Part 7- everything everywhere all at once

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I wake up in the morning to snot all over my desk as i realize i fell asleep in my studio sometime in the early night. or morning. whatever you want to call it.

I wipe my spit from my face and pick up my phone that's next to me.

I check the time.


damn i must've slept good.

i notice kim texted me giving me a heads up letting me know the lyrics were good and to keep up the hard work.

i get up from my seat and walk to my kitchen to make some eggs to eat. once i'm done i move to the living room to sit down and eat while i watch something.

that's when i notice there is a literal body in my couch covered head to toe in a blanket from MY room .


"ughjwjhhahhhh " the body says

the body stretches and that's when i see those iconic locs peaking out of the blanket.



I take off my slide and start hitting him with it.


"how the FUCK did you get inside" i ask

he pulls the blanket down to where i can see his eyes peaking out.

"y/n" he states

" i was a delinquent when i was a kid" he says "you think i don't know how to pick locks?"

"are you homeless!!!??" i ask while hitting him one more time in the head.

"FUCK OW NO IM NOT" he says in pain.

"then why the hell are you here" i say with my hand on my hip and the other holding the slide up ready for one more hit.

"well umm yesterday i saw you had chocolate muffins and i really wanted one last night so i came here but forgot what i came for so i decided to take a nap" he explains

i stare at him blankly

"true story " he adds while smiling, his lip piercing shining in the morning light.

i grab my hair and try my best to pull it out of my scalp in frustration.

i sigh realizing i'm never getting rid of this idiot

he shuffles to the side to make space and taps the side , telling me to lay next to him .

i walk over and lay down in the couch and cover myself with the blanket.

i feel like i've known him my whole life.

i stare at the ceiling while tom stares at me.

and i stare back.

so now we're just looking at each other. deciding what we're doing to each other.

he leans in and gives me a peck in the forehead.

i smile.

"you know you're beautiful right?" he tells me in his husky german accent voice.

"i've been told once or twice" i jokingly say.

"i'm sorry about yesterday y/n" he says ashamed. "i just don't know where i'm at, mentally i'm lost and i feel like a lost kid" he says while he looks at me.

"the only moment i feel stable enough to think is when im with you and i know i keep fucking up shit with you" he says

"i know you know about yesterday" he looks away.

"bill told me about it last night" he tells me.

This whole time i'm just looking at him . i can't decide how to feel. therefore i don't. a poker face is plastered on my face.

" i didn't do anything with them" he says seriously " i just wanted to distract myself with some drinks and company"  he furthermore explains.

he puts his hands over his face in shame.

" i just don't know what's wrong with me" he says.

i take his right hand off his face and hold it.

"thank you" i say "what you did was an asshole move, and we both know that." i finish

"so thank you for acknowledging you're a dickhead " i say jokingly.

he looks at me with these,these eyes.

these eyes say "thank you"

he pulls me to him and hugs me.

i'm pushed to his chest and i'm surrounded by warmth in a cold day. I feel his chest. i feel how his arms wrap around me . i feel his chin resting on the top of my head. i feel his hand caressing my hair. and most importantly his heart beat.

ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump

i smile to myself.

we stay like this for another 2 minutes.

that's when i hear his stomach growl.

i look up at him and he looks down at me

"you hungry ?" i ask him happily.

"nahhh" he jokes

i get up and make my way to the kitchen while he gets up and follows my steps.

"i'll make you something" i tell him while putting my "WORLDS #1 GRANDPA" cooking apron on.

"thanks rockstar" he teases while tying the back of the apron for me.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now