part 14- return

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now when bill and i were in the school of arts, no one really liked us. they though we were freaks . we were outcasted but were close through thick and thin.

when everyone hated us, there was one girl who loved me.


Alice was my first girlfriend. my first girl friendship and the first person who loved me for me. she was also in the more alternative side, but got along with others who weren't unlike bill and i.

she had this loonggg blonde hair with hot pink streaks. when she walked,all eyes were on her.

but her eyes were on me.

so when people found out about it, everyone turned on me more than before. but she defended me through everything, even dropping her friends for me.

we broke up a summer later after we dated for about 2 years when she told me she was going back to france to pursue her musical career.

i was broken.

she left me when we were at our best, but i understood her reason, leaving her when i still loved her.

it's been4 years since i last saw her. so why do i see her in my studio at the company's offices as i walk in to meet up with the members?

i enter the door and see her standing leaning against a wall talking to raul.

her eyes catch up to mine.

"y/n!" she yells as she smiles at me, walking up to me with open arms ready for a hug.

as soon as she gets to me i push her away.

i furrow my eyebrows. i had no intention getting close to her again.

"alice?" i ask

"i'm back from france!" she smiles, disappointed for not getting the hug she wanted.

" i can obviously tell" i say annoyed.

"are you mad at me?" she asks

i step back and send a why-the-fuck-did-you-let-her-enter face.

i look back at her.

her once long blonde hair was now choppy, short, and midnight blue.

"what are you doing here" i ask with my arms crossed across my chest .

"your manager Lim reached out saying she wanted to work on a feature including me with the band for the new album!" she exclaims.

i can see eyes on us from the band. i grab her arms and move to a more private part of the studio.

"look" i say to her " first of all her name is KIM not Lim, i don't know why she reached out to you but i really don't want you around, i know why you accepted" i finish

"for you ofcourse" she grins

" that's the thing alice, i don't love you anymore, i did, 4 years ago, i've moved on, maybe you should too" i tell her in a serious tone as i walk back to where my band was at .

i leave her behind standing there.

why did she decide to come back when things with tom were getting good?

i place my hand on my hip while im facing my team.

"i don't want her around" i tell them firmly.

"come on y/n, it's been years since then give her a chance" vic tells me.

"look let's make a deal" proposes marc, " let's spend a week in work with her, if you really are so opposed to her, we'll let kim to take us away from this project, okay?" he tells me gently.

i give up, i sigh and agree.

i look at raúl and gives me an empathetic frown.

altogether,including alice, think of lyrics to brainstorm.

during the meeting, i feel her eyes on me at all times.

by the end of the meeting , i wait for tom outside the studio to pick me up as we made plans to pick up a quick bite after the meeting.

alice comes outside to me after chit chatting with the group.

"hey" she greets

"hey" i say back

"i just wanted to say sorry about everything that happened" she said " i understand i left you unexpectedly and with no reason and for that i regret things so much, but i'd like to restart"

"you want to date again?!" i say quietly yelling.

she smiles at me

"i don't see why not" she says

that's when i hear a voice behind me and arms surrounding my shoulders and neck.

"i do" says this voice.

i look down to the arms and hand and realize it's tom from his veiny arms.

"and who's this?" alice scoffs.

"i'm tom" he says "me and y/n are together" he says as he reaches his hand out, ready for a handshake.

alice grins and introduces herself too , "i'm alice, y/n ex"

my eyes winded and a wave of anger passes through me

who is she to introduce herself like that to him?.

his arms move down to my waist slowly, slow enough for her to notice.

"well thank god that's in past and not now right?" he teases to her while putting his mouth near my ear.

i feel his hot breath on my ear and it makes me feel flustered immediately.

alice gives him a sarcastic smile, and i catch from the corner of my eye that her hand rolls into a fist.

"well," alice says " i can't wait to see you later y/n" she smiles " we'll have so much fun" she says as she turns around and walks away.

i'm left there annoyed. there was no need for all of that.

as soon as she's out of sight, i turn around to tom and apologize about what happened.

"can i explain everything once we get our food?" i ask, hoping he doesn't get mad.

A little annoyed , he agrees and we make our way to the car to get a bite.

i buckle in and rest my head agains the cold window.

i rethink everything i went through with her and decide i should meet up with bill soon to talk about this with him.

i close my eyes and just hope for one day that shit goes okay with me .

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now