chapter 34: do it

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i wake up but not open my eyes.

the feeling of a ...MARKER??? ON MY FACE???

immediately i open my eyes to bill and tom looming over me gigging as tom draws something on my forehead

"BITCH" i scream

tom and bills laughs get LOUD and i get up to catch tom and hit him but he's too fast and runs away

i jump from the couch and chase his bitchass around while he runs around the studio like a monkey until i finally catch him.

"cmere you WHORE" i say as i grab him by the arms and punch him playfully

"ouuuucccchh-uh" he whines

i whip out my phone from my back pocket and click the camera.

on my forehead there's an big third eye,on my right cheek there's a penis and on the left is a vagina, on my stache is well, a mustache and on my chin there's little lines that mimics a lil beard.

"y'all think this is so funny don't you." i say annoyed.

they laugh but i keep my serious attitude

"oh my god both of you need to kill yourselves" i say as i walk to my drawer next to my desk where i keep makeup wipes.

i still hear those dumbasses giggling.

"what time is it" i ask as i wipe the marker off

"8:27" says bill

"oh ma gawd " i say as i widen my eyes realizing how long i slept.

"oh and kim called you, i picked up and she just told me that the tour was gonna kickstart in 2 weeks so... get ready for that " he says

i sigh and let out all the air trapped in my lungs


-two weeks later-

the breeze hits me as i'm waiting to get on the tour bus. Kim just goes over the protocol of what's going to go down.

"the way they had a tour bus from nyc to la is crazy" i whisper to vic who's next to me. which isn't really next to me as she's about 6 inches taller than me.

"it's so stupid like why can't we just fly like we did last time" she says as she sways the pillow in her arm in anger

"true that" i respond

tokio hotel comes to where we , as in paraphernalia are standing waiting patiently for the lecture to end.

the group quietly comes over as kim wraps up what she has to say

"y/n, vic" she says once she's done

vic and i look at eachother nervously knowing we're about to get scolded.

"the REASON we couldn't get a plane to go there is because executives thought it'd be better if fans could know where your location was throughout the tour, it gets more engagement with fans which in turn gets into more revenue, now both bands please go ahead and chose what tour bus you want to join, you may mix together" she says

both vic and i let out a sigh followed by a laugh

i look over to tom and bill as they both wave to come with them

"you tryna ride with bill and tom?" i ask vic

"and third wheel you and tom? ha yeah right " she scoffs

"bill is going to be there too and it's not like we're gonna be all over eachother" i say

she rises her eyebrows but eventually gives him

"alright then " she says as she grabs her pillow and her sticks and walks over to the second bus where the twins are located

i follow behind dragging my luggage with me until i join them too

"long time no see" vic says as she does this over complicated handshake with tom.

"for sure " he says as he looks over to me and drags me with him.

"long time no see with you either " he says as he wraps me tightly with his arms and gives me a bunch of kisses all over my face.

if he had lipstick on he'd probably leave my face all red.

i laugh at him and he lets go as i just turn to him and hold his hand

"ewwwwwwwuh i thought i wasn't gonna third wheel" says vic

"i'm right here you know" bill says as he looks at vic

"you know what" vic says "let's make it miserable for them too" she says as she holds bills hands and he pulls vic into fake make out kisses, making gross noises to mock me and tom.

"ooooooOOoOoO tOm!" vic says

"y/n oh man!" bill mocks in this fake deep voice

"oh my god y'all are so petty " i laugh i walk over to the side of the bus where i open the big space on the side to put the luggage

"stop being weirdos and bring all the things you needs put over here" says tom laughing aswell

both vic and bill finally knock it off and bring their stuff over here while laughing

we load up the thins and make our way inside

the bus is HUGE , on both sides are couches and 2 tvs are mounted on the walls, there's ac and heating, in the back there's 2 twin beds and the nicest bathroom is in there too.

"dude check it out" says tom as he points to the mini fridge

bill , vic and i look at eachother confused until he turns around and there's a bottle of don julio on one hand and smirnoff on the other

"dude i am NOT getting drunk this early on" i say " we haven't even left the place" i say as i point outside where everyone is barely getting on their bus.

"man it must be so crowded over there" bill says

" dudes there's literally the same amount of people on that bus than on this one" says vic

"yeah but they got stuck with all the dudes while we get all the LADIESSS" bill says as he waves his arms around


crickets . literal crickets.

"alright bro.." vic says as she lets herself fall on the couch

"y'all lame" he says as he gets on the other couch too

i just laugh and get my camera out

"are you about to record a porno" asks tom out of nowhere

"excuse me" i say

"what??? it's a question " he says as he rips open a bag of chips

"shut the fuck up" i say " ima record and then post it to our website so fans can see it and it be like little personal vlogs!" i say

"that's cute y/n" says vic as she twirls her sticks inbetween her fingers

"yeah so tom be normal for once in your life please" i say

he rolls his eyes sassily and i start my very long vlog

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