Chapter 41

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I tried to open my eyes but bright white light made me shut them immediately. It's too bright in here.
Wait... where's 'here' anyway? Did hydra got me? No, it can't be...I got to the jet and I remember arriving at the tower. Am I dead? Huh, don't be ridiculous Y/N, you're not dead. So either I only dreamed about getting back or I am actually at the tower. Again I tried to open my eyes and this time I managed to keep them open. As my eyes got used to the lightend room I took a look around the room. To my feed laid my favorite black furr-ball. He seemed to be peacefully asleep and couldn't help but smile at how big he got over the last almost- two years. To my right side was mainly red hair but I could spot the beautiful face that was covered by it. Carefully I reached out to her and put a strand behind her ear. Even though she's asleep she seems worried and scared. I decided to let her get the sleep she probably needed instead of waking her but failed as I began to cough when I wanted to remove my hand from her face. I tried to muffle my coughs but they woke her nonetheless.
"Y/N? No...not again! Please......stop it" her breath was quickening and tears began to escape her eyes "help me...I can't do this anymore" "Nat, I'm here for you" I took her hand into my own to reassure her but she just cried and whispered desperately "No...please...please stop...i-i can't wake up again and-" "hey, hey Nat stop" I tried to calm her down "Tasha... it's me. You're not having another nightmare. I promise. I'm here. Please Tasha" For a few seconds she stared at me in disbelief before her head crashed onto my chest, her hands finding a way under me to pull me as close as possible. I tried to shift in a more comfortable position, which woke Hades who now moved right next to Nat's head.

Just as Nat's sniffles had calm down and her grip around me loosen a bit Clint entered the room.
"Hey old man" I greeted him and the archer dropped his phone in disbelief. "Y-Y/N?"
I chuckled and nod. He placed the plate he brought with him to the side and rushed over to me to give me a long, bone-crushing hug. I groaned at the sudden pain and he let go of me again "Sorry, I'm just relieved that you're back with us" Natasha, who sat up straight again smiled in agreement as she was mindlessly playing with my hand. "Wait here, I gotta inform the team" he stood up to go but turned around before leaving "and don't you dare to call me old again little goblin" We both laughed and with that he was gone.

At least for like ten minutes, that's when he came back, followed by pretty much everyone who lives here. Mom and Wanda basically sprinted to me and pulled me in their embrace trying not to hurt me. That whole hugging thing did go on for a while, Tasha moved her chair a bit further away from my bed and everyone seemed so happy. I hugged dad last but probably the longest. A second before he pulled away he whispered in my ear "Don't you dare pulling shit like this ever again or you're grounded for lifetime" It was only now that I realized how strange everything here was.
"Hold on a minute, what's going on here? Why are you acting so strange?" It was Wanda who answered "We were just really worried about you. I mean, you do remember bleeding like shit and fainting the moment you got back?"
"Yeah I do but it's not like it's the first time someone gets back from a mission and is hurt or unconscious? Come on, I m not the first who gets back and is out for a few days, it's no big deal, is it? It's not like I fucking died or something"
"You... don't know?" Pietro's voice was filled with pain but that didn't help my confusion.
"I don't know what? ...Guys. I don't know what?" I looked around but everyone seemed to avoid my gaze except for Clint. He sighed "Come on guys, visiting hour is over" Everyone left, Pietro, Clint and my dad hugged me again and Clint whispered something to Natasha before they shut the door behind them.

I look over at her but she zoned out, fiddeling with her own hands. "Tasha?" She jumped at my voice but looked at me, a similar pain I noticed from Pietro now reflecting in her eyes. What did I miss? What happened? That's when I remembered the USB Stick I got for Shield. "No wait, I need to see Phil" I freed myself from all the cabels and everything that possibly tied me to machines or the bed. I need to find Phil and give him the stick. "No Y/N, calm down" Natasha stood up but I was faster and managed go get out of bed. I tried to ignore the sudden headache but it was close to impossible. "No, wait!" Nat hugged me from behind, preventing me from moving. I groaned giving up  after a few more seconds, letting myself sink into the redhead, trying to focus on her instead of the headache and trying to keep myself conscious. She clearly noticed and just picked me up and carried me back to the bed to lie me down.

She kissed me on the forehead and wanted to leave but I hold on to her wrist "Please..." tears began to escape my eyes "please don't go..." It was a barely audible whisper but she heard it and sat back down "I-i feel so helpless. I don't knwo why you all are acting so strange a-and I need to get to Phil to give him the Stick. I-I found a stick at the hydra base and managed to get it before the informant snitched on me, maybe it's useful and w-why was Clint so shocked to see me awake, w-why were you? W-what did you mean when you said t-that you can't do it again? Why is everything weird? What h-happened?" Now the tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face and my whole body trembled. I just want to get rid of that helplessness. Nat laid down next to me and pulled me close. My head was buried in her chest and even though I didn't process the words she was saying she whispered sweet nothings until I finally calmed down again. I breathed in her scent a last time before I pulled away to look at her. "Please Tasha...what happend?" She took a deep breath and gently stroked my cheek "First of all, don't worry about the stick. We found it in your jacket and Phil gave it to Fury." She sighed again and closed her eyes as if she's trying desperately to forget something "What Pietro meant what you don't haven't been out for a few days..." I wiped a tear away that ran down her cheek with the hand that wasn't holding hers before she continued "and did almost die, that's why everyone was so freaked out about that comment. No one was sure if you'd make it 'til the moment you woke up. That's why Clint was so flabbergasted. And why I reacted so...strange. All that time I stayed here with you hoping you'd wake up eventually. I wouldn't leave you and Clint brought me food every day. He visited you together with Pietro and Tony twice a day, and Maria, Bucky and Steve did too. Steve always updated the rest. Wanda for example. She couldn't be in here longer than two minutes without crying and having a mental breakdown. She spent most of the time with Pepper, both comforting each other. I selpt here most of the nights and sometimes I would just wake up and the day would repeat it self as the days before. But sometimes I woke up and you were awake. We were talking but you told me how we should've protected you. And you were right, you were MIA for two weeks and we didn't manage to find you. You told me that you hate me but we talked and sometimes you eventually said that you'd forgive me...only to die seconds later. Other days I'd wake up but you'd be already dead or dying in that very moment. I couldn't bear it to re-live those moments. I couldn't see you die over and over again without being able to save you. That's why I was ...freaking out" she still tried to prevent herself from crying and I'd wipe away every single tear that escaped her eyes anyways. I didn't wanted to interrupt her but after some silence I dared to ask " long?" That question was too much for Natasha and she began to cry silently "almost two months" she whispered before burying her head in the crook of my neck. I closed my eyes, cursing myself for what I said earlier.

For solid two hour we just laid there and cuddled while listening to some music before we got disturbed by Dr. Cho, who wanted to check on me.
"Ms. Romanoff would you mind leaving the room?" She hesitantly looked at me but I smiled reassuring "It's gonna be fine. See you in a minute" "See you in a minute" the redhead whispered and got up to leave. Now that we were alone Dr. Cho asked me a few questions while checking marks and wounds that were left. "Seems like everything's ok for now but please come for another check in a few weeks" I nod "Thank you doctor" "You're very lucky to be alive"
"I know, thanks to you"

I was trying to put on one of Natasha's sweaters, which luckily laid on another chair as Natasha reentered due to Dr. Cho leaving. Her cold fingers traced over bruise on my shoulder that was barely visible by now but still noticable enough for her to see it. I took her hand and hold it in my own, causing her to hug me from behind. At least until she saw the scar that now was where that guy stabbed me. She kneeled infront of me and her fingers hovered about it, making sure not to directly touch it. "Are you ok?"
I nod, taking her hand in mine once again "Yeah. It'll take probably another four weeks until I'm fully recovered but considering it'd take months if any important organs would have been hit four weeks is just fine by me"
"I love you Y/N"
I smiled at her, pulling on her arm to get her to sit next to me "I know Tasha" "May I take you on another date somtime in the next few weeks?" She played with my hand and I leaned my head on her shoulder "Only if I get to keep your sweater" The redhead laughed and kissed me on the head "I didn't even realize you stole my sweater again but of course you I'll allow you to keep this one" Now it was my turn to grin at her "In that case you may take me on a date Romanoff. I love you too"

words: 1928

double update bc this fanfic will end today but I won't upload a 4k word chapter :)

nxt chapter in the next few hours :)))

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