Chapter 9

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I slipped into the bathroom and took a quick shower. Seems like Natasha canceled the whole training for today, not just the run. Or at least postponed it.
I made my way to the common room because Wanda texted me that she made pancakes.
As I entered the room I saw my dad, a still sleepy Natasha and as expected Wanda. On the couches sat Clint and Pietro playing UNO and I watched as Clint had to draw two cards while looking real pissed at Pietro. I smiled to myself, I really like these people even though I don't know them for too long.
"Morning Y/N! Your pancakes are over there!" Wanda greeted me and pointed to the counter.
I smiled and hugged first her and then my dad.
"Morning Sweetie"
"Morning dad, morning Wands" I responded when Pietro rushed over to me and crossed his arms.
"You forget me or do I just don't deserve a 'good morning' from you princessa"
I laughed and responded with my sweetest smile "Good morning my dear Pietro and everyone else"

With that he seemed to be satisfied as he returned to Clint. I grinned and shook my head as I reached for a cup. I turned on the coffee machine and walked to the fridge to grab some milk.
I just wanted to complain that someone drank my lactose free milk as dad started "Hey you got some training with Barton in the afternoon so don't make any plans"
Before I could answer Natasha interfered "Tony I don't think that's a good-"
She stopped in the middle of her sentence as I shook my head and glared at her. She won't dare to tell my dad about yesterday's events. This kind of things just happens from time to time but it's definitely not a reason to concern my dad.
I'd just go and take my lesson with Clint, it's no big deal.
"What'd you say Romanoff?" Dad asked and before she could say something else I quickly responded "Nothing. She said nothing. I didn't have plans anyways so I'll be there"
Now both adults looked at me with confusion written about their faces but my dad just shrugged it off and with a "Alright, love you, see you guys later" he went off. Natasha was still confused but for now I decided to let it be and just took my coffee with the rest of my milk and the pancakes and made my way to watch Clint and Pietro playing UNO.
Wanda let herself fall next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder while I started eating and Natasha sat her self across from us right next to Clint.
"These pancakes are wonderful Wands" I hummed and closed my eyes to focus on the taste as she replied "Thank you" with a shy smile on her face.
After I finished my breakfast I put the plate and the cup in the sink and was about to leave. I turned back again as my gaze met with Natasha's, who was still looking weird at me. "Text me when we start Clint, will you?" I called out without breaking eyecontact.
"Yeah, will do. Don't stress about it, we'll need only about an hour or two" and with that I turned around again and left.
I hope Natasha's not mad at me.
I laid on the ground and turned on some music. I don't know why but I sometimes feel more comfortable laying on the ground than in my bed or on my couch. I hummed along 'Entchanted' by Taylor Swift as I heard a knock on my door. Urgh this gotta be Natasha wanting to talk about things.... I kept my eyes closed as I spoke up "I really would prefer to not talk about this now Natasha." But it she didn't seem to care since I heard my door being opened and sighed. Well here we go...
"What was all this about? Everything alright?" I sat up as this voice clearly didn't belong to who I expected. It was Wanda.
"Uh...nothing....important...I don't know what was up with Natasha either. Maybe ask her?"
I wasn't exactly lying becaus I did wonder why she behaved so strange. Even if she's worried about me - this training with Clint is no big deal.
Wanda nodded and said "Ok then...if you say so. See you around" I smiled at her and agreed "Yep, see ya"
I continued to lay there and just listened to Taylor Swift until I got a message.

How about we meet in 10?
You don't need to change into training clothes

Ok, sounds good

On my way

I made my way to the outdoor training ground and almost immediately saw Clint at the archery shooting range. He smiled at me and began "You ever shot an arrow?" I shook my head. I did a few times in a summer camp but nothing more serious.
"Ok then let's start with the basics. The biggest mistake that all beginners tend to do is: They try to aim. If you don't have any technique or posture you can aim at your target as long as you want, you won't hit it. So that's where we start." I listened to him but at the same time my thoughts went to my conversation with Wanda and therefore to the redhead who just doesn't makes sense to me. "When you draw your bow you shoulders have to be in line. Don't pull them up - you're not a turtle - and don't let them hang down. They gotta form an almost perpendicular line to you neck ............."

words: 940

A/N: I hope ya'll doing ok. I had a really exhausting week so I wrote this whole chapter an hour ago, before my phone shut down since I forgot to charge it. Therefore it's definitely not proof read and it's about 1:30 am so I'm sorry for spelling mistakes etc.
Stay healthy ❤️

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