Chapter 1

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⚠️english is not my first language ⚠️

edited 03/02/24

So right now I'm at my dad's lab, working on my spider-cam. They're actually pretty cool but sometimes they're cause their little processors overheat. In fact spider-cams are little tech-spiders you can control with a tablet so you can take a look through doors before entering a room. My Spotify plays "Give it to me" by Henrik and while I go upstairs to get a new coffee I sing along a bit "If you see us in a club, we'll be acting real nice, if you see us on the floors, you'll be watching all night..." until I saw someone standing right before me.

I slowly look up to see the face of my dad who seems really REALLY annoyed. "What?" He crossed his arms, raised one eyebrow like he always does when I mess up "Meeting, honey. I told you I'd have a meeting at 8" Shit...I forgot about this one, I guess. "Sorry" I mumbled while walking very careful back to the stairs I came from without breaking eye-contact with my dad once. At least until I heard a very curious voice asking "Who is this?" That's when my head flipped to the table in the middle of the wasn't just one of those was an avenger-meeting and even Phil was here. Heat rushed into my cheeks and I wished I could just disappear as I drowned in embarrassment.

I met Phil as a little girl when he rescued me after I was being kidnapped, since then he was like my Uncle and would take care of me when Mom and Dad had to go on a business trip. We get along really good. Actually, he didn't rescue me. It was Loki, Thor's brother and since then kind of my brother too. He took me for about one year to Asgard (Phil was informed about that but for the time it was safer to keep me away from Earth and by now my parents also know) and after said year Loki brought me back to Earth, where Phil took me back to my parents.
What am I even thinking...just go Y/N

Anyways...the voice that asked belonged to a man with a red very-alive cloak. My dad kept everything Avengers-related away from me so I didn't know who everyone is. I just have the names and now I can try to puzzle them together. So besides Mr. alive-cloak there were a big blonde guy, I assume Captain America because I can't imagine anyone else here being him, right next to him an angry looking guy with a metal arm and a guy who looks VERY annoyed at blonde guy.
To go on, there was Bruce Banner, I saw him once in dad's lab but he didn't saw me, Phil (obviously), Thor and a cute redhaired girl next to a handsome white-haired boy. On the other side of the table I saw a friend of dads, I guess his name's James, a very young boy (maybe 17?) and a short blonde guy with a stern face. But every thinking process stopped when I saw the women right next to that man. I'm talking about a redhaired woman with god-like beautiful emerald-green eyes. Normally I can read people easily but her face seems to say nothing and everything at all. She just sits there and stares at me.
"Y/N! Princess of Asgard!" Thor literally screamed. I love him but I gotta say most of the time Loki is easier to deal with... He got some confused looks, I may add that the redhead still looked at me, still with an unreadable expression. "Hello Y/n" Phil sighed and from the counter where the fridge was my dad said "To be more specific, my daughter. Y/n Stark."
With a "See ya Uncle Phil" I ran down the stairs back to my spider-cams. I heard the people upstairs basically bombarding my dad with questions like "You have another daughter?"
"Since when?" "How old is she?" "Why didn't you tell us about her?" "Why does Thor and Coulson know about her?" "Why did you keep her secret?" I don't like people. He's gonna be pissed later.
But maybe, just maybe he would give me a chance to be part of the team finally. It's not like I got no skills. Plus, my spider-cams could be really useful. And I could go back to training my combat skills I once learned. He has to give me a chance. I'm 19 now, not the little 6 y/o girl that got kidnapped and went missing for 2 years . Maybe...just maybe I'd get a chance.
I forgot to make my coffee before I fled the scene. Great.

813 words
I'll try to update regularly
if you have ideas, dm me :)

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