Chapter 12

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I assume Natasha slept through the rest of the night because when I entered the kitchen the next day she wasn't there yet. I looked into the common room to see if she'd be there but instead of the redhead I met Wanda.
I don't know how she's doing this. She wakes up around 7 and goes here to prepare breakfast for the whole team, sometimes with help from my mom. She even knows when everyone comes to breakfast. For example Steve always arrives by 7:30 and she makes his tea for 07:35.
And even though my best friend stands up 7am EVERY day, which is inhuman by the way, she's still in a good mood every day. And today shall be the same.
"Y/N! Goooood morning" she said happy and hugged me. I love her positivity but I'm still wondering how she's doing this.
Pietro on the other way around is like me and sleeps at least until 11 jf he can.
"Morning Wands. Did you sleep well?"
She nod and smiled "You're earlier than usual so, who were you looking for?"
"I'm just 10 minutes earlier that's basically nothing" I argued.
I wanted to know if Natasha's ok or if she had again Nightmares. Sometimes you just have these bad nights. I always have them every three months, every year in the same nights.
When I was kidnapped I met 4 kids around my age.
We connected and watched out for each other through our time there. At least we tried because if you consider that I lost all of them in just a year it seems that I'm not good at taking care of my friends. As if it was intentionally I lost every three months one. Anyways!
"It is 10 minutes! Besides, that , you're ignoring my other question is proof that you were looking for someone."
Now I have to answer... good job Y/N.
"ok ok. I'm looking for Natasha"
"awww didn't find your secret love? Did you look in you're bed?"
"Wanda! I don't love her! I was just wondering where she is. You know yourself that she's usually in the kitchen or common room when I come down here." I knew how she'd react but she just doesn't accept that I don't crush on Natasha nor do I love her.
"Morning Wanda" a raspy voice said behind me said. God I love the sound of her voice.
"Morning Naaat. Coffee?"
I turned around and saw the redhead nod towards Wandas question.
"Good morning little Stark" she smiled, knowing exactly how much she annoys me when someone calls me that.
I rolled my eyes annoyed but smiled anyway.
"Morning Ms. Romanoff"
I can play that game aswell and now she was the one who rolled her eyes.
"Here's your coffee. Why are you so late today? In the end Pepper drank your actual coffee so it doesn't get cold" Wanda asked.
I've always wondered what would happen if someone isn't sticking to their routine, I guess here's the answer.
"You know, just allowed myself to sleep in since I had a long night" Natasha answered and gave me a quick smile on that 'long night' part.
I'm so in love with her. In a friend-kind-of way. Like I love Wanda, just a bit different because Natasha is not my best friend.
Today was a training day but I had free training, which means that noone is there to teach me something. Normally I'd practice with my knives because that's the way of fighting that works best for me. At least ever since my time in 'The Laboratory'. My start with training again was exhausting to say the least but it pays off. I mean I was good, they got skills in this 13 months people traim years for but now? Now I could do things my way. I developed my own stil, figured out where I should stab people to kill them and where to just remove them as an obstacle. And with some tec from my dad I could do almost everything without ruining my shoes or suit.
But today I wanted to focus on my dad's tech.
I took his suit and extracted the shoe-part.
Then I changed some things and now I'm able to slide on every surface and jump about three meters high.
No today I wanted go train with my whole suit.
My dad once made a blue suit for my mom and when I was 17 I found a black one that was a bit smaller than that for my mom. Turns out my dad made it for me and when I'd be ready I could use it. I don't plan using it casually because it just doesn't work with my knives but I'm sure that I'll need it at some point. It's sad but you can't stab every problem. The suit is all black besides very few details. These details have a dark blue to dark purple fade.
So my plan was to improve my movement and maneuvers and maybe I'll combine it some day with my Wakizashi. But that is gonna be a goal for other training sessions.
I finished my training as fast as the rest of the day.
It was a quiet day, no meetings, no visitors nothing. I played Mario Kart, Fall Guys and APEX against Clint, Thor and Pietro and later that day we all ordered pizza. I got my usual, just cheese and corn even though Sam and Bucky always Joke about it. To my suprise Natasha stole a piece of it and tried it. I swear to god if anyone else would steal from my pizza I"d kill them but I could make an exception for her this one time.
The next two following days were even less eventful. Uncle Phil visited and I could convince him to play a round Mario Kart with us but that's it.
At least until Friday morning.
I woke up and made my way down to Wanda and the rest when I thought that the common room was awefully quiet. I got in to found it almost empty though it was 10 am and therefore earlier than usual for me, the emptiness confused me to.
"Hey, morning Wands" I said.
Wanda hugged me with a "good morning" and went with me into the kitchen
"So...where is everyone?"
"Mission. They should be back in six to ten hours if everything goes as planned. You want some toast? The rest of the boys are out i don't know where exactly."
I nod. So...a mission. Later I found out that the mission contained Natasha, my dad, Steve, Clint and Sam.
"Hey how do you feel about a girls welness day? You, me, my mom?" Wanda nod enthusiastic at that idea and I wrote a quick text to my mom to see if she's free today.
Luckily she is and we made our way to go and get a few things.
Wanda got face masks and stuff, my mom looked for hair products and I went to grab some fruits and snacks.
I decided to make chicken wraps as lunch and decided on chockate and chips as snacks.
I got oranges, grapefruit and watermelon for a fruit plate and for choclate I decided on mint and almond.
The day was too nice, we relaxed, listened to Taylor Swift, watched a few movies and went to bed around 11. I wasn't exhausted but tired enough to go to sleep pretty fast.
The boys came back about an hour ago but went to bed even before us.
And with that none of us realized that said 10 hours the mission should go were already over and we heard nothing from them.

words: 1299

Thank you sm for 1k reads, never thought this would ever happen!!!
When I started this I never thought I'd update this once per week and I definitely never ever thought someone would actually read it. This makes a little dream of mine come true.
Thank you guys, you're great!♥️♥️♥️

And sorry that this Chapter is delayed about 6 hours but I'm on vacation and the next two chapters are gonna also that 'late' due to the time shift. ❤️

Make sure to drink and eat enough, it's important ❤️🩵

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