part 28:red

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after all 3 of us had a few drinks with bill sleeping in the couch,i wake up to tom next to me changing into baggy jeans and a big ass shirt.

"are you a gang member " i say as i yawn and stretch

"very funny y/n" he says as he fixes his hair on the mirror

"thank you i've been told " i say as i get out of bed to check my phone on the bedside table


"do you have your bag packed?" i ask as i put on low waisted jean shorts and a black tank with a skull on its side.

"yeah i didn't bring much so i just packed before going to bed last night" he says as he walks over to his bag to double check all his things are there.

"is bill still in the living room?" i ask tom as i put some socks on

"pretty sure" he says as he walks out the door to the living room. i shortly follow after.

we both walk into the living room and see bill absolutely crashed in the living room couch. his mouth is open with saliva running down his cheek. his eye makeup messed up from.... from..... i don't even know what we did last night.

"tom please do me a favor and wake him up while i got to the corner store and get some painkillers for this awful hangover " i say as i hold my head in pain

"ofcourse baby" he says as he gives me a goodbye kiss and i make my way to the door and put on my slides .

i walk out the door and make my way out to the morning beach street. relaxed,knowing there's no paparazzi, i make my way down the block to go to the store.

i enter the corner store and walk up straight to the counter, asking the dude in the counter for some ibuprofen. he turns around and hands me a pack of 6. i take out the money from my back pocket and hand it to him.

"origado" i say tired.

he just nods and as i make my way out i see alice walking by the store.

i just stand there. frozen. not moving. as if she's going to see if i move even though she's already walked passed me.

"oh hell no" i whisper to myself under my breath.

i walk out the front of the store and look to both my right and my left. i don't see her in any of those directions , so i start running like a maniac towards the hotel.

not even like a run-run. like a sprint-run. i'm convinced i'm the fastest woman alive by the way i'm running .

i finally make it to the hotel and get in the elevator. literally gasping for air as i make my way to our floor. i leave the elevator out of breath and walk towards the hotel room.

i open the door dramatically. both bill and tom look at me like deer in headlights as they sit on the couch.

"you'll never guess who i just fucking saw." i say

i sit down in the couch and hand bill a painkiller because i know damn well he's just as fucked as i. i recap them all that happened while i was down there and all they did was look at me with wide eyes

"and now i'm here telling you what happened " i finish my story up.

"she's actually fucking crazy" bill says

"whats her problem " says tom

"i don't know but she needs to leave me alone" i say as i lean my head back into the couch . "the fact i have to see her everyday once i go back has me fucked"

"oh shit yeah i forgot about that" says bill .

i sigh ,"what time is it" i ask in general

"10:46" says tom.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now