Part 3-Back and Forth

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As soon as i got to my hotel room i took off my clothes and got into the shower.

i dry off and pick up my phone

Should i text him?

I sit down while my hair is soaking wet while in my robe and text tom

hey it's me, y/n just wanted to let you know it was me and not some rando lol

I put my phone down in nervousness. i bite my nail and decide to change into my pjs. i check back to my phone once i'm done and realize he texted me back .

hi y/n i'm glad you texted me back, just a little sad you didn't give me time to kiss you back 🙁

i giggled at the screen.

oh god i'm acting like a teenage girl

i didn't even know you wanted to do that HAHA we just met ! - I replied

welllll then let's get to know eachother :) i'm guessing you'll still be in town tomorrow right?- He replies back

I'm in town until sunday, then i'm going back to nyc where i currently live, so yes , i will still be in town ! -I send back

Perfect, get all dolled up and beautiful by 8pm, i will pick you up by then and i want to show you the nicest club in L.A , i'll see you tomorrow then y/n -He says


a gentleman of true fashion i see :) i'll see you then too tom, goodnight ! 💤- I send

goodnight ❤️- he sends back

i put down my phone all look up to the ceiling.

i smile

I JUST met him today and he's already making me feel so nice. there's something about him i just know there is.

-morning after-

today is a day for all the members to just do what they want until we head back tomorrow. Vic and Marc are staying in but i think Raul is heading to some trail. I stay in until the clock hits 6:30 which is my cue to get ready.

I shower and straighten my hair .

I do black waterline eyeliner and any dark pink lipliner with coffee lipgloss combo.

I decide on a dark blue long sleeve top with a mini bow on the front , ripped black mini shorts, ripped fishnets and black boots.

once i'm done it's 7:56. I hear my ringer and pick up the phone to realize it's Tom calling.

Hey princess, you ready to head out? his deep voice comes through my speaker

Hey! yeah i'm done and all set - i reply as i spray on some of my cologne

Perfect, come downstairs i'm waiting for your outside, Skyline GT-R is out here for youuuu-he teases

HAHAH, okay okay i'll be downstairs in a sec, see uuu-i reply and then hang up

I walk downstairs and leave the doors as i see him parked waiting for me.

i open the door and go inside

"hey" i say while shutting the car door

"hey" he says back at me smiling ,looking at me up and down . "don't you look amazing"

"awe you think so?" i respond

"i know so" he smirks

"so where to?" i ask

"my friend owns this club, Club Ivy, apparently it's the newest hot thing and he hooked me up with free drinks so why not try it with this special lady" he says as he holds my hand and kisses the back of it.

" you know for a rockstar , you're hell of a lot of a gentleman" i snicker

" what can i say i just have to treat my ladies right" he smiles

-at the club-

We both get off as we step outside the club.

for 9pm it is FILLED to the brim. There's a long ass line tailing around the building. Tom holds my hand and leads us to the entrance.

"Tom! what a pleasant surprise to see you here" says the bouncer for the club.

"Thought i'd check out the mighty James's club he has here tonight" tom adds

"Well you're more than welcome here" the bouncer says as he lets us in "have fun"

The music shakes the place up, house music fills my ears and bodies moving fill my eyes.

Tom looks at me

"Let's hit up the bar yea?"

"yeah sure!" i reply

i dont realize he's still holding my hand until he lets go when we sit down at the bar.

I order a shot of vodka while tom gets a whiskey sour. after getting our drinks, an obviously drunk girl comes up to tom and starts hitting on him.

I'm jealous. super fucking jealous.

I'm not with him though so i have no reason to be jealous right?

Tom tells her to go somewhere else and apologizes to me. i can't blame him. Tom is extremely hot and for him to get hit on isn't unordinary.

He orders 3 more drinks while i decide to just get a moscow mule.

he's absolutely plastered.


"oooooookayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..." he replies

I get up from my seat and go to the bathroom .

Once i come out i see tom in the dance floor. i thought i told him to stay by the bar but okay. his back is facing me but i can sense something isn't okay.

I walk closer to him and move his arm just to see him making out with the girl that had hit on him earlier.

"what the fuck." i say

Tom looks back at me and realizes i'm there

"What?" he replies "i'm just tryna have some funnnnn" he says with a smirk on his face, still kissing the girl.

Instead of doing something stupid, i just keep calm and walk away .

i may seem calm, but if i had a knife in my hand right this moment, i would kill.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now