part 22: rio

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the 3 of us are scrolling through social media looking through everyone's reactions to the news coming out of me and tom.

some angry some happy some both things, but 60% of them were content.

bill closes his computer and lays his head back on the couch

"i need a vacation" he says while sighing "i've worked too hard"

"waittt should we?" i ask

"just the three of us?" tom asks

"yeah i don't see why not " bill explains

"i'm down i need a vacay too" i say

we all agree on planning a vacation, tom & bill call their manager for confirmation to take a break and i call kim.

she lets me know i have an interview in 2 days but she can move it until we come back.

we all have permission to leave for 3 days and 3 nights.

we start brainstorming on where we want to go . i DESPERATELY want to go to the beach and so did they so we had that settled in.

"i've always wanted to go to brazil " bill says

"wait omg yes " i state

both bill and i look over at tom and he nods his head in agreement.

bill opens his computer again and looks for tickets. after browsing for about 3 hours, we finally get tickets to Río De Janeiro, Copacabana beach to be specific.

i've had brazilian friends tell me all about brazil, and even picked some up along the way so i could say i know a tiny bit about the country.

the flight leaves at 8pm and we'd get there at 5. as of now it's 4 pm which leaves us with 4 hours to get ready to leave.

why are we so spontaneous.

after we're done with tickets i get up.

"i need to leave asap if i want to pack on time " i say " call me and pick me up when we're leaving to the airport " i finish

i get my keys from the kitchen counter and walk out the door.

"bye ladies " i say as i walk out.

as i say that i see atleast 5 reporters outside the door.

absolutely fucking not

i walk right back in to the house and quietly close the door.

"oh hell no" i say.

"what?" asks bill concerned

"there's like 6 reporters outside the door just standing there waiting for something to happen." i say stressed tf out.


"you're literally rich just buy all your shit in brazil" tom says while he sits up.

"i guess" i say

"how are we supposed to even leave the house" bill asks

"i have no clue" i say

we all just look at eachother.

and then we look at the fire escape our the window.

"that's our only chance" i say

"guess so" says tom

"get your passports, a backpack with clothes and lets go, you can find the rest in rio" i say as they get up and follow what i said

after 30 minutes they're done with the things they need .

"let's go" says bill

i open the window quietly, get out and set foot on the staircase. i help everyone get out and make our way down.

once we're done i see my car across the street and we sprint towards it so that paparazzi will hopefully not have a chance to see us.

i unlock the doors from my keys and everyone gets in.

i turn the car on and start driving

all i hear is bill huffing and puffing in the back

"it's clear someone here doesn't work out" tom says jokingly

"oh fuck you" bill says while catching his breath.

"we still have like 2 hours left" i say while looking at the time in the car , "i want a coffee, do y'all?" i ask

" i could go for some" bill says

"me too" says tom

"cool, i know a spot" i say while handing the aux to bill, letting him put music on while we get there.

we arrive to the coffee shop which is in a quiet part of the city . i park infront. we get out and see the big sign "LATE JULY brewing co." out by front displaying the name of the coffee shop.

we walk in and and go to the counter.

"hello welcome to late july , may i take your order?" welcomes the cashier.

"hi yeah uhmmmmm i'll just have an iced americano " i say and look back to the boys as they look at the menu

"i'll have a hot latte with caramel please " bill says

now the 3 of us , including the cashier, are looking at tom, waiting for his response.

"i'll have large caramel frappe with chocolate drizzle and whipped cream please and thank you " tom says.

"oh!" the cashier says "well alright" the cashier says as she jots down our orders.

"that'll be 10.34" she says

"here you go" i say as i take out 15$ out of my kate spade wallet.

we stand to the side to wait for our coffees and while we wait me and bill make fun of tom for having such a sweet tooth.

"it's good and i don't want to hear it from you boring fuckers" he says as he gives us the middle finger.

the cashier calls our order and gives us our coffees. we leave the shop and thank the cashier.

we get back in the car and make our way to the airport. i glance at tom and he's going ham on his coffee.

"is it good?" i say on the verge of busting out laughing.

he gives me a side eye and nods his head.

bill laughs and after 40 mins we arrive at the airport.

i consulted a car company which will bring my car back to my home after i leave . i give my car keys to the valet and thank him as we go inside.

all of us enter the airport and go through the routine checks and security. once we're done we walk to our designated gate and we go to the seating area and wait until our flight is called.

tom sleeps and bill reads a magazine while we wait.

after an hour we get called and start boarding.

we go inside the plane and get into our seats. i get window, tom gets middle and bill gets aisle.

i rest my head back and turn to tom

"wake me up when we land " i tell him

"ofcourse baby " he says

i lean on his shoulder, close my eyes and fall into sleep

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now