part 31: blonde

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tom punches her across the face.

everything stops.

people go quiet. all eyes turn to them. everyone shifts towards them.

alice grabs her cheek. her lip is busted and her nose is bleeding. she just stands there as she grabs her face, looking down at the floor.

tom is huffing. he's still red and he's still as angry as before the punch.

and i just stand there. in awe. not understanding how stupid he is to simply do that without thinking about the consequences .

alice's eyes make their way to toms. her weight shifts from one side to the other and she goes to punch tom aswell, throwing him onto the ground, her on top of him as she punches his face.

the then quiet people are now instigating them, screaming and hyping it up



tom grabs alice by her hair and smashes her face on the ground. he then shoves her off him and gets up while she rolls in the ground in pain.

"cunt" he murmurs as alice grabs her nose ,glaring at tom.

"WOOOOO" uproars are heard from the crowd .

i move tom outside the apartment to get him out of there asap.

as i shove him out i mouth  "sorry " to alice

she softens her gaze but still keeps her angered expression on her face

as we leave to the car quietly, i get my phone out and call bill to let him know we've left

hey billy....

where are you??!?

i dragged tom out to avoid other conflict, were leaving , you gotta ride????

okay, *sigh* yes i'll ask anyone for a ride..stay safe y/n

i will, bye billy bob much love

bye bye

i hang up the phone and get inside the car , thanking god that bill gave me his keys since his outfit had no pockets.

i enter the car and tom follows behind quietly, like a scolded child

we sit there in silence

"that was amazing" i say as i look at him and smirk

his face lights up and he smiles aswell

"she was getting on my nerves" he says

"i get that " i say as i turn the car on ," i just don't know how i'm supposed to face her since were literally supposed to make music together " i say as i pull out the parking garage into the street and sigh

"about that" tom asks as he takes off his shirt to wipe off some blood off his busted up cheek, "you think y'all will tour together?"

"oh god yeah" i say as i realize that we have to for this new album

"god what a fucking NIGHTMAREEE" i say as i hold onto my steering wheel harder

"i was thinking " he says as he lays his shirt on his lap , "maybe tokio hotel could open for you guys during the tour"

i look over at him as we stop in a red light, the street empty and the only thing you can hear is the summer breeze and light music coming from parties in apartments

"i mean, yeah i don't see why not" i say as i run my fingers through my hair

"i just want to keep an eye on her and it would help tokio hotel with revenue and worldwide reach ya know" he says as he reaches his hand over and starts playing with my hair

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now