part 25 - in the night

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i wake up to the smell of pancakes being made in the hotel room kitchen. i get up and realize tom isn't next to me in the bed. i walk around and hear laughs coming from the kitchen.

i turn the corner and see bill and tom making pancakes together. before they see me i tiptoe to my bag and take out my camera i had bought for the trip. i tiptoe back to the kitchen and take a pic.

the camera makes a noise and a flash . they turn around and look at me like deer in headlights

"cute" i say as i put the camera down and look at the pic

"goodmorning to you too " tom says jokingly

"pancakes?" asks bill as he flips one.

"obviously " i say as i sit on one of the stools.

everyone gets their food and sits down

"so what's the plan for today?" i ask as i stuff a pancake in my mouth

"well" says bill " i really wanted to go get a massage at the hotel spa and then yesterday i booked a bicycle dude along the beach with this tour guide "

"you're flying solo today then?" asks tom as he pours syrup on his pancakes.

"yup " says bill and he cuts his pancake with his fork.

i turn to bill who is sitting next to me

"what you wanna do " i ask

"i want to see christ the redeemer " says tom "i've always wanted and now we're here "

"perfect yeah we can do that " i say

we finish up and bill leaves to do his own thing while i wash the dishes.

i get dressed and tom gets ready, we leave the hotel and make our way to the street corner to a building where tour guides take tourists to different spots and activities.

tom holds my wrist, i turn around and face him

"what's wrong? " i ask

"nothing is i'm just going to the corner store and buying some waters, can you book the activity while i go?" he asks

"yeah no problem " i say as i take out 25 reals from
my wallet and hand it to him (about 5 dollars).

he takes the money, thanks me, gives me a kiss on the cheek and jogs to the corner store.

i walk to the building and enter, i walk to the receptionist .

"ola" i say

"hello" the receptionist says back

"do you have any open booking for tours to the christ the redeemer statue today?" i ask

"yes we do! we have the soonest open booking in 30 minutes if that's what you're looking for" he says as he looks at his computer

"yeah that's perfect" i say as i take out my wallet.

"that will be 250 reals" he says

i hand him the money and he gives me the tickets as tom walks in

i go sit down in the chairs and he sits next to me ,handing me one of the water bottles he bought .

"we leave in 20" i say as i hand him his ticket

"what's this for baby?" he asks as he inspects it

"i'm pretty sure that's for the bus ride " i say

i lie my head on his shoulder and we talk about random things as we wait for time to pass by.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now