Chapter 8

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Let's just go to sleep for now.
I wished but I couldn't close an eye. My brain was too active. Overwhelmingly active. I tried to ignore it  but after another 30 minutes I decided to give up and do what I always do when I'm stressed out. I stepped outside of my room and made my way downstairs hoping I wouldn't regret that I left my sweater in my room. For now I wore a navy blue tank top and a pair of long, blue and white checkered pants but if dad didn't cooled the room down too much I shouldn't get cold.
I sat down and started the system. A few little yellow lights turned on and I heard Jarvis as he welcomes me:
"Welcome to the lab Y/N, another nightshift I assume?"
I sighed "Yeah, something like this. You have a calm Lofi-Playlist for tonight, Jar?"
"Of course, if there's anything else you know where to find me" replied the friendly AI before turning on my music.
God these last few days were too much. Too much to comprehend, too much new people, too much....too much everything! I can't do this. Nothing of the techs in front of me makes sense.
I threw the pencil on my notes on the table and leant back in my chair.
Come on Y/N, it's not that hard.
You CAN do this.
Just take a deep breath.
Just function.
Just function the way you should.

I took a few deep breaths trying to keep my shit together but it just got worse.
I felt overwhelmed.
And empty...
Both at the same time...
Calm down...
Please Y/N...
You don't have time for a breakdown

As a familiar thight feeling built up in my chest I tried to keep calm, tried to keep my breathing normal but instead I failed miserable as tears began to escape my eyes.
I pulled my legs to my chest and laid my head ontop of it. Why am I even crying? I have no reason to. Everything's fine.
But I just sat there, crying and letting the overstimulation take over my body. I was way more exhausted by all this shit happening than I expected.
I barley noticed someone coming down the stairs and rushing over to me.
"Hey....calm down ok? I've got you. I'm here. I've got you принцесса"
Whoever's voice that sounded far away.
It was not actually reaching me.
I wasn't close to process what the person was saying.
But she pulled me into a hug and just sat there and stroked my back.
On the chair next to mine, pulling me onto her.
She held me the whole time and didn't say anything except a few single whispers as
'It's ok' or 'I'm here for you'.
I eventually stopped crying after what felt like hours but I didn't move. I felt so calmed.
That's also when reality hit me and I immediately shot up and as I realized that I litteraly sat on her I started to panic "I am so terribly sorry Natasha, I-I didn't mean to... I was just-"
She put a finger on my lips to shut me silent and I took another deep breath.
"It's ok Y/N. Take a deep breath. Just breathe. And how do you feel about getting a cold glass of water huh?"
I just nod since I didn't trust my voice as I teared up again. And leaned back into the hug I was a few seconds before. I don't know it just made me feel safe. Like everything's gonna be ok. I trusted her. I don't even know why but I did. And I just don't want to start crying again.
She smiled and picked me up. I yelped and she let out a small chuckle as she carried me upstairs.
She sat me down at the couch and I shivered under the cold leather. Without another word she took off her sweatjacket and handed it to me.
A small smile crossed my face as I put it on and watched her walking to the kitchen island.

Even in the middle of the night in her pj's she is just beautiful. She had her hair open, it was falling messy on her shoulders. Her pyjamas contain a navy T Shirt and black, long, loose pants. Right now she didn't wear any socks or shoes, I assume that's because she originally planned to go to sleep after drinking her glass of water. Natasha handed me the glass of water with a smile as she sat down right next to me. I returned a thankful smile and leaned back.
"Thank you Natasha... you really don't need to do this, you know?"
"It's not a problem and I know I don't need to. We can talk about why this happened another day, ok? How about we cancel that run later? We didn't started so we're not breaking the routine and we can just start next Tuesday" she offered, still slightly worried about me. But I shook my head, I don't want to be treated differently "No, it's alright. We can go later"
This time Natasha shook her head "Y/N, no. You didn't sleep til now and you're not gonna be on full energy tomorrow. You're not ok, that happens but you'll get some sleep instead of taking the run in the morning. Besides that I barley slept either, so it's basically a win-win situation."
Leaving no room for a discussion I just nod and tried to stay awake. But eventually I subconsciously leaned my head on Natasha's shoulder and as my eyelids got heavier every second and just drifted off.
Last thing I noticed was Natasha pulling me into a laying position on the couch and hugging me careful.
I woke up the next morning, in my bed covered with my blanket. In my arm was my stuffed penguin but definitely not the redhead from tonight.
I sat up and began to wonder if all of this was a dream. But considering that it was around 10 a.m. and there was noone knocking aggressively at my door I decided it was probably not a dream.
But just to check "Jarvis what happened yesterday night"
"Good morning Y/N. You both fell asleep around 4 a.m. and Ms. Romanoff took you to your room just before the first other avengers would wake up. She also was asleep until half an hour before. I can call her if you wish"
"NO! I thanks Jar. I'm alright."
It was just about now that I realized that I still had her jacket. I like it. Kinda smells like her. But I gotta return it, I demanded myself. But I could keep it a few more days. Just a few.

words: 1103
принцесса - princess :)

1st: I don't know when this chapter will be actually online, bc I currently have some upload problems with Instagram and it might be caused by my internet ( if u're interested but obv u don't need go check it out)

2nd: I don't know if the next chapter will be on time, maybe it's gonna be a few days delayed but I'll try my best to upload it Monday night

Love y'all 🩵❤️

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