Chapter 18

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I was standing infront of the mirror and watched my reflection. I decided on a dark green, silky dress which fell loosely from my hips down and ended right above my knees. In case it gets cold I added some black tights but decided that I wouldn't need a jacket since the dress has long sleeves.
I left my hair the way it is and was about to out some make up on when it knocked.
"Come in Wands" I called from the bathroom.
She looks phenomenal. She had her hair curly and chose a wine-red dress that was similar to my green one."Just give me a sec and I'll be ready"
I quickly finished my make up, the focus as always on my eyes. "Finally, you took ages" We both laughed and went downstairs. Down there we met Pietro and made our way to the club. On the way we talked and laughed and it felt honestly good to get out of the tower and away from my thoughts.
Today's gonna be great.
As we arrived Wanda and Pietro showed them their ID's and somehow they managed to get me with them without anyone asking for my age or ID.
"Ok, how about some shots for now?" Pietro asked with a big smile. Wanda and I agreed and made out way to the bar.
"Three Tequila and six Vodka shots please" Wanda asked nicely.
It was a good start, Vodka is and will always be my favorite together with Whiskey but that shit's too expensive.
The evening went not bad if you ignore the fact that I had about ten shots and was still somewhat sober. Not totally for obvious reasons but enough to still be stuck in my mind. Having a high alcohol tolerance literally sucks sometimes and every once in a while Natasha crossed my mind but not for too long as Wanda would pull me back to the dance floor as soon as I sat down for a few minutes. Pietro danced aswell but with a random girl. My guess is that she fell for his Sokovian accent but who am I to judge.
Once again I managed to get of the dance floor and sipped on my drink. "Hey cutie, you wanna dance?" The voice belonged to a guy, probably a few years older than me and definitely too drunk.
"No thanks, cutie" I imitated him. God I hate places full of drunk people. But he eventually took off for now. In fact I hate places filled with sober people as much but I couldn't think about it too long when a weird feeling build inside me. I ignored it and went back to Wanda as long as I could but out of nowhere I got a major headache and felt like I was gonna throw up. Again. In public. Brilliant.
I rushed to the toilets but felt a harsh grip on my arm mid-way. "Hey, let go of me!"
"Not feeling too well, huh? You're coming home with me, cutie"
Everything around me was spinning and I barley heard him even though he spoke right into my ear but I knew that I had to get away from him. I desperately tried to spot Wanda or Pietro again but the spinning in my head made it difficult.
"They don't see you."
Damn it.

*in the meantime*

Natasha was relaxing in her room. She was very aware that Y/N was acting weird but if she didn't want to talk about it, Natasha wouldn't push her into it. Besides, she was right, Morgan acted almost normal again today.
That was until someone knocked and she had to get up. It was Clint who was looking at her like a lost puppy.
"What now Barton?" She raised an eyebrow but still smirked at her best friend.
"Mario Kart? Pleaseeeee, Pietro is out with Y/N and Wanda" she laughed at the desperate request until-
"Out? Where are they?" concern laced her voice as she walked down to the common room with Clint. "I don't know. Don't ask me, Bucky's gonna pick them up I guess"
And with a simple nod to her best friend she went to Bucky. "From where exactly do you pick up Wanda & Co later?" But he just shrugged and said "Don't know, I just said that I'd drive them home. I never ask where they wanted to go, why should?" He asked defensive.
Great she thought to herself and without another word she went to the lab.
On her way she texted Y/N

Little Stark 🫶:

Y/N, where are you?

Please, if you're mad at me we can talk about it but tell me where you are.

She didn't answer and neither did Wanda. As a last try Natasha called Pietro. Texting Pietro is basically useless because is average time to answer is somewhere between two and four buissness days.
Luckily Pietro picked up:
"Heeey Romanoff. How ya doing?" Pietro slurred. Natasha could barely hear him due to the backround noises.
"You're drunk Maximoff. Where are Wanda and Y/N, you see them? And where the fuck are you?"
"Yeeeh,  Wanda's on the floor and Y/N talking to some guy. Wait nevermind he goes away. We're here, having some good time awayyyy." Natasha sighed. On the one side because whoever Y/N was talking to went away and on the other side out of frustration because she wasn't coming anywhere with Pietro.

"Ok, just stay on the phone, we'll get you and then you're gonna explain how the fuck you got Y/N inside the club." Natasha said while starting to locate Pietro but the silver haired thought otherwise.
"Nooo we're having fun here without you. Byeeee" Damn it.
She tried to call him again but he wouldn't answer.
She took a few more minutes but was finally able to get a location from Pietro's phone.
"We'll play later Clint, ask Bucky for now and tell him he doesn't need to pick Y/N and the Maximoff's up anymore" Natasha said as she grabbed her leather jacket and left. Yes, she was kinda pissed at Bucky for letting them go without even asking where but that was a discussion for later. A part of her was angry with the three of them but the major part was just hoping to get them back safe, especially Y/N.
She took the keys to a BMW and drove away. Jarvis lead her through the city but every red traffic light would make the redhead more impatient. She finally arrived and jumped out of the car and inside. Everything smelled after sweat and alcohol, the music was loud and everywhere were people. It could take ages to find all three.
Why would Y/N ever go here? She hates to be in a room with that many people even if she knows them.
That was just one of the questions Natasha was asking herself as she slowly walked through the room.

word: 1173

Stay healthy and remember to eat and drink enough ❤️🩵

You think Natasha will be there in time?

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