into bed and pats for me to lay next to him.

"i can't " i say as i go into my bag and get out a pair of underwear.

"i need to shower" i say as i turn around to take off my shoes and socks , "i feel gross after being out all day " i say.

"hm okay but join me when you come back yeah?" he says as he turns on the tv

"you know i will" i say as i walk out the room and into the bathroom.

i get in, turn the water on and start cleaning up. once i finish i go to put on my underwear ,the cutest pair of red lace panties when i realize i didn't have anything else but that.

i look everywhere in the bathroom desperately trying to see if there's anything i can wear when i spot toms hoodie.

it was a black hoodie from their album "scream" that he had worn the first day here as he said he wanted to be "comfortable" on the plane.

i dry myself off and reach for the hoodie but not before i put lotion and deodorant on.

i put the hoodie over my head and watch how it lingers around my body. it's like the hoodie has memorized how tom is shaped and it doesn't fit anyone as nicely as it fits him.

i walk out the bathroom while i dry my hair when i see tom brought food. he's standing in the kitchen table inspecting the brown bag and seeing what's in it

"what's this all about?" i say as i dry my hair off with my towel.

he turns to look at me.

"okay first of all is that my hoodie??" he says as he walks to me and places his arms around my body,leaving down and getting close to my face

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now