Chapter 4

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Happy drove us and we were shopping for the rest of the day.
Around 8pm we made our way back to the tower both with three bags filled with clothes and random stuff. Happy, who's coming right behind us holds a bag with cheeseburgers and fries for the team. I put my bags next to the stairs and shouted in the common room
"Guys we brought cheeseburgers in case anyone's interested" Of course dad rushed to us and shortly after him most of the others followed. Natasha explained this morning who everybody is so I'm pretty sure with their names by now.
All of us sat down at the couches with our cheeseburgers and ate while on tv was National Geographic Wild. I sat next to Natasha and on my otherside was the cute girl and I assume the boy who's either her brother or her boyfriend. I'm gonna stick with brother.
"Hey, I'm Wanda Maximoff and he's my brother Pietro" the girl said and smiled warmly. I smiled back and said "Y/N Stark but I think you know that already..."
God I'm bad at talking to basically-strangers. I always feel like it's 300% awkward, doesn't matter what I say or how I say it. Only question is if I get comfortable with them easily, for example like with Nastasha, or if it stays in that weird stage for a few week or forever. "Hello Princess Y/N" Pietro said and it sounded honstely sweet with his sokovian accent. I talked a while with the twins before I got up and went to my room.
People really aren't my thing. I'm ok with them if I know them for a while but if I don't it's really exhausting for me. And that's the case right now. I got pretty comfortable with the twins but there is still the rest of the team so my social battery is close to empty by now. I went upstairs and changed into some pj's. It wasn't that late so I decided to unpack the shopping bags real quick. The first was just filled with clothes. A pair of black combat pants, just because I love them, two new hoodies, a cream and a navy one, and a black T-shirt. All of them were from NewYorker since I really love their stuff. In the second bag was a black dress, a dark green dress and a cactus-pillow. The dress goes midthigh and has long, loose sleeves. I think it hugs my curves pretty well. Only thing why I prefer suits before dresses for dinner or partys: I don't like handbags. But maybe I'll make an exception for this dress. The green dress is a bit longer and ends right above my knees. The shape is pretty similar to the black dress, the biggest difference is actually the color and the length.Best part? It has pockets!!! I love this dress so much just for these pockets.
I threw the cactus pillow in my bed and got to the last bag.
In the last bag aren't clothes or pillows. The first things are two candle holder. They look boring but I hope that hot wax will dry and then they'll look cool. Besides the candle holder I obviously got candles. I got two in wine-red and two dark-purple candles for refill. I placed them on top of a cupboard on the wall right next to my door. Left is only a coconut shampoo and a coconut conditioner. And a coconut parfume....
I really just love the smell of coconut.
I brought them to the bathroom and was just about to turn off the lights and turn on my music when someone knocked.
"Come in."
It was dad and he looked serious. hm
"Y/N. So I know you asked me a few years ago to get training and today Natasha talked to me. She asked if I'd allow you to join the team. I think none of them would have a problem with you but you also know that I'm not too aroused by the thought of you being out there in a battle. So I had a really, really long and exhausting conversation with Natasha. You may join the team. BUT the first few months no missions for you. I remember you being good with knives. I found your old ones. But for starters: First few months just training for you, young lady. You highest level of interfering is tech-support if your spider-project is finished. You get into battlefield when I allow it. Not one second earlier. If I say you're not ready, you're not going. You'll train mainly with Romanoff, some shooting lessons with Barton. It's with Romanoff because she wanted you on the team so badly, so she's somehow responsible for you. Don't make it too hard for her. Oh and don't get kidnapped or your mother will kill both of us." I looked at him. Long. This couldn't be possibly true. He didn't just finally gave in and I got to train. AND he gave me my knives back. This is a fucking dream. I hugged him tight and whispered "Thank you Dad. I'll stick to the rules, promise" He smiled at me and responded "Love you Honey. Welcome to the team, but remember in whatever context, I'm always gonna be your father. You always can talk to me, I'm not magically just your boss, I'm always gonna be your Dad" I nod and hugged him a bit tighter.
"Training starts on Wednesday, which means enjoy your last two days of not being an avenger"
"Will do that! Love you Dad, sleep well" "Sleep well honey" And with that he left my room and I got to bed. I turned on the playlist I listen to fall asleep, put on an one hour timer and slowly drifted into a peacefull sleep, with this great day, my great family and a certain redhead in my mind.

Words: 1039

Double Upload as an apology for the rare updates? I'm sorry for the bad english btw, it's 12:30 am here rn but I wanted to finish the two chapters

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