Part 4- foward

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I walk out the club and call a cab to get back to my hotel.

i get in cab, tell the driver i'm off to my hotel and lean my head against the window.

i'm dumbfounded.

i thought we had it going on. i really for once thought we were going to at-least have something nice even if it lasted for a bit. my whole perception of him was twisted. and the fact i'd have to see him again soon in music based events hurt me.

-At the Hotel-

I get out my cab , pay the driver and thank him.

i go to my room and completely crumble. i wash off in the shower and get my pjs on.

i lay in my bed while i go through our previous texts. was he only interested in me to get in my pants? was all of it a front?? does he even enjoy being around me? all these questions raced in my mind.

that's when i get a notification

1 new message
- Tom❤️ : we really need to talk y/n

I look at my phone with an expression full of shock and disgust.

NOW he wants to talk???

i don't even open the message. explaining won't do anything. I get another message from paraphernalia's manager ,Kim, giving us our flight details for tomorrow.

i'm out early tomorrow at 8.

I put my phone down but immediately get back on it, looking at toms message from my lock screen. before i have the chance to cry i put my phone back down, turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

-In the morning-

I wake up and do my whole routine before i'm out to meet up my band members in the bus.

They realize i'm upset or at the very least down about something but don't ask as i've been feeling like this since the other night at the awards.

We arrive at the airport. And to my amazing luck Tokio Hotel just happened to be flying with us to reduce the chances of crazy fans getting on our flights and pulling something stupid. The band "The Reds" was also flying with us.

We all meet up infront of the gate where we wait until we get called up . i feel eyes on me. i feel a pair of eyes on me.

I don't want to look around because i already know who's watching my every step.

I pray i dont sit next to him, though with him it's playing a russian roulette.

We get called up to board and make my way to my seat. I'm looking at my ticket and the floor, checking the letter and number.


Bingo that's my seat!

I look up and god. i dont even. no . it cannot be . i deny deny and deny.

He's sitting there. in the middle seat. with his hand on his chin and his eyes on me like a hawk. his mouth slightly curves upward.

"excuse me" i say in a monotone voice, as i need to get to the window seat.

" oh yeah yeah sorry" he says as he shuffles his long legs closer to him.

I'm at the point where EVERYTHING he does pisses me off. like who does he think he is?????

I get on my seat and situate myself. i get my book from my bag "Demian" by Herman Hesse , as i plan to read for a bit as it's only a 5 hour flight to NYC.

why does he keep staring at me. Do i have a huge mole on my face?

He slides me a note to my little table i can pull up from the seat infront of me.

"i'm so sorry y/n, i really don't want us to be in bad terms" it says in his sharp, messy handwriting.

Though i'm angry, i also don't want to end this in bad terms and be forever angry at him.

I sigh

"what do you want?" i whisper as the whole cabin is quiet, and turn my head to him.

he reaches over to my hand to hold it "i'm so sorry, i know i've already said it but i mean it" he says as he lifts my hand up and kisses the back of it.

i look at him with a confused expression

" can we talk about it?" he asks as he puts my hand down.

I stare at him blankly

" 1234 avenue , nyc NY number 736" , i say  " that's my apartment , i don't feel like talking now but you're welcome to come to my place to chit chat"

He smiles like he's a kid in a candy store. He pulls out his notebook and writes my address down.

I put my head against the window and hope i didn't make a mistake.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now