Chapter 11

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I could feel that she's still a bit tense about her nightmare but I decided that I won't ask about it. If she wants to talk about it she will.
I almost forgot that she hit me while she was asleep until Natasha reached out for her coke and brushed against the exact same spot again causing me to breath in a bit too sharp to go unnoticed.
She sat up suddenly and looked at me with worry in her eyes.
I tried to explain but I didn't want to make her feel even worse "It's nothing. You accidentally hit me when I tried to wake you but it doesn't hurt, just still a bit sensitive. It's nothing to worry about, I promise"
"Shit...I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't-" I interrupted her again with putting my finger index on her lips.
I smiled reassuring "It's fine, Tasha. I mean it. Nothing to worry about"
And with that I handed her the coke and lay back down. It was until a few moments later that I realized that I called her 'Tasha' the whole evening. I never meant to, it just happend. Shit. Hope she didn't notice. I never called her Tasha before, always Natasha or Agent Romanoff when we were joking.
Most of the team members stared at us weirdly or commented it when Natasha wasn't around.
It seemed to be unusal for her to joke around with anybody that much except Clint and my dad , which made me wondering.
Of course she was having fun with the others too, but that amount of humor and laughing seemed, as I said, unusual for her.
But it probably was just because I sometimes hang out with Clint and because I was the daughter of my dad.
Clint was actually a cool guy with a good sense of humor.
Now that I think about it... Noone calls her 'Tasha' for some reason. Clint, Steve, Wanda and my parents call her 'Nat', Thor calls her either by her name or 'Lady Romanoff/Natasha'. Bruce once tried to call her Nat but dropped it immediately when she looked at him as if she wanted to kill him. At least that's what Bucky and Clint are telling me. The majority called her Natasha.
So why has noone ever tried Tasha? I honestly like it. But I won't even try to call her nicknames, I'd probably be dead in less than a second.
She dragged me out of my thoughts when she moved to get more comfortable.
She didn't seemed bothered up here, so this place seems to work for her as good as it does for me.
When I concluded that she probably will be ok here I got up and qas about to makey way down to the lab. She probably needed some space and some time alone to fully calm down and go to bed again.
But to my suprise I heard her voice when I put the empty coke on the shelf and made my way to the door.
"Stay...? Please...?"
Why would she want my company? But I shurgged it off and nod.
On my way back to her I grabbed another blanket so we wouldn't get could and connected my music box. I threw th blanket on her and lay back next to her. My Spotify decided that Taylor Swift is gonna be what we're hearing by itself but I didn't complain. The music qas quiet enough to be not disturbing, it matched with our surrounding sounds.
"Stars are beautiful" it was again the redhead who looked amazed to the sky as if she would see them the first time.
"They really are. Sometimes you can see a few constellations but I think it's too cloudy for that right now"
She smiled and hummed in agreement "I never took my time to appreciate the night sky, maybe I should do it more often. It's definitely worth it"
Now I was the one to smile.
After that we lay there in a comfortable silence, just relaxing and admiring the night and it's benefits.
After a while Natasha hummed. I turned my head and looked at her questioningly.
"'Tasha' huh?" she chuckled. Oh shit...not unnoticed.
One more advantage of darkness? Nobody can see when you get flushed cheeks. I'm sure there wasn't much difference between me and a tomato but to my luck Natasha couldn't see that
"Uhm ....yeah 'bout that. I'm sorry, it just slipped....almost the whole evening ...but I-I was just trying to... I don't know.... won't happen again, was an accident"
Natasha chuckled again
"It's alright, no reason to freak out. Just never met anyone who considered Tasha as nickname. And I won't kill you if you accidentally call me that. Clint and Bucky are exaggerating when they tell about my reaction to Bruce nicknaming me."
"Nah I'm not so sure about that one" I laughed.
She pretended to be outraged for a second but dropped it and joined my laughter.
Her voice is beautiful and even though I don't love her I'm convinced that it's as angelic as her laughter sounds.
The clouds have gotten less with the time that passed so you could see more and more stars.
"Look at that, now you can see the 'Big Dipper'. It's a small constellation but actually just a part of 'The Bear'. Or 'Ursa Major' to be precise with the names."
She smiled at me but answered "Y/N, I don't know a thing about constellations. I don't even know what you're pointing at, I just think that stars are beautiful"
A played shocked was written on my face when I gasped and said "Natasha Romanoff, how dare you? I could explain you a bit but I don't know everything aswell"
"That'd be very generous of you Ms. Stark" she answered as playful as I began.
I explained to her everthing I knew about Ursa Major and every other constellation when we saw it. Those we couldn't see at the moment would be something to talk about when we would see them.
Except for that we talked about many other things. We talked about all kind of stuff, just what came to our mind. And sometimes we would just listen to the music and watch the stars for a few minutes.

After a couple of hours we both got kinda cold so we decided to go to bed again and sleep a bit.
Natasha seemed ok again so I felt comfortable to leave her alone in the room where I found her.
"Goodnight Y/N. And thank you again." the redhead smiled thankfully.
"Of course. I'll be there in case you need me anytime. Night.... Tasha" I teased her one last time.
We both laughed as she entered her room and I made my way to mine. This would be one of the nights where I fall asleep with a smile on my face.
Maybe we would meet up there more often in the future. I wouldn't be too unhappy about that.
It's not bad having some company, especially as good company as she is. Yes, I like her.
Whatever bothers her, she's a good person and maybe I can show her someday how I see her as a person.
And with that my eyes shut close and I went to the world if my dreams.

words: 1231

So I'm going on vacation next Sunday and with the time change and stuff the next chapter might be delayed a day or two

Hope ya'll good and have a good week ❤️🩵

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