Chapter 16

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I opened the door as quiet as possible hoping I could hear something. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop but something was telling me I should.
"Don't you dare hurt her feelings. If you play with her I'm gonna throw you out of the team."
"Tony I would never-"
"Cut it Romanoff. I saw how you act differently around her. Just don't you fucking dare to play her like Banner or in any other way or your life is over."
"I'd never play her Tony!" she hissed "For god sake I wouldn't dare to love her not to mention start dating her! I'm only nice to her because she's smart and one of my best friend's daughter. We're good with each other but that's just me not hurting her. I wouldn't play her in my dreams. And for your information even if it'd be otherwise and I'd had some kind of feelings towards her why should I play Y/N, huh?"
I leaned my back at the wall and tears were streaming down my face. I'm an idiot. I'm a fucking idiot for believing just one second that she'd actually like me or even love me. Of course it's just an act because I'm his daughter. I'm such an idiot.
I kicked the door shut and made my way back to my room.
Oh please Y/N, how could you think it could be otherwise of course she's just nice because she's your father's best friend.
Suddenly the quiet conversation I just listened to turned somewhat louder.
I heard them open the door but I was already out of sight.
As I finally reached my room I locked the door and fell on my bed. How could I be so stupid to think any of it was real? God Y/N you're such an idiot.
I continued to scold myself for the next few hours crying my eyes out. I don't know if I'm more mad at my dad for interfering with my relationships to the people here or more sad and mad at Natasha for pretending that our friendship was real. Guess I'm mostly mad at myself because first I didn't notice, second I actually had hope and third trusting my father enough to never tell him to stay out of some things in my life.
My bad-day playlist played in the background and helped me calm down. Except for a few songs as 'I don't wanna fall in love', 'Blackout Days' or 'Gilded Lily - Sped up' that'd make me start crying all over again.
I barley slept this night and the few hours I did wasn't very relaxing. But nonetheless I got up and went down to breakfast so I wouldn't raise any suspicion. Well at least until I got there since I decided not to talk to either of them. I greeted Wanda as normal as possible, took my coffee and sat down with the others right next to morgan. "Morning Sweetie, slept well?" my dad asked. I can't believe he's pretending nothing happened. Well he doesn't know I was there but still. As I said I just ignored him and took a sip of my coffee. I sighed quietly at the taste. That's just what I need right now. "Y/N?" that was Natasha who was sitting as far as possible away from my dad. And again I just stared at my coffee and showed no reaction.
Morgan's little hand tapped on my shoulder and she whispered
"Dad asked you something" I gave her a little smile.
"Yeah I know Cupcake, but I'm currently not talking to him and neither do I to Natasha, ok?" I whispered back, so they wouldn't hear me.
She nod and whispered even quieter "Do you tell me why? We could do a stress talk"
I smiled at her and nodded "Yeah I can do that. How about milkshakes this time?" Now it was her turn to nod and she continued eating without amything else said. Her and I had this thing we call 'stress talk'. If one of us is upset or stressed out about something we would tell each other and talk about it while going out and eating or drinking something nice. Last time for example our mum was mad at her and she was mad at our mum so we'd go out and get cinnamon rolls and talk about the situation and her emotions. It's our way to let everything out and it's also why our parents take their time to calm down before speaking to Morgan again because they know that she's fine with me.
Wanda clearly heard our little conversation since she was looking at me worried with a questioning face. Maybe I can tell her later what happend.
As I finished my coffee I excused myself and wanted to go to my room again. "Honey, don't you want eat something?"
I forced a smile "No thanks mom. I'm really not hungry at the moment. I'll eat later don't worry"
But same thing as with Wanda of course. I couldn't fool these both. I mean who am I kidding they're my mom and my best friend of course they notice.
Accepting my faith that I gotta tell the both of them later I finally left the room and let the door close behind me.
If I would've known, is there a possibility that I wouldn't have fallen for her? I lay down on my bed again. Probably not. I'd like her even if she'd rip me apart a hundred times.
That's pretty much what happend in my first and last relationship, when I just thought it was love but actually wasn't. That feeling now? It was different. She was different. And getting rejected by her even without exactly getting rejected hurt already a lot more than ending the fucking relationship. And we were just friends. Well I thought we were. Fuck you Y/N, why couldn't you just have realized it. Maybe you could have prevented all of this.
Why was it all a joke? Just why?
I laid there and soon it was around 3 and Morgan came in to pick me up to get the milkshakes.
So it comes that I grabbed my black cargo pants and a loose green shirt, which I tugged in, and took the elevator down to leave the building, Morgan's hand constantly holding onto mine. To my surprise Wanda and my mom seemed to be waiting for us.
"I wondered if they could come aswell? They also like milkshakes, you know" my little sister asked.
"Of course they can."
"Thank you Y/N" said my mother while walking up next to Morgan.
As we arrived we ordered our milkshakes and fell into a comfortable conversation. Morgan chose a vanilla milkshake, Wanda and my mom ordered raspberry milkshake and I decided on an Oreo shake and when we got them Morgan started.
"So why are you not talking to dad and Natasha? You said you like her a few days ago! And are you mad-mad or more like sad-mad?"
I smiled to myself. My little sister really is someone special.
"Bit of both I believe? I'm more mad-mad at dad and more sad-mad about Natasha I think" I answered honestly.
"Ok, are you telling me why? Or do you not want to talk about it?" I acknowledge that she leaves me the option to just not talk about it. I told her that if one of her friends is sad or something she should always give them their space if they need it and she was just offering that. So she remembers and more important, she also understands.
"I can tell you, it's alright. You know that there are some topics you don't wanna talk about with mom and dad , right?" she nod "and in that case you talk with me. And there are also some topics you don't want to talk with me about." another nod "right, and in that case you talk about it with your friends if you need to?" again she nod, listening carefully to what I said.
"So I feel the same about some things. And dad just talked to Natasha about something that I didn't want him to talk about. If I wanted to talk about it with Natasha, I would've done it myself. And dad just decided that he could talk about that topic and about me with her, without asking me. That's why I'm mad at him. And I decided not to talk to him because I want that he realizes that he made a mistake and apologizes by himself"
"But why? You told me that you need to talk about problems. And what's with Natasha?" I sighed. This girl is clever and has a good memory.
"Yes I know I told you that. But do you remember when I explained to you that some people hurt other's many times and sometimes don't even know it?"
"Yeah, you said that if that happens, you need to have patience and be mad without screaming or arguing until they know they made a mistake. And then they apologize and the next time you tell them again if something's wrong."
I smiled proudly "Exactly. And dad sometimes hurts the feelings of others. And that's why I want him to figure it out by himself. And Natasha said some things to my dad that hurt my feelings really, really bad. What she said makes me feel sad and betrayed. Like that time when Emily told you that she never was your friend? She hurt you and that made you sad. But later you talked about it and now you're friends again. I feel a bit like you did back then, ok?" I smiled again, trying to keep my calm. I really didn't want to cry here and now. Mom and Wanda were quietly listening the whole time, not wanting to interrupt.
"That's shit." Morgan said and hugged me. We all laughed about the little girl and how cute it sounds when she says that. But I hugged Morgan back and she wasn't intending on letting go of me.
"But please be nice to them, they are nice to you as well, ok?"

words: 1680

I don't want too many chapters about this whole thing so I'm gonna try and keep it as short as I can.

Remember to eat and drink enough, love u ❤️🩵

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