Chapter 32

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It's christmas. Like. Today.
But it's also Monday and some time ago Natasha and I changed our training schedule.
I got into my training clothes, grabbed my wallet, phone and headphones and put them in my pockets right before I heard the knock on my door.
"Ready and on time!" I smiled at the redhead and she chuckled at how proud I exclaimed that - not in a mean way though.

Our route was going through two parks and closing in a circle with our way along the river back to the tower, which concluded in about three kilometers. And I hate it. I love the route but I hate running. Especially that early in the morning. But here I am, running through said second park.

We crossed the street to get to the river side and I told her to stop for a second before heading to the starbucks on my left.
"I'd like two cinnamon macchiato's, please. Name is Y/N" I paid with my credit card and picked up the drinks. Natasha waited outside and shook her head laughing "You know, you don't have to buy me coffee to get me convinced to walk back instead of running. I love watching the sunrise" We just walked down the sidewalk and I carefully laid my head on her shoulder "I know but I want to. Especially today, merry Christmas Natasha" She hummed, thanking me and we continued to walk in silence, my head comfortable on her shoulder and her free arm hanging loosely around my waist
"You know it's funny, you're in love with the sunrise and early mornings and I'm, on the opposite, love sunsets and late nights."
I stopped a second before continuing "Yet we both love those things for the same reason. The empty streets and clean air, just a people free city. And the peace we get from it."
"And we both share this comfort and find peace in the others prime-time as well" the redhead finished my thinking. I just love these kind of moments with her. It feels like nothing else matters. As if everything will just turn out fine and I'm safe with her. And a part of me hoped that it's true.

By the time we got back most of the others were awake and drinking some tea and coffee. I reminded myself to put my presents in the kitchen later that day, so mom could put them under the tree.
Natasha told me that she never had a christmas sweater so I bought her one as part of her christmas present from me. I wrapped that part separately and put it in front of her room just before I went to sleep yesterday.

After I showered and put on my own christmas sweater I went down to the living room and kitchen just to spot Natasha in that very christmas sweater.
Wanda hugged me before I even saw her "Merry Christmas Y/N" I yelped in surprise but hugged her back "Merry Christmas Wanda"

She proceeded to make breakfast together with my mom and I joined them after wishing her a happy christmas as well. But soon enough I found myself with the two women alone in the room because we ate in the 'party' room on christmas due to the many guests. And the moment we were alone Wanda stopped everything she was doing and looked at me "What have you done with Natasha? How?" How - what? The ginger head gets me more confused than ever but my mom jumped in. "It's Christmas and Natasha 1. wears a christmas sweater 2. is in a good mood and 3. you two seemed so happy when you two entered the tower after your morning run"
Wanda continued again "I've never seen Natasha so happy, not to mention on christmas. She's obviously often in a good mood with most of us but-" she throws her arms in the air and makes some undefinable noises. I didn't notice Clint before but certainly did as he joined our conversation "-but is genuinely happy is what Wanda tries to say. She's happy and comfortable and lets her guard down completely. The guard that makes her interactions with you different from those with us. Because Nat is also happy and comfortable around us but it's different. I'm happy she allows herself to do that around you - happy for both of you but the question is nonetheless somewhat entitled"
To say I was speechless was an understatement. I just continued to make the bowl with scrambled eggs, my mind racing. I couldn't possibly mean as much to her as she does to me, can I? No Y/N...she just sees you as her friend.

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