part 17- bastard

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once everyone is done cleaning up i decide to go the hair salon and start prepping for tomorrow because since kim LOVES being last minute, she let me low today over the phone that we have the AMAs tomorrow.

i say goodbye to the twins and make my way to the car to drive to the salon.

i made an appointment earlier so i just needed to walk in and tell the receptionist about it.

she sees me as i walk in and immediately starts screeching.

i stand there like an idiot not knowing what to do

"excus-" i try to say when i'm interrupted again by her screeching.

"OHMYGODY/NITSYOU!!!!!" she screams

"yes!" i say smiling awkwardly. i need to get better at these situations since it's becoming more common for fans to recognize me in public.

she whips out a pen and a literal shampoo bottle from the shelves filled with shampoos and hair treatments behind her desk.


"gladly " i smile

she hands me the pen and i sign the bottle of Pantene.


"yeah no problem! you wanna pic?" i offer.

she smiles from ear to ear and takes her phone out and takes a selfie with me.

she directs me to my hair dresser and i say goodbye and how nice it was meeting her.

"i'm guessing your famous?" my hair dresser asks.

"moderately, i'm in a band" i say

"that's what i thought " he says "i thought i recognized your face "

i nod and i get seated.

"so what do we want today?" he asks

"i want to dye my hair a dark maroon" i say

"alright perfect" he says as he gets what is needed for the color.

he comes back and gets the dye ready and applies it on my hair.

i wait for about 40 minutes until my hair is ready to go.

he takes me to go wash my hair and then dries it. as he dries it he straightens it as i asked .

by the end my hair looks gorgeous. i've been craving this hair color for so long but never had the opportunity to get it until now.

i thank the hairdresser and make my way out and say bye to the receptionist as-well as she waves excitedly back.

i smile to myself and get in the car.

i drive back home and as i enter i hear noises coming from the studio.

suspiciously i grab a knife from my kitchen. i tiptoe over to the studio. i stand infront of the door when i slam the door open with the knife ready to attack.

that's when alice whips her head at me.

she's sitting in MY chair playing MY guitar .

we look at each other for a good 10 seconds. no one moves a muscle.

"what.the.actual.fuck" i state.

"VIC LET ME IN" she says as her eyes are focused on  my knife and her hands wave in the air.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???" i yell at her.


it's seriously worrying that people BREAKING into my home has happened more than once. i need to change these damn locks.


she puts her head down.

i roll my eyes and walk towards her.

" look i don't have a problem with you being here but you can't just be pulling shit like this because you feel like it" i say while i cross my arms ,towering above her.

she looks up and me and nods

"now get out" i say while pointing to the door, "we'll see each other again and we can talk when we're both aware of it" i explain.

she gets up, hugs me , and then walks away.

i shake my head

"walk of shame " i mock her

she turns her head around and gives me a frowny face.

as i watch her leave , i go back to the studio and play around with my guitar a bit and sing a bit.

after i play around i go on a livestream on my instagram and talk to them people joining the live. i talk to them and hype up the AMAs tomorrow and hope they tune in.

after an hour i end my live , go to my room and lie down and decide to text tom

bored out of my mind, wyd

eating ass you?

what's the opposite of eating ass

throwing up boobs

im doing that

that's gross

oh so now im the gross one?

nerv for tomorrow?

should i be?

well yeah the whole country is watching you

the whole country was watching me when LYDIA decided to expose us for some reason

and you saved yourself so well

ofcourse i did i'm a genius

smart girls are so sexy

nvm i'm dumb now

omg stfu u know u want me


u do😉😉

stop flirting with me!!!

i put my phone down and smile

he's so flirty

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now