Chapter 19

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She caught a glimpse of red hair and pulled the person off the dance floor.
"Wanda, what the hell were you thinking, huh? Where's Y/N?" She was clearly drunk but as she realized it's Natasha who's talking to her she got mad "Because she's been feeling like shit Natasha. Didn't know? Probably because you're the reason. Why you care anyways? Don't know where she is." Wanda was slurring a bit but not too hard. "What the- you know what. Go and get Pietro. Wait outside. And don't you fucking dare run away or some shit" It's needless to say that Natasha was furious. But for now she needs to find Y/N and afterwards she can deal with anything else.
She made her way through the people while all possible scenarios went through her mind. That was until she saw her. A guy hold her onto her arm his other hand hold her waist, her back pressed against his waist as he seemed to whisper something in her ear. Seriously? Why is he hitting on a 19 y/o? But something seemed off. Looked like Y/N was struggling to get away from him but couldn't. Natasha got closer to them but it was difficult through all the people. She saw them going into the hallway that leads probably to the restrooms und luckily there weren't that many people anymore. As she turned around the corner she witnessed how Y/N tried to get away from him but he held her tight. "GET OFF ME"
This was the proof Natasha kinda waited for as she rushed to them. Adrenaline was flooding through her veins only fueling the anger inside her. She kicked him in his stomach, which caused him to groan in pain.
"She told you to piss of, bastard" she said furiously and punched him right in the face. Natasha laid an arm around Y/N and carefully guided her outside, not without noticing her pretty bad state. As soon as they left the club Y/N stumbled to a bush nearby and threw up. Quiet whimpers escaped her as she sunk on her knees. Quiet but loud enough for Natasha to hear, who kneeled down beside her and took her in her arms.
"shhh it's alright Y/N. I'm here. I'm here with you. Everything will be alright. I protect you. I'll always protect you." She continued to whisper these things in Y/N's ear until she calmed down a bit. "Let's get to my car, ok?" Y/N nod in agreement but they didn't get far before she had to throw up again. With teary eyes she looked in Natasha's "I'm not feeling too well, right now" and with that she passed out and fell into the red heads arms that where luckily there to catch her. Natasha carried her to the car, sat her in the front seat and buckled her up. Wanda and Pietro sat in the back, drunk but still worried about their 19 y/o friend.
Natasha made sure that Y/N was still passed out but fine before she exploded
"How fucking dare you to take a 19 y/o to a club?! You can do so many things with her but sneak her into one of the few places where she's illegal? And how could you be so irresponsible to let her alone? What if I didn't found her? She couldn't call you for help, it was too loud and all of your phones are off. Really bad shit could've happened in there and you know that." She wanted to go on, furious with the two in the back seats but Wanda intervened
"Hey! You're the reason we're here in the first place alright? You don't get to yell at us for letting her alone, when you made her feel kike shit the past few days. And for your information. We didn't exactly plan on getting her drugged by a random guy. In most situations she is very capable of taking care for herself."
"I don't care what you planned Wanda! Fact is she did get drugged because you two snuk her in and then didn't watch out for her. Besides the obvious she could have gotten kidnapped or some shit" While she said that they drove into the garage of the tower and she thought about how she could've hurt Y/N.
"Sorry, shouldn't have done that. Or at least told Bucky where we head" It was Pietro. He looked out of the window, even though there wasn't much to see and you could see a tear making it's way down his cheek. "Yeah... we'll do something else next time." Wanda added and this caused Natasha to calm down and soften a bit. "Yeah. At least tell someone if you do shit like this. And watch out for each other." Wanda nodded and the twins hugged Y/N in her unconscious state before apologizing again and going to their rooms. Just before the door closed Wanda called out for the red head again.
"But Nat? Don't play her. Get your stuff sorted and explain, I'm sure she'll understand. That's if you have some kind of a reason. nice. She appreciates you." Natasha nodded slightly at Wanda and looked at the beautiful girl next to her. She picked her up and made her way to her own room. The red head took the dress of Y/N carefully, leaving her in her underwear before the redhead put an oversized T-shirt and some shorts on her. She did the same for herself, put a glass with water and some advil in the nightstand and brushed both their hair. Y/N eventually woke up and mumbled "Tasha? What-"
"Shh it's ok. Just sleep a bit ok? I'm here with you" with that Y/N cuddled into Natasha and went back to sleep. That was when it hit her. The argument with Tony, the door that slammed shut and Morgan's weird behavior towards her. Y/N heard their conversation. Y/N heard how she told Tony that she was only nice to her because she's his daughter. She heard everything and that hurt her. Who wouldn't get hurt, hearing such things? She scolded herself for not noticing earlier what this was about but decided to talk about this tomorrow and let them get some sleep for now.
The red head pulled her blanket over both of them and held the younger girl tight till she fell asleep as well.

words: 1089

Remember to eat and drink enough, stay healthy and see you next week ❤️🩵

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