part 6 - hide

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I finish my shower and come out with my bathrobe on.

i notice toms i'm my living room watching my old performances.

i smile and go into my room to change . i throw on an old deftones band tee and black and white stripped mini lounge shorts.

i come out of my room and meet tom in the living room. i let myself fall into the couch.

tom looks up from his phone. "nice shirt" he says.

i look down to my shirt , "thanks , i love them" i say "actually" i continue " the performance you're watching right now is me covering 7 Words from their album Adrenaline" i say.

"okay deftones nerd" he scoffs

"they're amazing what can i say" i smile

a long pause stays between us.

"so i was thinking" i say " our bands are kinda a hot
topic right now and i don't know how the media would react if they saw you at MY home" i explain

"so you're kicking me out" he says

" well yeah but not in the way you think i am" i try to explain myself.

" no no, i get it" he says as he stands up " you ,mighty y/n , lead singer of paraphernalia, doesn't want to get caught fucking around with the dumb idiotic player guitarist from Tokio Hotel" he says angerly

" dude what the fuck is up with you??" i say while standing up aswell " you're just taking words from
my mouth because you're mad for what?!" i ask while flailing my arms around the air.

he glares at me. and im not backing down so i glare back.

i put my head down and pinch my furrowed brows

"look take what i said with a grain of salt" i explain " but if you're going to act like a bitch in MY home you're more than welcome to leave" i finish

i walk up to him and put my finger on his chest.

" trust me tom, there are more important things now than you giving me bitchy attitude" i finish

He looks at me, bites his lip in frustration and puts his head back.

"fuck you" he says quietly.

he walks to my door and when he's about to leave i call his name , which he then turns around to look ar me.

"fuck you too" i say with a smile on my face.

he storms out and slams the door .

i turn around walking back to my couch and laugh

he's so cute when he's mad

after a few hours i think of what kim had mentioned earlier. at this point it's late at night , around 2am.

i go to my studio and get out my notebook where i brainstorm ideas

i get out my pencil and start writing whatever comes to mind.

How can i decide what's right?
when you're clouding up my mind
can't win your losing fight
all the time
Nor could I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride

i take a step back and look at what i wrote.

content i take a picture and send it to kim to see what she thinks about it.

while i'm on my phone i check social media.

that's when i come across this crazy ass headline.

Tom Kaulitz, drummer of Tokio Hotel, spotted with 3 women at NYC club.

I stare at my phone blankly.

i start laughing hysterically.


it comes to the point where i'm literally crying on how much i'm laughing. i go and dial bill.

he finally picks up

"don't tell me you saw the news too" he says

"AHAHA- bill oh god bill" i'm wheezing at this point "you need to get your brother on a leash "

"tell me about it" he says, i can practically hear the eye roll.

" i thought you and him were talking?" he asks.

i shut my mouth and suddenly everything becomes serious.

" yeah i thought so too" i awkwardly state

the line is quiet for a few seconds.

" don't worry y/n, i'll talk to tom and see what's going on" bill reassures me.

Bill and I went to the same school for the arts when we were younger, being the only 2 who were interested in alternative music, we quickly became friends. I hold Bill closely, and i appreciate him more than he thinks.

"okay" i say over the line , "thank you bill, really" i say smiling.

" anything for you rockstar" he says

i hang up the line and now realize how down i felt .

i decide to put my feelings towards tom into my lyrics.

i pick up my pencil again and write.

No, not this time
Not this time
How did we get here
When I used to know you so well?
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know
The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out

on my own.

why does he make me feel like this.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now