part 29: wind

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alice makes her way to where i'm standing , i try to walk away, or say something or take a step towards showing i'm not scared of her. which i'm not. but i just froze.

the sound of her heel boots clicking against the hard concrete floor in the empty echoing parking lot fills my ears.

she stops when she's about 2 feet away from me.

"i met lydia" she tells me as she smiles at me. "she seems nice "

i grit my teeth and tighten my jaw.

"the band told me what she did to you " she says as she walks around me slowly in a circle. "and what you did to her" she finishes.

"what do you want alice" i say as i give her an annoyed smile.

"you" she says as she stops infront of me, only this time closer than before.

she reaches over and twirls a strand of my hair with her pointer finger.

"i've missed you so much" she says as she comes close to my face, as if she were going in for a kiss.

" back the FUCK up alice" i say as i shove my hand between us. "you don't get the right to act like this as if you weren't the one who left unapologetically "

she just stares at me

"and i'm more than aware that you know about me and tom so i suggest you stay away" i say as i furrow my brows.

"don't tell me you actually love him" she says as she crosses her arms annoyed

" if i do or i dont it's none of your business to get involved in " i say " keep away alice, know your place as a guest and don't overstep, no one actually wants you here,my stupid company just wanted you to be featured here, don't think too much of it" i say as i shove her away with my hand

she scoffs

"i tried to be nice but it's obvious you don't want it that way" she says "either break up with him and get back with me or i'll spread the news that you and him have been together for much longer while he cheated"

i start laughing

"i don't know if that's supposed to intimidate me or something but, it's not going to work." i say " you've crossed your line as someone inferior and it's clear changes need to be made " i say

i grab my bags that i had dropped earlier and pick them up, i turn around and get ready to walk away

"oh and" i pause and turn back to her, "stop fucking stalking me you creep and leave me alone"

she stares at me with an annoyed face as i walk into my apartment building .

i finally make my way inside my home and immediately slide down the door , making my way down to the floor.


i take out my phone from my pocket and immediately call vic



i just came back from brazil right

yes that's correct

you'll never fucking guess who's waiting for me outside my APARTMENT BUILDING as soon as i come out the car


just guess



you're shitting me

on my mom i'm not


she's just like , i left my car and she calls me and not knowing it was her i picked up and she's like "behind you😈" on some creepy shit like what???

and was she?!



i swear to fucking god dude like

she was your girlfriend right?

....yes.... how do you know that...

i don't know if i should tell you this but, literally throught the three days you were gone she would not stop texting us about you

like telling y'all about us???

yes she would constantly text the group chat about how much she missed you

hold on. GROUPCHAT???

oh shit yeah that too, she made a groupchat and i guess she made it without you in it but everyone else in the band is in it

are you serious


what the fuck vic

i'm so sorry i would've told you sooner but thought it was better to tell you once you came back

please tell me no one likes her

no one likes her

thank god

we're just so ready for her to wrap her shit up and leave. as soon as recording and performances end we hope to not see her again

jesus christ.....well thank you vic, i'll see you guys tomorrow at the studio along with that freak, love you lots, goodnight

goodnight y/n, love ya

i hang up and place my phone down in the floor. i just kinda sit there and think about why she's so invasive. she's like a parasite trying to take away everything i have for no seemingly good benefit.

i sigh and get up, knowing i need to get ahold of myself.

i place my bag in the couch and go to the studio. i need to get all my anger out . as i enter my studio i walk over to my drum set and start playing around with it. i eventually decide to practice a bit with some deftones which i haven't had the chance to do so in a while.

(creds to this lovely creator, mad talented)

after sweating my ass off with the whole routine, i get a text from vic

i know we said goodnight but milo is throwing a party tonight i just thought you'd like to decompress, invite anyone you wanna, just text me if you're going

i just stare hard at that message.

do i want to go? am i in the mood to go??

i text bill

i'm having a shitty night and vic just invited me to milo's party, so you think it'll be good if we go together?

i put my phone down and wait a few minutes until he responds

if you're not feeling it , then i get it, but i think id be nice to clear your head for a bit, we can stay there for an hour tops maybe, whatever you feel like doing

i stare at the text and think about what i want

do i want to stay home and relax?

or do i want to go out and party to try to forget about the bad things?

i stay in a balanced weight, a perfect 50/50

what do i do.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now