part 20-all hail me

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"i'm going to get a drink " i say to the siblings as i point to the table across the main living room that's filled with drinks.

"i'll come with you" tom says.

i look at bill as i wait to say he's coming too.

"ohh umm i'll explore around" he says

"okay we'll find you later" i say and wave bye

me and tom wave through the sea of people and make our way to our table.

he says quiet the whole time while i try to talk to him.

i pick up my red solo cup and pour some jungle juice.

"so you're just not going to talk to me" i say while i take a drink

he just looks at me

"be a bitch if you want then i don't know why you're mad" i say while looking at him.

"i'm here to have fun not be dealing with your attitude" i continue

he looks away and bites his lip.

"i'm jealous " i says as he looks down and clentches his fist.

"why" i ask while taking another sip.

"excuse me" a girl tells me as she tries to get some jungle juice.

"oh sorry" i say as i move away and scan the house. i see another smaller living room which is sii h smaller and private with maybe 3 people in it.

"cmon let's go over here" i say as i grab his wrist and move him to the smaller living room.

we sit in one of the 4 red couches .

"so...." i say as i take a sip.

"i hate that bill is paying attention to you, even more some random dude inviting you to this lame ass party" he says

"if it's so lame why'd you come" i stare at him

"because YOURE here" he says as he points at me

"i didn't ask you to be here, and especially not with you being in your mood" i say as i take a sip.

he just looks at me , knowing he's wrong but won't admit it.

he looks away and puts his hand on his chin.

"look talk to me when you feel like not being a bitch, i'm going to find bill and then we're going to find you and we're ALL going to have fun together " i state as i hand him my drink ,get up and make my way out the living room.

i look back and i just see him looking away from me and takes a sip from my drink.

i move my way through the endless bodies moving and drinking. i push through and search for bills black hair with blonde ends .

i see him talking to some girl by the wall. i shuffle away to the side until he's done flirting?? with her. from what i can see they exchanged numbers and she left.

i shimmy to his direction

"popular with the girls huh?" i tease

"you saw that?" he asks shocked

"yeah i was trying to find you which i did obviously and i didn't want to interrupt " i say

"oh right" he says as he loosens up

he pauses

"so what's up with tom?" he asks

"i don't know being the bitch he always is" i laugh " i told him i'd find you and we'd have fun, i know it's f
tough on him too, you down?" i ask

"yeah for sure let's go" he reaches for my hand so we don't get lost in the crowd .

i've never thought about bill in any other way but brotherly, but as i shift the way i think like how tom had mentioned, i guess i could see why he thought it was like that.

i told bill i would guess tom was still in the living room so we make our way there.

as we stand front of the living room we both see tom kissing some girl , while another sits next to him.

i look at bill

"bruh." i say

" i am so sorry " bill says

"i'm used to it at this point " i say "which i shouldn't and is very wrong but some people cannot be dealt with " i say.

i look back to tom literally squeezing the shit out of her tit.

"gross" both me and bill say in unison .

i look back at bill

"can i please get hammered tonight " i say with a fake frowny

"you deserve it" he says while patting my back.

the rest of the night is a blur, i have choppy memory of dancing and drinking a shit ton.

i wake up in a foreign bed. i look around the room when i realize it's bills room. i'm in the same clothes from yesterday,besides my shoes being taken off.

i walk outside to the smell of savory food. i walk to the kitchen and see bill making food.

i walk behind him and rest my head on his back.

"oh y/n you're up!" he says as he turns around and serves me an egg and a piece of toast with peanut butter.

i groan and sit in the kitchen table

"hungover?" he asks

i nod my head and immediately after he slides me a hot green tea with honey and a tylenol.

i look up at him

"you're my guardian angel" i say

"yeah yeah" he says as he sits down and eats the same thing as me

i drink my tea

"where's tom?" i ask

bill points behind me, to the living room.

i look behind me and see tom literally hanging off the couch. if i didn't know better id think he's dead.

i look back at bill

"how the hell did he even get here" i ask

"beats me" bill says " i came back to your car with you and i see him in the backseat knocked the FUCK out" he says as he takes a sip from his coffee.

we look at each other in confusion but then we realize

"lock picking " he say at the same time.

we smile and continue eating breakfast together.

sometimes i wish tom was more like bill

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now