Part 9- awkward

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I wake up early the next morning to a text from tom

Tom❤️: goodmorning, just wanted to let you know me and Bill are going back to Germany for a week, i know it's late notice but our parents need something. i'll update you once i get off the plane.

sent at 6:28am

it's currently 9 am and the realization that i won't see him for a week hits me.

i frown at my phone and text a response .

Thanks for the heads up, have fun

i put my phone down and think of going to the record shop near downtown to hunt for some cds to cheer myself up.

i put on baggy dusty blue jeans and an oversized dark purple crew neck with my doc martens. i grab my gray messenger bag and head out the door.

i walk a few blocks until i reach the store with the "LAST NIGHT RECORDS" sigh plastered at the entrance.

I pick out a few cds
Doolittle-the pixies
American tights- veruca salt
Saturday night wrist- deftones

i check out and make my way out of the store when i get stopped by a stranger .

"mrs y/n?" i voice calls me

i look down and this tiny woman rocking some suspenders and a maroon button up is staring up at me.

"uhh hi!" i say wth a awkward grin on.

"very nice to meet you mrs. y/n" she says

"it's ms." i say "im not married" i continue

"well not for long if you keep hanging around the guitarist of Tokio Hotel" she states while grabbing her camera from seemingly up her ass.

she turns the camera on and shows me pictures she's taken (i'm guessing) of tom and i walking around together multiple separate times.

my face expression changes from "pleasant-encounter-with-fan" to "why-are-you-stalking-me".

"what the fuck!??" i ask in a hushed voice as the shop is quiet.

"may we talk at the coffee shop across the street?" she asks smiling while fixing her red rectangular glasses from getting into her short red hair.

she must really like the color red.

i give her a look of defeat and open the door for her to make our way across the street.

we enter the coffee shop and i but a bagel with salmon and cream cheese since i haven't eaten.

i bring my tray to a table where she's already sitting and going through her camera.

"all right so what's this bullshit" i say while biting into my bagel.

"well although most journalists don't notice" she says " i do"

"notice what" i ask her

"that you and that guitarist are seeing each other" she continues

"and you want to expose us." i say blankly

"well that doesn't have to happen " she says while smiling.

i look at her confused

"ive never wanted to be a journalist but my parents didn't like the title of photographer" she says

"i'm sure they'll love the title of professional stalker" i say while chuckling.

she doesn't find it as funny as i do.

"anyway" she states while pushing her glasses up , "i've never had the chance to be the photographer of a band, but your company has quite a impressive catalogue of artists" she says

"you want to be the professional photographer for Paraphernalia as a way to blackmail into not releasing the pictures" i say.

she grins at me.

i look down and sigh

"yeah man whatever i'll get you the idiotic job" i sigh once again

she reaches out her hand to shake it and i shake back.

the shop is empty besides the workers so no one watches this shady ass deal.

she turns around to take a journal out of her bag to take my managers number, as i told her i'd speak to kim about it.

this is my opportunity

i snatch the camera from her lap and throw her camera on the floor and smash it about 5 times with my foot.

i bend down and pick out the sim card from the pieces on the floor and snap it in half with my fingers.


I look at her face and it's pure white. her soul has left her body and is now long gone.

i walk to my bag and get 300$ dollars out of my wallet.

"here you go" i say smiling as i slide the money towards her.

i pick up my trash and throw it away.

"i'll talk to kim about it!, see you soon!" i say waving goodbye.

she's completely frozen .

i walk out the shop and skip my way home.

i text tom immediately


i laugh at myself and think about what tom would've done if he was here too.

i wish he was here. i miss him .

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now