Chapter 26

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A/N edit: hypothetically I mixed up the days and uploaded this yesterday and just uploaded it again today but earlier than usual :)
I delted yesterdays upload but it's the same chapter


I sat down on a couch near the windows and Natasha joined me shortly after, handing me a Capri Sun.
"How'd you know I love those?" I asked and got even more confused when she smiled widely "As you may have noticed I join you sometimes when you're in the lab" I giggled at the wording but tried not to interrupt her "and if you take a look at your desk there are always some empty Red Bull cans, a few Capri Suns and at least one knife. You know, the knife you almost killed me the first time I paid a visit to you"
We both laughed at the last part but I couldn't help but be impressed at how detailed she remembers my desk. I mean, she's right but even I don't know how many Capri Suns are there.

I looked out the window and enjoyed 'Suburban Legends' playing in the background. Most of the people here are talking and barely one focuses on the music but there are some songs I'd recognize everywhere. Even if they're quite new, especially this one soon became a favorite.

Absentmindedly I began to sing quietly
"I didn't come here to make friends, we were born to be suburban legends, when you hold me it holds me together-"
"Earth to Y/N?" It was Pietro who sat on the free side next to me. "Yeah sorry, what did you say?"
"I asked what's inside these green cocktails there" he grinned at me "uhm the alcoholic part is gin and the res-"
"Thank you princess" he interrupted me and ran away straight to the bar. I assumed he was there before because it looks like Clint was waiting for him to come back.

"Rude" I commented dryly, not aware that Natasha was still next to me. I thought she would have left to speak with Maria or someone else but she laughed and placed a hand on my thigh "He doesn't mean it. I think he's just really happy to spend an evening with Clint"
"Yeah, guess he is." I smiled at the silver haired boy. "Hey, wanna watch a movie afterwards? Just to relax a little after all this?" She gestured to the whole room, meaning the people, the music, the few drunk ones and the bad air. My dad should really open a window for a few minutes.
"Yeah, I'd love that, but only if you don't mind" I smiled shy, a bit surprised by her suggestion. I thought she would want some time alone after an event like this but she shook her head in response.
Her hair was a bit fuzzy if you compare it to the beginning but somehow still seemed smooth and beautiful.

Another hour later, people finally began to leave and the once crowded room emptied. I excused myself from Natasha and walked over to my dad. I knew he wouldn't be too fond of it if I wouldn't say goodbye to the people I met earlier - completely voluntarily of course. I mentally rolled my eyes at the last part but smiled and shook hands the same way I did to welcome them.

The moment my dad said I could leave, I jumped up and rushed to my room to shower real quick and get in something more comfy before making my way to Natasha's as fast as I could.
She left some time before me and was already waiting for me as I entered her room and saw her with a few fluffy blankets.
Her green eyes lit up and she patted on the empty half of her bed. Without hesitation I let me fall on that exact spot and let out a sigh. I looked up at the redhead and could see worry flashing over her face before she seemed to realize that I'm just fine here, next to her, so she chuckled and pulled a blanket over me as well.

We quickly decided on a movie but as my mind began to relax I felt the exhaustion and overstimulation take over my body. Yeah, I wasn't gonna see much of the movie but looking at  Natasha I figured that she wouldn't either so that's ok.
And just as forecasted we both fell asleep in the first half hour. She laid one of her arms protectively over my chest and I cuddled into her shoulder.

I woke up around 4 am. Hell nah, I'm not getting up this early, I plan on getting back to sleep asap.
I turned off the TV, as we couldn't since we fell asleep and just laid there.
It's crazy how everything changed in the last eight months. On the training side I got better. I'm almost as good as I was when I got out of the program, maybe even better in hand to hand combat and archery of course.
I met so many nice people and I can't imagine living without them anymore.
Yeah, I've got a huge problem romantic wise with my dad's best friend but we ignore that.
There's not just Natasha, there are Wanda and Pietro who are just like my chaotic siblings, Bucky who still tries to learn how to properly play chess and is one of my best friends, totally ignoring the age gap and then there's Clint.
Clint who always keeps an eye on me, teaches me so many things in my training sessions and always is there for me to listen if I need someone to talk to. He's the calm big brother who helps me out in every situation. Such as Loki. I hope Loki comes and visits some time soon because otherwise I have to go and visit Asgard.
And I'm less paranoid than I was eight months ago. I mean, I still barely go anywhere without a knife in my pocket but as long as I'm staying inside the tower I don't always have them with me anymore. Just one of the things, where Clint encouraged me to let go of these old habits and trust everyone a little more.
But he also noticed that there's a difference in my behavior whether Nat's in the room or not.
Of course I'm more nervous and blush way more often if she is but I'm also calmer in general. I don't know why but I feel safe with her. As if she would protect me from the world that's out there. She just gives me a feeling of safety and being protected in a way I can totally relax.
My mind can totally relax and I can just be 100% comfortable and chill in that very moment.

This felt so right. I'm falling for her faster and deeper than I expected. More than I ever did for someone. But she's still my dad's best friend.

words: 1137

stay healthy and remember to eat and drink enough, love you guys🖤🧡

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