part 19: all around me

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i get seated by staff and pay attention as tokio hotel is about to perform.

we sit front row and the able is RIGHT infront of the stage.

i keep my eyes on tom throughout the performance but can't help but linger my eyes to bill.

as he sings he looks at me and smiles ,which tom definitely catches as he plays the guitar more rough than before.

they finish they're performance and come to the table which hosts 8 people and sit.

Georg sits next to me and i compliment his guitar skills .

he smiles and thanks me, i start conversation with everyone.

as i make eye contact with everyone , i see tom across from crossing his arms at me and biting his lip in anger while next to him ,bill is attent to what i'm saying and is leaning towards me.

the lights dim as a sign that the ceremony is about to begin, so i tell everyone to keep it down as we start.

the host has his whole spiel about the artists who've attended tonight and brings us up a few times.

categories are announced and awards are given. that's when the most anticipated award of the night is announced.

artist of the year.

the host announces the nominees, which we somehow were able to make.

i hold raul's hand as he's sitting next to me and squeeze as the host open the note that specifies who won.


"Impure Division!" he speaks into the mic

disappointed i let go of rauls hand, but grateful i even have the opportunity to be here,i clap for the band.

fans scream and the band goes on stage, giving their speech.

raul comes close to my ear and tells me something with all the noise around.

"we did very good." he states , as he pats my back .

"yeah you're right " i say as i give him a unconvinced smile.

but yet i clap as well as everyone in the table.

i look at bill and he gives me a frowny.

i frown back but smile it off.

my eyes make contact with toms and he's giving me a glare.

i look away fast.

what is his problem? i'm not doing anything.

A band member from Impure Division invited me to their after party as they walked down from stage.

he just looked at me, smiled and came up to me and said the cringiest shit i've ever heard

"after party + you = amazing, you down?" he says over the sound of people and music.

"sure" i say with a smile.

he gives me a thumbs up , winks and walks away.

i look back at the bands and shrug.

i can literally see steam coming out of toms ears .

"y'all should go " i say.

everyone agrees and we all leave the building to get ready for this after party.

Raul, Marc and Gustav decide to stay home and relax while the rest decide to go out to the party.

We all go our ways and decide to meet up at the party, which aperantly was at one of the members of Impure Divisions mansion.

i get in my car before i can be swarmed by paparazzi and leave asap.

i make my way home and change into something way comfier.

to keep the purple theme going on, i put on a tiny dark purple top with a stitched black heart in the middle and huge low waisted black distressed jeans and black high top converse.

i get a text from bill

pick me up? bitchass tom left without me

i respond

for sure, see u in 10

i make my way to his apartment and pick him up and gets inside the car.

"what cologne did you put on? it smells so good holy " i ask

"it's one i stole from tom" he says

he's wearing a tight black shit, that's slightly cropped, so if he lifted his arms a bit, his stomach would show, huge camo pants and black adidas sambas.

we make our way to the mansion and realize we made a huge mistake.

paparazzi FILL the front of the mansion, but the inside is protected my security and nothing from
the inside can be seen from outside.

if me and bill enter together , people will definitely think there's something going between us.

"shit" he says as we park in some random place in the grass.

"hold on" i say as i reach behind him and get a huge jacket i had in the backseat.

"if we hide behind this and close the buttons and hide our faces and beg the security to guide us you think people won't recognize us" i say

he looks at me like i'm the dumbest person he's ever met

"whatever fuck it let's do it" he says as he gives up

we get out and hide behind the huge jacket and button it up to hide our faces but not before we called a security guard over to help us to which he agreed.

we make our way through paparazzi and fans and we can see lights flashing as we look down watching our step.

we look at eachother and smile as we realize my plan worked and paparazzi are calling us numerous names.

we get in and doors close behind us, we take the jacket off and i just drop it on the floor .

it is filled with people.

bodies move to the rhythm and red solo cups are filled with alc.

me and bill get offered some and he takes the cup while i decide i'm going to be the sober one so he can have some fun.

we walk until we stop tom talking to some girl.

she looks at him and twirls her hair as she does.

i roll my eyes and bill notices. he mouths sorry as i can't really hear him over the sound of the house music.

we walk up to tom and say what's up. the girl gives me a nasty look but i just smile at her. she looks me up and down, touches toms arm and i'm guessing tells him she'll be by the bar when he's done with us as she points to the bar.

i'm a bit annoyed but shrug it off as this has happened before.

bill asks tom why he left him at home and tom just says he was too busy to remember he wanted a ride.

he then curses him out in german, this time slipping some english in there too. i just kinda stand back and enjoy the show.

that's when someone holds my arm.

i look back and it's the dude who invited me.

both tom and bill stop in their tracks and look at us.

"looking good " he says

"oh thanks ..!" i smile, trying to get out of his grip.

both bill and tom angrily tell him to get the fuck away and to not touch me.

the dude kinda just puts his arms in the air, turns around and walks away.

i look back at them dumbfounded.

i smile

"my bodyguards" i tease as they get flustered

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now