part 30 : all nite

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fuck it. i'll make a guest appearance and if people start acting sucky i'll get the hell out of there.

pick me up in 20.

i put down my phone and get ready. it's not like i'm drying to impress anyone so i just wear a long low waisted black skirt with a white cropped cami tee with the words "BIKINI KILL" written across.

i throw my hair half up and half down and do the simplest makeup i can.i put on my boots and wait for bill to text me

while i wait i just think about what tom is doing. he shouldn't do anything fucked up anymore since we're together,atleast so i think and hope .

i'm out front hurry! i see as bill texts me

i walk out front of my apartment building and see him waiting

i get in and fasten my seatbelt

"looking cute " he says as he turns to look at me

"thanks you don't look too shabby yourself " i say as i pull out his mirror from the top of the roof to look down at me.

i put it back up and bill starts driving

we sit in silence for a bit, the only thing i can hear is the engine and the wind in a empty night.

"tom isn't going to be there" he says as if he's read my mind

"oh" i say "yeah that's fine" i say as i roll my window down and stick my hand out, letting the wind make my hand cold.

we sit in another vat of silence until we pull over to this dudes house. way over in soho, nothing less to expect from an artsy musician.

we enter his apartment building which looks straight out of a wes anderson movie. as soon as we reach his hallway we hear music blasting from his condo.

"if i was his neighbor i'd be pissed" i say to bill as we enter the house.

people crowding the place, packed like sardines in a tin can. the smell of don julio and weed fill the place.

"fuck" says bill as he wafts his nose to get the horrid smell out of his face, "me too"

i hold onto his hand to navigate the place as we move our way to the kitchen.

as we get there i let go of his hand and reach for a red solo cup from the counter. i look up and about 15 feet away i see alice's silhouette.

i QUICKLY turn around.

"bill." i say as i tap on his shoulder

"yeah?" he says as he pours vodka and fruit punch into his cup.

"please tell me i'm delusional and borderline schitzophrenic and alice isn't right there" i say as i tense up.

he squints his eyes and looks behind me.

"that's totally alice" he says as he turns back to me with his eyes wide open. "she JUST called you how did she know you were going to be here?" he says

i stare at him with eyes that say "kill me"

he just gives me a pity smile . "atleast tom isn't here"

"who said i wasn't!?" tom fucking says as he comes out of the crowd of people , like he's some magician pulling a trick. his face is covered with lipstick stains. thankfully everywhere but his lips.

"are you shitting me" i say as i grit my teeth and say through my teeth to bill.

i pull bill to the side of the living room as my eye twitches

"not only is tom going to know alice is here and do something bad about it that could potentially ruin everything but he's COVERED IN KISS MARKS like he isn't in a relationship . kill." i rant to bill as i get ahold of both his arms

he slowly pushes my hands off

"i can tell you one thing for certain and that is that while tom is a little stupid, he knows what's up and he knows when things are wrong and right. this is his first serious relationship where he's actually taken his time with things. i'm not asking you to forgive him and accept everything he does but, be a little patient" he says as he smiles at me

i give a pause to myself and just think. i sigh and slightly roll my eyes .

"okay" i say as i walk away and walk back to tom, knowing bill will probably end up in the living room partying 2 minutes after i leave.

"hey" i say as i look up to him, crossing my arms

"hey " he says as he smiles at me

"why didn't you tell me you were coming?" i ask

"figured you were tired and had headed to bed, planned to text you i was here when i left but i see there's no need" he says as he looks me up and down

"you figured right" i say as i sigh again "bill dragged me here to make me feel better about...."

he just looks at me and pauses.

"about?.." he asks

"about..." i say. i decide to tell him all about alice and what had went down earlier.

by the time im done explaining , toms ears are red,he's biting his lip, and clenching his fist.

"it's no big deal though " i say as i lean my body weight to my right leg.

"that's why she's fucking here" he says as he looks around the kitchen and living room, until he pauses on something.

i turn around to see what he's looking at until i see alice looking at the both of us. while everyone is having fun and getting loose, she has a cup in her hand while her arms are crossed and has he's vision pinned on us, not letting go.

"this cunt." he says under his breath as he storms over to where alice is at.

"tom hold on no" i say as i try to reach for his arm but is long gone before so.

i storm behind him and as soon as he stops he puts his hand up in the air infront of alice

"TOM NO" i yell.

AUTHORS NOTE: i'm not even gonna lie, i've been feeling SOOO unmotivated. like a demon has come to my life and sucked all motivation out of me. all i can do now is lay in bed and do 2 things
1. watch tk edits
2. listen to music
which sounds depressing(because it is) but i know how much y'all like this dumb story so i'll try to keep up. which i will make no promises to. i love you all very much and hopefully my motivation comes back

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