Chapter 29

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Natasha's POV

I just sat here, lost in my thoughts and waiting for my best friend. After Y/N made it clear that she doesn't want me around right now I didn't know where else to go.
I don't know why but it hurt that she was so mad at me. Maybe it hurt because she rejected me but that wouldn't make too much sense. But maybe it just hurt because we spent so much time together down in the lab that the sudden change of mind caught me off guard.
But what confuses me even more is that all this hurt so much that I almost cried when I told Clint about it. That shouldn't be happening.

Nonetheless it did and now I'm sitting here waiting for my best friend to come back to me.
He went to talk to Y/N about twenty minutes ago and the longer he takes the more I wonder what they're talking about.
A few minutes before Clint was back Hades walked into his room and made himself comfortable in my lap. I really love this little furr ball. Well actually he's not so small anymore, he grew so much over the last two months.

"First things first: She's not mad at you" With that Clint closed the door behind him and sat down next to me again. He gently poked a finger in Hades' site.
I sighed on relieve "Ok now seconds things first: Is everything alright? Is she alright? Because she wouldn't isolite herself for no reason"
For a second he looked at me as if he wants to say something but chose a simple answer "She's....fine for now. She's just really stressed out. Fury gave her a task and a pretty tight timeframe so she doesn't want anyone around to distract her" I nod and gestured him to continue "well, said task is to repair a prototype an agent needs on a mission. It got partly destroyed but the agent needs it to get out of there. And Fury chose Y/N to repair it in time."
"Why Y/N? Why not the person who made it in the first place?" She's good but someone who already did it at least once can do it faster.
"Apparently the Agent who 'invented' it is on a mission himself and his colleagues don't understand how this thing works."
"Sounds like Lemington" We both chuckled at my remark, knowing I was probably right.
Clint ran his hand through his hair and continued to explain "Yeah probably...Now it got Y/N's job to magically understand that crap and if she doesn't get it the agents probably dies. And said agent is Laura. And Fury forbid her to talk to anyone about this. So she shut everyone out. Fury basically made it impossible for her to let you stay with her in the lab. She's afraid to fail and kill Laura and therefore she's even more rude to the both of ua because we're friends with Laura and she thinks we'll hate her if she fails" I sighed and tried to process everything. "That explains why she slept in the lab. And why she hid what she was doing. Sometimes I reallly want to hit Nick in his face and ask him if he's out of his mind. But Y/N won't fail. I know that. She's afraid to fail but I saw her work so many hours, I know she can do this. Even if it's Lemington's work"

I actually do believe it. I just know it.
"I know Nat. I wouldn't doubt her for a second. I almost forgot, she asked me to tell you that she's sorry for what happened earlier amd asked if we could take care of Hades. And I know you already do that"
He smiled at the last part.

After some time we went down to the living/common room to eat something and chat with the others.
The grilled cheese Wanda made for me reminded me of the girl in the lab. I really need to apologize for screaming at her.
Just as on clue we heard a door open and    Y/N walked out of it "yeah meet you in 5' I already got it packed up" and with that she was gone again.


With a few hours delay to my original plan I finally got it to work. I put it in a box and called Phil to get it  while I rushed down the stairs.
Surprisingly fast the black van pulled up and I could spot Maria on the driver's seat. I smiled, that explains how they got here so quickly.
Phil got out and I handed him the box "Here you go, I did what I could. Should last at least a few days"
He hugged me before he took the package from me "I knew you could do this. I'm proud of you kiddo. And so is Maria by the way"
My cheeks heated up a bit and I gave Maria a quick smile, which she returned.

They were gone as quickly as they arrived and I leaned at the wall behind me and closed my eyes for a second. That were a few intense days.
"Good job kid. Told you, you could do this"
It was Clint
"Yeah. Thanks for believing in me I guess"
We stepped into the elevator and I leaned my head on his shoulder, tiredness taking over my body now that the pressure and adrenaline was fading.
"Don't fall asleep, you need to eat first Y/N"
"But Cliiint, I'm tired. Let me eat later" I whined but he shook his head "No Y/N. You haven't eaten properly in almost three days and if I believe what you said you at least slept a few hours per day"
Yeah. If I did. But I actually had better things to do.

We entered the kitchen and the feeling of tiredness got worse by every second. The sudden smell of food caused a wave of nausea to wash over me. And the various voices didn't make it any better but they got quieter till they were replaced by a very high pitched constant tone.
I should have gone to sleep without eating...
My vision got blurry, everything began to spin and began to fade away until it was black.

words: 1059

Late update because Wattpad wouldn't let me 🥰

Remember to eat and drink enough, stay healthy and have a happy first week of december ❤️🤍

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