part 12- in my head

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i woke up the next morning with Tom gone

i look to my left and see he left me a note

Goodmorning rockstar, i'm busy as always. can't wait to see your gorgeous face .

i put the note back where it was and get up to do my daily chores.
Next day is performance day . i wake up, get ready and throw on clothes since wardrobe will dress me at the dressing rooms.

i walk to the parking garage and get into my car. i drive to the headquarters and meet my band and my crew inside.

"y/n! sweetie so nice to see you" exclaims kim

i smile and nod. she calls the group up.

"okay paraphernalia!!! today's schedule is to perform at for mtv and then we'll be having a group interview with the host ." she explains

we discuss details and everyone heads to hair and makeup. my stylist straightens my hair and puts 2 tiny side ponytails in my hair while the rest is down and spiky. it makes me look like envy adams from scott pilgrim vs the world.

she puts brown smudgy eyeliner on my waterline and does a dusty dark pink lipliner with gloss over it. she adds fake lashes and a small fake mole near my eye. i thank her and go to the dressing rooms to get styled.

my stylist puts me in a mini pleated black miniskirt, black high top converse, black stockings and a forest-y  green sweater with the words "FUCK YOU" written across it.

i laugh when i see the sweater .

i walk out the dressing room and go to warm up my vocals on stage.

slowly everyone comes on stage and warms up before the broadcast starts.

the producer lets us know when we start and we prepare ourselves.

the stage is pitch black besides the spotlight that hits me from above. i open my mouth and start singing the intro to our song (reference song is all i wanted by paramore).

we end the song and thank the public for tuning in tonight and that there more to come for this evening.

the broadcast ends , i thank the producers and camera men ,and out of breath i walk to the edge of the stage and sit there while i swing my legs.

lydia walks over and hands me a bottle of water.

"you got some good pics?" i ask her while i take a sip of the water.

"better than good" she brags.

"i'm glad" i say smiling while i chug the water.

i crush the plastic bottle in my hand and throw it into the trash can .

i turn to lydia ," you know  if i wasn't a singer i'd make a nasty basketballer" i say

she smiles and walks away while looking at the pictures she took.

kim directs us to get our make up touched up since we look like we've been sitting the heat in a summer in florida.

i get my makeup touched up by my MUA and walk back to the spot where kim was at previously.

As soon as all the members are back from touch ups we all head to the bus and make our way to the studio where we'll be interviewed.

We get off and immediately we're swarmed by fans. i can barely walk without either tripping over the sea of people asking for a picture or an autograph. i just smile and say sorry.

finally we get into the building and get directed to the studio. we get greeted by the host and sit down in the couches.

"and we're live folks!" the host explains.. " today we're joined by the lovely lovely band paraphernalia!" he says as fans cheer us on.

i smile and wave to the audience and cameras.

the host looks at us ," would you care to introduce yourselves to those who don't know who you are?" asks the host.

"of course " i state, holding my mic up.

i prop myself up and stare at the camera " hi! my name is y/n, i am the leader and main vocal of paraphernalia!" i say while smiling and cheers fill my ears.

Every member goes and introduces themselves.

"well thank you so much for this introduction " the host smiles.

"no problem " marc says.

"i've heard some rumors of a new album on the way" the host says as the audience cheers, "can you tell me some more about that?"

"i don't see why not" says vic, " we certainly are working on a new album with vibes we think our fans will love " she says

" for sure" i say " we've been hard the works and we hope this albums will get to the fans quick!" i smile and look at the audience. more cheering happens.

"now.." he says , "another rumor i've heard is that one of you has been seeing another artist!" he says

the audience "oooohs" and "ahhhhs" in suspense.

i think about tom but brush it off as no one has seen us and think it might be marc as he has been talking to a member of The Reds.

"y/n, would you like to add to that?" he asks while looking at me.

dumbfounded i ask "me?" while pointing to myself.

"well ofcourse" he smiles.

"let's see some intriguing imagines up in the screen "  he adds.

i look behind me to the screen and see tom walking out of my apartments parking garage smiling.

my face drops.

my skin goes white.

my eyes widen.

my eyebrows furrow.

and my fist clutches into a ball.

i look over to my members and they're giving me a look like i've done something horribly wrong.

who the fuck took these pictures? thats when i catch lydia looking at me from backstage with a grin on her face, while pushing her glasses up from her nose.

my nails dig into my palm from the force i'm using as i clutch my fist.

that bitch.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now