Chapter 42

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I took some painkillers and Tasha brought me a comfortable pair of sweatpants and socks that I put on before we made our way to the common room.
"So how about these cheeseburgers I asked apparently two months ago"
Everyone laughed, and dad jumped up from the couch to give me another hug "You're asking the right questions kiddo" I smile, happy that everything can go back to normal now. Dr. Cho informed them that I was fine and for now everyone was more in a welcome-back-party-mood than the worried state most of them were ten hours ago. "So cheeseburger and fries, who's in?"
I asked and cheered as everyone agreed. My dad went to another room to order them and I joined Wanda in the kitchen to drink something. As if she could read my mind she passed me a glass with water, then continued to form cookie dough balls and put them on the baking sheet. "I actually can read your mind, silly" She turned around grinning and hugged me "God I'm so happy you're back, the tower was awfully quiet and boring without you" I laughed "I'm happy to be back too. Especially to taste these cookies" I grinned and grabbed one of the dough balls to eat it unbaked which caused Wanda to scoff "Y/N Stark don't even start to think that I'll let you get away with this just because I'm happy to see you" I giggled "You love me Wands" she sighed, still grinning but shaking her head "Yes. Yes I do" "And I love you too"

I emptied the glass and went over to Clint and Pietro "Hey lovebirds" I teased them and Clint responded "Aren't you the one who's in love with my best friend?" I just shrugged and grabbed one of the switch controllers "So who's ready to lose in Mario Kart again?" "You wish!" Pietro and Clint answered in unison

The cheeseburgers were great and we all talked for a bit and played cards before I and a few others head to bed. Nat and I stood before my room for a few moments before I hugged her "Night Tasha. I love you" "Goodnight Y/N" She gave me a quick kiss and then left to go to her room.

The next three weeks went by swiftly. I recovered from my mission and barley needed to take painkillers by now. The morning runs with Natasha turned into a shorter morning run for Natasha and a simple walk with me. I didn't go out too much because everyone tells me to 'rest and recover first' and that led to me baking and cooking much more than I usually do.
Most of the time I cook for dinner if Wanda didn't cook something for lunch and about once a week Wanda and I bake some cookies or cupcakes. Also I'm currently playing Hogwarts Legacy but not too often. Next week my recovery comes officially to an emd which means that I'm allowed to train again, at the shooting range.

But for now I'm sitting in the common room, chatting with Pietro and patiently waiting for Clint join us. We wanted to play some Mario Kart and then buy some snacks for a Super Mario marathon.
Said man sat down and sighed, massaging his head but not saying anything. But he noticed the questioning looks Pietro and I shared so he shortly explained "Natasha" Well that wasn't a good explanation but seems we don't get any more as he reached out for his controller and started the game.

"Ha! Three round win streak!" I cheered and Pietro began to argue "BUT you only got third on Marios Curcuit" "Yeah but it's my worst track and I won in the end dickhead" He gasped playful and just wanted to respond as my phone vibrated "Cut! Got a message"


You're free tonight

That's not a question

I talked to Clint your marathon is gonna be on another day


Wait what-


You remember that date I proposed to you three weeks ago?

Yeah, that's where you are tonight

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