Chapter 30

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Third person(kinda Y/N but 2nd person) POV:

Since you stood pretty close to Clint he caught you in time, now holding you not too sure about what to do with you now.
He looked at your pale face and sighed before he said "So much about enough sleep, hydration and food. Based on this situation you must've failed in at least two of three aspects"
He was very aware that you couldn't hear him right now but the rest in the room could and excluding Natasha, the rest was quite confused about what just happened.

"I'll take care of her and make sure she eats something when she's up again" With that said, Natasha carefully took you from Clint and left without another word.

Upstairs in the redhead's room she put you down on her bed and sighed. You looked tired and stressed out. You skin was pale, hair messy and your fingertips were ruined.
Natasha could only imagine the headache and backpain - considering you sat about three days at a desk without moving that much- this prototype must have given you.
She covered you with a blanket and sat down on the armchair that stood by her bookshelves.
She picked the book nearest to her, which happens to be 'The Spider' by Lars Kepler and read for about an hour.

After that she took her phone out, read a text from Clint that he explained everything to Pepper and Tony and texted Wanda:


Do you mind help me cooking sth?

But dw if you don't have time


istg if you try to cook by yourself I'm gonna kill you

Just want to remind you that last time you did, the fire alarm went off

so yes, i've got time, come to the kitchen

And with that Natasha checked a last time that you're alright, before she left her room.

"What do you want to cook?" Wanda asked curious.
But Natasha just shrugged and answered    "I don't know, something I can heat up when Y/N wakes up"
The two redheads stood there a few minutes brainstorming before Natasha remembered something. "Wanda let's do a tomato soup. When I had breakfast with her and her parents before she joined the team Pepper told me that it's one of her favorites. Tony mentioned that hers is the best but since she really can't cook right now we could give it a shot"

Wanda agreed and luckily they had all the ingredients they needed.

Y/N's POV:

I groaned as I opened my eyes. The room I was in wasn't too bright but everything still seemed to spin.
Good point actually, where am I?
I sat up but left my eyes closed, hoping that the spinning would go away. The noise I made seemed to draw the attention of someone as I felt someone sitting on the bed.
"Easy princess. Wouldn't want you fainting all over again, would we?" I smiled and slowly opened my eyes. I'd recognize that voice everywhere, of course it was Natasha.
"The prototype! I-I need to go back to the lab and fin-" I began to panic but didn't got too far "Hey, calm down. You finished your work and gave it Coulson and Maria, remember? Everything is alright"
Yeah she was right I gave it to them, Clint must've told her.  Well at least I lost consciousness afterwards.

She handed me a glass of water with some lemon juice in it and I took thankfully took a sip. I wanted to put the glass back on the nightstand but got interrupted "No, you'll drink this. I won't let you out of this bed before you do so" I chuckled at the remark but quickly emptied the first half when she made it clear that she was dead serious.
I couldn't tell if she was mad or or worried or something else because even after months, sometimes it's hard to read anything out of her face.
I emptied the glass and got up. Natasha checked if I could stand and move without getting dizzy and then left with the comment "You can shower in my bathroom, I got a towel and sweatpants of yours ready in there. If you need anything else call me"

So I did as she said and took a not too long, warm shower. It felt grate after almost four days. And to be fair, I really needed it.
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in the towel.
Since I got fresh underwear and sweatpants from myself here but no shirt I kinda needed to steal another sweater from Natasha. I took one that hang next to her towel and breathed in her scent.

When the redhead entered her room again I got out of the bathroom, only to be greeted by the smell of hot tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.
"You cooked?" I asked sceptically, ready to check if the kitchen has been replaced by a mid-class catastrophe.
"Yes I did. But with Wanda's help, so no need to freak out about it" I smiled at her and my heart got a bit warmer. "You really didn't had to but thank you"
"No problem, I hope it turned out ok. And besides I needed to make sure you eat something"
I oncr again smiled and took a spoon full.
"This is great. I love it" And I actually meant it.
We fell into a nice chat and she made me promise to cook my tomato soup for her some day. After that we fell into a comfortable silence, Natasha put the soup bowl and another glass of water I finished on her desk before she sat down again and sighed.
"Y/N I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to scream at you in the lab. I wasn't fair"
I have her a small smile "Don't worry about it. I mean you were right to a certain point. I should've just told you and we could have worked together. Like we do so often. But I just acted stupid and was stressed out because it was about Laura and I had such a tight time-frame."
"No, it's fine. I know how Nick can be and I could have guessed that you were doing something important. But we good?"
I nod and hugged her "Yeah, we are"

words: 1052

Sorry if you don't like tomato soup but I do :)

Have a good christmas time, stay healthy and eat and drink enough ❤️🤍

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