chapter 35: comeback

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i look out the window as i see the city lights covering the night sky

"this city is huge" i murmur to myself . i pause for a second and look back to see what everyone is doing.

bill plays with his hair as he talks to vic about how he wants to style it differently for the shows for the fans , i hear from the other side of the bus.

tom sits next to me, with his arms crossed, cap moved down to cover his face, and his eyes shut as he sleeps peacefully.

i look back to the window and enjoy the view for some more time.

i feel something on my shoulder.

"is it pretty" tom says in a low voice, kinda slurring it through his teeth.

i look back at him where i see he's placed his head on my shoulder.

"yeah it's a pretty view" i say as i take his cap off and place it on my lap.

"you're a prettier view though" he says quietly as he kisses my cheek.

i smile and 3 seconds later a stick gets thrown our direction

"ewwwwa get a room" says vic as she holds her other stick, bill snickering behind her.

i glare at her and decide to look at the window more until we get to the hotel.


the tour bus finally gets to the hilton hotel where somehow , in some way is stormed and filled with fans

"how did they even know we were here!!?" i ask confused

"probably a fan page or fan cafe site posted locations we could've hit, and like spotted us being near the hotel" says bill as he looks out the windows.

a fan smushed their face against the tour bus window, who seemed to be in the shoulders of another fan so they could get up here.

"I LOVE YOU PARAPHERNALIA AND TOKIO HOTEL" they scram against the window in an extremely muffled voice.

"love you too" says vic as she puts the blind down for the window smirking.

the bus finally pulls into the underground parking garage where the other bus had been waiting for us .

we get out and stretch as it has been TOO long and felt like i was going crazy.

kim gives us rules to follow

-curfew is 12am

-every bedroom is shared with 2 queens beds in each room

- you must not be alone at any time

-have fun and let loose

i go over to hee when she hands me a key to the room



i look over to tom who's chatting it up with bill
making some questionable air guitar moves with his arms.

"hey what room number did you get" i say as i place my hand on his shoulder and disturb his air guitar lesson with bill

"134" he says as he takes the keys out of his pocket and sways it around

"you bill?" i ask peeking my head towards him

he digs around his jean pocket and takes out the key

he holds infront of him and reads


"oh me too!" i say as i jump in excitement

"hey hey hey no switch with me" says tom as he walks towards bill

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now