Part 5- Home at last

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We arrive in NYC and say our goodbyes . Manager Kim lets me know that she wants a song by the end of the month , " a rough draft at the least" she says. no biggie

I think back to a few hours and still ponder if what i did was a good idea.

I shake off the overthinking and leave the airport before anyone recognizes me. i call a taxi and make my way to my condo.

-at home-

I open my door and immediately a wave of comfort goes over me. Who knew home is what i missed the most. I enter, close the door and stand by the doorway for a few seconds. I watch over my living room and the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city scape.


quiet is everything that fills my home. i'm all alone. no one by my side.

Its never bothered me until i realized everyone around me had that special someone. Vic had her girlfriend, Marc had his family and Raul had his dog.

But i had no one.

I move on and make my way to my room where i leave my luggage and my million bags i brought with me.


I check my phone and see it's tom who texted me.

I hope you made it home safe, is it okay if i come later in the day? he asks

ok. i respond coldly

Though i've given him the chance to explain himself , it doesn't mean i'm completely okay with him.

Tired from the flight, i lay down on my bed and close my eyes. i knock out cold.


i wake up to the sounds of banging on my door

holy shit i say to myself

i get up , borderline fucking afraid of who's banging on my door. these are the types of situations on where i'm mad that i don't have a peephole.

I open the door and it's Tom.

He's holding a bouquet of black roses.

Like the time he got me in the dressing rooms.

"hey" he says with a smile

"hey" i respond

"can i come in?" he asks

" seems like i don't have an option" i say in a bitchy tone.

his expression saddens and walks in.

"nice home you've got here" he compliments

"thanks only a rent of 16k" i say sarcastically

he laughs and explores my home without asking.

i let myself fall into the couch and put my hair up .

he walks back into the living room after going through my home "here" he says while handing me the bouquet.

"thanks" i say

he gives me an awkward smile " so," he starts " i know you're pissed right now, i get it ,uh but uhm i"

i raise my eyebrows and keep my apathetic face expression on , waiting for him to explain.

" that night i was plastered" he explains " and i'm sure you saw me in that state" he continues, " what i'm about to say is going to be so fucked , so don't be shocked please"

i wait for him to continue

" i genuinely thought she was you" he states.

"okay get the fuck out of my home" i say while i get out walking towards the door.

"wait what IM SORRY IM NOT LYING" He yells.

"THAT BITCH WAS BLONDE!??!?" i point to my black hair "DOES MY HAIR LOOK BLONDE!??" i yell bamboozled by what the fuck he just said.

" i TOLD you it was going to sound crazy that's why i have you a heads up !?" he yells back.

" Tom what the actual fuck." i stare at him

"I, Tom Kaulitz, PROMISE YOU , i'm speaking nothing but the truth " he explains while coming towards me.

A part of me wants to kick him out for his bullshit. But another part of me knows he's being honest.

" i don't need you to forgive me" he says 2 feet away from me , " well i do need you to forgive me , it'd be great but" he awkwardly continuous , "i just want you to atleast understand a little bit"

i look back at him with a half confused half blank face expression.

"please?!" he begs

he's gorgeous. looking at him so close. His eyes, his nose, his piercings god his piercings. i can't help but crumble inside.

He caresses the side of my cheek while i'm looking up at him.

he mouths please

annoyed i look away and sigh, a way of telling him "okay, i'll let it go".

He pulls me in for a hug for a few seconds when he then picks me up.


i thank god i pat 6k monthly for sound proof walls. or else i'd be in deep shit.

He puts me down and says thank you over and over again.

"can i stay here for a while?" he asks " i really want to see you and get to know you more than i already do"

the corners of my mouth turn upwards and i look away , " i guesss" i say.

He smiles and flashes his teeth while doing so.

"i've never been so happy, y/n, truly happy" he tells me

"yeah yeah whatever" i say "im going to shower and change , im sweaty and gross from the plane" i continue " i have snacks in the pantry and food in the fridge so make yourself at home if you want to" i state

i look back while walking to my bathroom and he's staring at me with the most lovey dovey eyes.

i walk into my bathroom and immediately roll down my door and get on the floor.

i smile at myself.

he's put me under a spell hasn't he.

ROCKSTAR ( Tom Kaulitz x Reader) FFWhere stories live. Discover now