Chapter 5

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*skip to Wednesday*
I enjoyed the last two days. Steve and Bucky introduced themselves again and I played a good round of Mario Kart with Bucky and the twins. Pietro and Wanda got Pizza for lunch yesterday and invited me over to watch John Wick which I of course agreed to since John Wick is one of my favorites.

Anyways, it's about 6 am right now and I got slowly pulled out of my dreams by a constant knock on my door and Jarvis who commented that someone wants my attention for the 7th time. And I swear if he's gonna say it an eighth time I will find a way to shut this fucking AI down. But nonetheless I got up to open my door and if it's just to scream at anyone who would dare to wake me up at this time.
I changed my mind in favor of my life when I saw a half annoyed half amused redhead. "Stark. Training starts at 6. I want you down at the training halls in 10." With that she turned around and walked away, leaving me confused whether she was mad or just tired. I slowly got back into my room and looked for leggings and a sports bra and it took me a few more minutes to hit me. Today started my training with Natasha and I am fucking late. I rushed down the halls, tied my hair into a high ponytail because Natasha texted me to do so just before I left on my way to her.
While doing that I entered the last staircase to the training rooms. So my hands busy with the ponytail I tripped over my own feet and fell loud and not so elegant down the last stairs. I groaned when I finally hit the ground and opened my eyes again just to meet the unreadable expression of the redhead that was waiting for me.
"Watch your step" was the only thing she said with a raised eyebrow. I blushed in embarrassment and got quickly on my feet. "So how do we start?"
"We'll go for a run every Tuesday and Thursday, no excuses. Besides that we'll start with a simple move to free yourself if someone grabs you by your wirst today. After training you'll be able to do it in one smooth movement and from then you'll start to improve it every once in a while."
Wow...The welcoming, warm Natasha seems to be actually gone. Maybe it's just too early for her to be that way. Hopefully... "You know I'm better with knives and stuff than with most other things, don't you?" was therefore all I was answering.
"Yeah but you can lose a knife, otherwise than your hands so you gotta be able to defend yourself armless" well.... she's got a point I guess. And with that my training started. We quickly warmed up and stretched before climbing into a boxing ring. The redhead let me grab her wrist and within a second she had thrown we over so I lay (once again today) on the ground, my head was trapped between her legs and I had no possibility to get out of this position. I gotta admit she is hot when she's doing something like this. I think I should watch her doing this with someone else, I'm sure it looks even better if you're not flipped over on the ground in half a second. She explained how I must turn my wrist so I'd be fast enough to get on my enemies shoulders and flip them over in one move. I gotta say it sounds and looks easier than it actually is.
She didn't just let me win, which I was truly thankful for but after a few bad trys she helped me figuring out how I need to move to get up. So when I achieved ending up on top of her shoulders I was more than happy that I did it. Just to hit the ground few seconds later and with a cold "Don't get distracted" we continued. After a few more trys I eventually figured the whole movement out and was able to do it as long as Natashe didn't try and defend herself. It got better every time and by the end of our training I could actually do the whole flip-thing in one fluid movement. "Good work little Stark, didn't expect it to go so well especially after you fell down the stairs"  she said with a mischievous grin and took another sip of her water after a "See you for breakfast darling". I choked on my water at the nickname and blushed hard at the same time. God does she know what she's doing to me? Do I know what she's doing to me? I mumbled a quiet "See ya" when I ran past her up to my room to take a cold shower.

words: 825

I'm sorry if my writing is terrible, english is not my first language and it's my first ff

Hope y'all doing ok

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