Chapter 37

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I felt the redheads eyes linger on me but didn't react to it until she let out a nervous sigh.
"Hm?" She took a deep breath beforr she began "So...I know already apologized and you said that we're cool again but I need to say this nonetheless. I'm sorry, I acted straight up stupid and I still didn't even had the courage to tell you why so I wanted to explain it" she paused and looked at me as if she was asking for permission. I can't help but smile a little. I've never seen her like that but somehow I can tell that it's genuine.  "You don't have to-" "I know but I want to" she interrupted and took another deep breath "So I told you that I was kinda overwhelmed by the situation and everything but you know... I want actually want to speak out loud what I've been trying to tell you. I like you Y/N.
Like...a lot. And I know that we need some time to gain back the trust but I just finally wanted to tell you. And I promise you I mean it. I just never felt this way before, of course I had relationships but I never felt that much at once and I got scared and said stupid things and I'm really, really sorry for that. You made me feel like I could let my guard down, made me feel safe and protected in my most vulnerable moments. Sometimes you didn't even notice but you were always there when I needed you. I love our movie nights or the evenings up here, I love the sparkle in your eyes when you tell me about something that makes you happy, I love you singing to Taylor Swift in every minute you think no one's looking and I love that giggle when you're being silly and someone plays along - like when you made me and Maria those drinks. What I'm trying to say is... I"
To say I'm speechless would've been an understatement. I know that she has a soft side she barely shows but I still didn't expect that kind of speech, which made me smile a bit. And to say I did blush a bit was an even bigger understatement. My cheeks were burning, not only because she heard me singing to Taylor Swift even though I really can't sing but also because of all the other things she just said. "Why are you smiling like that?" Natasha's careful voice brought me back to reality. "You. You make me smile like that. You make me happy. I've fallen for you fast and deep and every day I look at you and know exactly why. Your smile can light up the whole room. I love our movie nights, I love it when you're laughing at your own attempt to cook, I love seeing you all sleepy in the morning even though I've only seen it twice and I love your forest green, beautiful eyes. I love you too Natasha. And even though you hurt me and I hurt you and we might need some time to gain each other's 100% trust, I want you only to remember one thing. That you can always count on me. Forever and always" We've gotten incredibly close, her forehead leaned on mine and my arms hand loosely around her neck while one of hers was resting on my waist and the other one cupping my cheek. "Forever and always" she whispered before eliminating the remaining distance between our lips. The kiss was slow and soft but filled with so much love. Her soft lips felt incredible perfect and I lost myself in that very moment until we broke away from eacht other to breathe some air. "I'll always be there for you Y/N. I know I haven't always been but I promise I will be in future. I love you"

We sat on the wall and I leaned my head against her shoulder "Forever and always" I waited literally months for this moment and happiness was flooding my whole body. How am I so lucky to be loved by her. There's no way I deserve such a wonderful and caring person as she is.
We stayed like this for a while, just watching the fireworks in peace while her hand hold mine. After some time my gaze shifted from the new years day nee york to the beautiful redhaired woman next to me. I studied her face once again, trying to remember every little detail. "You're staring, that's rude, you know?" But instead of responding to her question I just smiled "Did you know that your heartbeat snycs up if you look someone in the eyes that you're truly in love with?" She laughed and called me cheesy but gave me antoher kiss nonetheless.
After some more minutes I began to shiver slightly due to the low temperature but as soon as Natasha noticed she gave me her blazer.

"Thanks for that christmas present by the way, I really love the earrings. And the spider-cams are amazing, I always wondered what happened to that project"
"It got the honor of actually getting finished - not like 90% of the random ideas I had somewhere some day because of some situation" She laughed, knowing that what I said was nothing but the truth. "Let's go inside, shall we?" I nod in agreement and walked to the door. "You pick a movie and I'll join you in a minute?" I suggested and she agreed. I quickly changed into my pj's and rushed to our family kitchen to make to cups hot chocolate with mini marshmallows before I went to Natasha's room. Standing in front of a closed door made me realize that I definitely was missing a third hand but managed to get her attention anyways "What was that sound?" she asked raising an eyebrow at me who was grinning like an idiot "I knocked with my head? Didn't had a hand free to do it" "So what you mean is, you banged your forehead against my door because there was of course no other possible solution just as asking Javris to inform me to open you the door?" I didn't respond to that otherwise than handing her one of the cups. She had decided on suicide squad 2 and I couldn't complain.

Cuddling into my favorite redhead I fully relaxed. I drifted off to sleep through out the movie but eventually woke up when Natasha turned off her TV and put our cups on a cupboard. When she got back into her back I laid an arm over her to keep her by my side and mumbled "I love you Tasha"
She whispered "I love you too детка" and pulled me as close to herself as possible. Everything just feels so right.

This was, no doubt, one of the greatest new year's eves I've ever had.

words: 1167

I can happily announce that we finally got that damn kiss, i guess

Stay healthy (not as I do these days) and sorry again for the delayed update 🩵🤍


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