Chapter 23

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"You know hypothetically you could keep him" it was Miriam who stood behind me.
"What?" I turned around and looked at her.
"He's for sale. He's one of the last ones this year but many don't buy him, because as I said earlier he rarely stays with someone longer than a few minutes" A feeling of hope was building inside me as I pleadingly looked at Natasha since she was kinda the 'adult in charge'. "Can we keep him? I just need your yes to buy him. Pleeeeeeaseeeeeeee?" I asked and gave the redhead my best puppy eyes.
"Don't give me that look Y/N. It's not gonna change anything." "Pleaseeee Tasha. He's so adorable." I picked him up and hold him in front of Natasha's face.
Wanda joined me for my sake "Look at them Natasha. They're both adorable and he seems litteraly perfect for her and besides they're kind of color matching" she said as she gestured to his black furr and my mostly black clothes. 
The redhead mumbled something along "yeah they are..." before she softly bumped his head. "Ok you can keep him but don't think that you can get everything by just holding something in front of my face and giving me puppy eyes"
"Yaaaaaay" I squealed and pressed Hades carful against my chest. I wanted to look for my credit card but Natasha already payed before I found it and with that we made our way to her car again. The rain wasn't as heavy as earlier so we didn't really get wet.
"You didn't have to pay for him, you know? Could've done that by myself, I just wanted an allowance." But Natasha shook her had softly "No it's fine. I wanted to pay and I did, you have to live with that if you don't want to give him back" I leaned over to her and gave her a tight hug "Thank you Tasha" "Everything for you"
I blushed at her response but tried to cover it as I turned to Wanda who sat behind Natasha "and thank you for your support of course" I smiled and she grinned "If my support means that you get your cat-soulmate I'd do it again for a thousand times"
I swear I could hear Natasha mumble whisper along "Your dad's gonna kill me" under her breath before she put on some music again. It was dark outside already, just one of the benefits about fall if you ask me. Yes fall was my favorite season. I like the rain, the cool and fresh air, the colorful leaves on the trees. When the fog settles on the streets in the morning, when first sunbeams make their way through it. It's the perfect season.
I was thinking about how I could show Natasha all this one day. I mean of course she can see it herself every morning but I doubt she understands it. I doubt she sees the beauty in it. But my thoughts were interrupted by said redhead who opened the door asking "So do you plan on staying in the car or you wanna get out?"
Natasha picked Hades carfully up and let me get out before she closed the door and locked the car.
We entered the living room and to my surprise almost everyone was there. I spotted my parents and Morgan and rushed over to them, followed by Natasha and Wanda who stopped half way to speak with Pietro.
"Dad!!! Guess what we bought!" I smiled widely and jumped up and down.
"Uh I don't know kiddo, I thiught you were at a cafe not shopping?"
I gently took Hades from Natasha and showed him to them.
"Y/N is that a cat?" my mother asked in disbelief but I just continued smiling and nodded "Yes! His name's Hades and don't you worry, I'll take care of him but he's mine now!" I squeaked at the last part and my dad just shook his head and laughed
"Honey, be happy it's a cat and not something dangerous. But Natasha, I'mma ask you: How could she convince you to allow this? And how could you let her buy a freaking cat?!"
"I'm sorry" Natasha mumbled but the little smirk on her lips told everyone that she's not.
We stayed with them for a bit before I made my way to my room to fet changed and to order some stuff for Hades. I knew a few things about cats because I tried to convince my parents to get one when I was younger but I failed and 'instead' I got Morgan. That sounds mean. I love Morgan. But that doesn't change the fact that we don't have any things to live with a cat. Not yet.
Before the elevator doors closed Natasha jumped in and pressed the floor number above mine.
"Hey uhm, wanna go to the roof later? I heard there almost no clouds tonight" the redhead asked . "I'd love to" I returned her smile and gave her a quick hug before leaving the elevator.
So after I changed into some leggings, I didn't change into another sweatshirt, and ordered all the things for Hades on amazon I grabbed two additional blankets before I went to the roof, followed by Hades with his small, uncontrolled steps. Two my surprise Natasha was already there. She placed three extra sleeping mats under the covers we lay on so we wouldn't get cold and I threw the two blankets to cover us in the middle. I sat down left to her, our backs leaning at the wall behind us, and sighed. It was until now that I realized that Natasha brought a basket with her, which stood on her other side. But I decided to ask later about it, not wanting to break out comfortable silence. After a few minutes the redhead pulled one of my blankets over us, making sure to cover Hades as well, and I cuddled into her side while looking up at the stars. I wish I could stop the time just for a few minutes. My left hand caressed the black, fluffy fur on my lap and I laid my right arm over my left and my hand on Natashas thigh where it met her own right hand and we gently hold onto each other. I looked at her and could see the stars that reflected in her beautiful green eyes. These unique, beautiful, honest green eyes. I'd do anything to keep these eyes, and the person behind them alive. She always seems so neutral and untouchable but if you look into her eyes you can catch a glimpse of the soft and sweet human being she can be sometimes. Like she's with me sometimes. Even if I'm begging her to buy a random cat I met only five hours ago.
"You know, it's rude to stare" Natasha chuckled and I blushed hard as she pulled me out of my thoughts.

words: 1163

Sooo I hope you're doing great, don't forget to eat and drink enough and stay healthy ❤️🩵

And how tf did we get 10k reads??? Thank you so much guys, I literally never thought this would ever happen. This means so much to me (might be silly i dunno but still)
Big, BIG thank you, I love you guys 🖤🧡

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