Thank you

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Thank you all so much for all your kind words. It us unbelievable to see so much love towards a story. My intention for writing this story was very simple. There was a lot of negativity going around and all I wanted was to bring in some positivity. My theory in life is that when there is negative energy around you, just attack it with a whole lot of positivity. Some people have called me delusional and some have even called it toxic positivity but, you know what, I don't care.  I just want people to feel good, as simple as that, but you guys have showered me with so much love. I have earned some beautiful friendships through this platform and I am immensely grateful for that.

I am going to leave this story open. I might come back, every now and then, to write an OS based on these characters. For now, I will take a short break but before leaving, I just want to tell you guys to hang in there. There is always light on the other end of the tunnel, you just have not seen it yet. Be it studies, work, higher education, whatever it is, just stay strong. Believe that only good things are in store for you. Somethings that might seem negative at the moment will, eventually, turn out to be good for you.

As far as Ashaangi go, everything is going great with them as well. Do not rely on hear say. If you are following them on instagram, they are clearly giving direct clues. Just follow that. Fake ID's will make you believe what they say. There are people who are trying to increase their visibility. They have PR teams working for them. You can clearly see someone using the help of bots to increase their followers every day by thousands in number. These are planned. Just believe what comes out of the horse's mouth.

Let us Hope for the best to happen soon, Believe in the clues they are giving us and Magic is going to happen soon. 💜

Love you all. Do stay in touch with me and I will meet you all soon with something special.

Brinda Subramanian

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