Chapter 38

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It's been about one and a half year since that evening and things went great.

My training with Natasha and Clint proceeded and a year ago I started attending missions. The first ones were always group missions, not always including fighting but sometimes just gathering some information for shield. But after some time I also got some solo missions, especially if it was about getting information from the bad guys kids.

At a team mission Pietro almost got shot what lead to a really sweet confession between Clint and him and not long after they got together.

Hades began to socialize and even though it turned out that Bucky is allergic to him they really like each other. Even dad, who's always been a bit skeptical about my black little furr-ball loves him by now. It even got to the point that, if we get cheeseburgers for dinner, he'll make or get one with for a cat edible ingredients.

All in one there hasn't been a lot drama or anything like that since then except the one time Clint won against me in Mario Kart.

Nat and I enjoy our time together wether it's time alone or in company of the team.
We've been on several dates and with every morning I wake up next to her - which is quite often - I fall a little harder for the gorgeous woman.
Wanda was the first that noticed that something between Natasha and me has changed and by now pretty much everyone knows that we're dating.
I'd love to get together with the redhead and also Wanda says that we should but I don't want to push Nat into something she maybe doesn't even want. And if it's what she needs I'll wait for a thousand years and longer.
Ok that's cheesy, anyways.

Right now I'm bandaging my right arm after I got the bullet out of it. I went on a solo mission in Tepic, Mexico to check if rumors about hydra working with the sinaloa cartel were true.
Planned was to sneak inside through help from an inside informant shield trusted, get the information and with any luck some data and then get out again. Preferably without being seen. A one-day-mission with four to six hours actual 'action'.
The guy helped two other shield agents in the past and was our only way in so there weren't any alternatives. To say that neither mom nor Nat was rather fond of that idea would be an understatement. Both said that this could only go wrong, and yes it seemed a bit to simple but it was the best shot we got.

The good thing is that I know if said rumors are true.
The bad news are that they are. And the informant is a double-agent from hydra. And they're chasing me through mexico. And since a few days they seem to know that I was an former experiment.
One that worked until...well until I didn't work. Technically I still was functional but the brain washing part got harder for them as all my friends died due to their methods and then I managed to escape and got saved by Loki. So their mission is probably to chase their long lost half-working project to bring it back. Only over my dead, cold body.
As much as it'd hurt me to leave my family - meaning all the avengers - behind, once hydra gets me they wouldn't be able to find me. They weren't able to find me over ten years ago and couldn't find the other two test subjects that were alive when I fled until today.

But for now I'm not dying. At least not completely. Some hours ago they got pretty close but I managed to shoot my way out of the situation. My knives as well as a six sour I found in the hydra base were a lifesaver multiple times in the past ten days.
Ten days in which I couldn't communicate with anyone. I had to get rid of the phone shield gave me for the mission so that I definitely wouldn't leave any (digital) traces.

Anyways, besides that gunshot wound in my arm my escape went pretty decent and the only thing left was to get back home. As long as they don't want to kill me, which they aren't allowed to, otherwise they'd done it by now, there's no possibility for them to keep track on me and actually catch me before I'm home again.
That is, if I manage to cross the border anytime soon.

I was researching on a few options on a rancid motel laptop in a rancid motel room when four guys storm in. In a normal situation one against four wasn't fair but without being able to properly use my stronger arm/hand it was quite impossible. But it's to late to surrender anyways so if I loose I'll die trying not to.
The first guy jumped in front of me, trying to grab my healthy arm. I dropped from the chair I was sitting on and rolled to the second guy and with that the hell of a fight began. I was able to dodge most attacks for a few minutes and stabbed one guy in the shoulder but wasn't any more successful. With another turn I slit the stabbed guy's throat but one of the other three got hold on my shot arm, pressing is finger on the wound. I screamed in pain and sunk on my knees, not able to react to anything else. Another guy kicked me in the stomach and left me gasping for air.
"Let...go of me" I managed to get out but the three alive men just laughed. The guy that still hold my arm tight leaned down and whispered in my ear "Stop trying bitch. You would have been better off, if you wouldn't have killed one of us so be happy we're letting you live"
His mouth smelled as if he wasn't in the same room with a toothbrush in the last seven years. "You know, I think the reason why I'm still alive is because you guys are cowards, who are too afraid to do what they want to instead of what they're told you. Scared like little boys because you're boss might kill you if I don't survive" I smirked, not sure what would follow. Let's say I didn't expect him to put a knife into my abdomen.
That's actually really unfortunate.
"You will beg us to kill you when we're finished with you bitch" he said, throwing me to the ground. I hissed in pain but tried to prevent any further visible or audible reaction which was almost impossible considering the sharp pain that filled every single fiber in my body. I closed my eyes, trying to focus in something else. Tasha...

words: 1149

First of all:
To the swifties here:
What do you think abt this? Could it be?

I'm sorry that I didn't update last week but I needed to think about how to continue this story
Now that I got a plan I'll continue uploading but I have to admit that this story will probably end with chapter 40

Stay healthy and remember to eat and drink enough 🩵💚


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