Chapter 33

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In the kitchen Morgan got a huge pot and I brought milk, a few chocolate bars and cocoa powder to the stove. "Let me help you sweetie" I said and helped Morgan to put the pot ontop of the counter.
We filled the pot with milk and put it on the stove, next to it we put a pan with just a little milk to melt the chocolate bars.

I searched for a big spoon for Morgan and a wooden spoon for myself. As I found both of them I gave the big one to Morgan "Always stir, otherwise-" "OTHERWISE the milk burns!" the little one finished my sentence and I smiled.
"Yes, exactly! My smart little sister" I hugged her thight while I said the last words. "Stop Y/N" she giggled "I need to stir the milk"
I laughed and also stirred my choclate so it wouldn't burn. For a few minutes we just stood there, soft music in the background. "Y/N/N you love Natasha don't you?" I choked on nothing, caught of guard by the sudden question."Morgan not to be rude but don't you have other things to worry about?"
But the little one shook her head "No! You love her! I know it. You look at her like that" she said in a very serious tone "Like what, little one?"
"Like mom looks at dad! And how dad looks at mom! And how grandma and grandpa look at each other" I sighed "You're a very smart girl Morgan. Yeah maybe I like her. I know I like her. But she's our dad's best friend so I'm sure she wouldn't want it and I don't know if dad would allow it"
"I'm sure she likes you! And now put the chocolate in to the milk, more than melted is burnt!" I chuckled and poured the melted chocolate to the milk, adding some cocoa powder and a bit cinnamon.
When it's all mixed together we get a cup for everyone and I filled said ones with the hot chocolate. Morgan got mini marshmallows and put in every cup a few. "Y/N do you think Santa was here again, while we made the hot chocolate? He was the last two times" "I don't know angel, let's find out, shall we?" We put all cups on a tray and put the cookies we baked earlier in a jar.

I carefully took a look in the room but all presents were under the tree and everyone was doing something unsuspicious so I let Morgan enger the room and followed her announcing that we got hot chocolate and cookies.
"Y/N! SANTA WAS REALLY HERE" Morgan exclaimed. "Yes pumpkin" She smiled wildly and, grabbed her hot chocolate and placed herself next to Clint on the Couch. Clint just started 'The Grinch' and I handed him one of the cups. He exchanged a knowing look and a high five with Morgan and I began to wonder what they were up to. But for now I just sat down next to them and sipped on my own drink.
Soon enough Natasha sat down next to me and whispered in my ear "First of all, the hot chocolate is great, I might force you to make it again. Second, I'm pretty sure that sweater belongs to me"
I giggled and responded "Bold of you to assume I wouldn't wear it as long as it's in my possession"

We ate around 8, later than usual but since it's christmas Morgan is allowed to go to bed later.
We made salad, ragout fin and had brownies for dinner. Ragout fin will honestly be a forever favorite when it comes to winter recipes. All of us had a great time, chatting about everything and nothing and just relaxing.
For the moment we just put the dishes in the kitchen because Morgan got too excited for the presents.
"Jarvis, please play my christmas playlist"

We all sat down in an open circle, allowing Morgan to get the first present.
She grabbed the one closest to her and walked over to me so I could read the card "Sam"
He got a hoodie with red wing printed on it, I think it's from Steve but we don't say who gifted what.
He stood up and picked the next present "Maria and Laura" he read out loud, walked over to them and handed them their gift. They unpacked the slim present together and pulled out of an envelope two tickets to a hockey game. "Aww I tried so hard to get tickets for that game but it was already sold out. I even called you and was sad that we couldn't go when our favorite teams finally would play against each other" Maria exclaimed, the last part directed to Laura. I smiled to myself, thanking the gods of ebay and the guy who accidentally bought tickets for the wrong game and sold them for only 40$. I found these more on coincidence but I thought it would be the perfect present for the two women. Guess I was right.

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