Chapter 21

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The redhead placed the food in front of us as we made ourselves comfortable on her bed.
I could tell that Wanda helped her a lot but it's the thought that counts. I decided to start with a few pancakes with some raspberries and maple syrup, Natasha took a few orange slices and turned on some music. Over time we fell into a nice mix of talking and joking and listening to a few songs in silence. Through all that we finished our kinda long lasting breakfast, which contained french toast, eggs, bacon, yogurt with some berries and watermelon. Besides that we both had two coffees and a glass of water.
"You didn't take the advil?" she asked me at some point. "No, you were still sleeping when I woke up the first time so I chose to try some more sleep instead of painkillers for the moment" I explained and leaned my head on her shoulder. She hummed as a response and lay her head on top of mine. We stayed in this position for a while and watched an animal documentary til she spoke up again. "So, stealing the same sweater again?"
"Well technically it's MY sweater and it just accidentally found it's way back here" I argued with a smile.
"No technically it is and always was my sweater. I gave it to you temporarily and how you just said, it found its way BACK to me. You know the word 'back' implies that my sweater belongs here." She argumented and I just giggled in response. I view this little discussion as a win for me since the redhead gave up when we made our way downstairs to clean the dishes. I washed the plates and mugs and Natasha dried them.
Just as we wanted to leave again Wanda entered and eyed us suspicious, which caused me to grin.
She really was my protective best friend.
"Thanks for the breakfast Wanda" I said, still very aware that Natasha couldn't have managed it without her.
"Everything for you. And besides, you'd be surprised how much Natasha was helping. But to be fair, I was surprised"
I smiled at her answer and caught a glimpse of the mighty Black Widow blushing a bit.
"Well in that case, thank you again Natasha"
We talked a bit and I couldn't stop smiling for now. It was so relieving that everything was normal again. That the three of us could talk and joke together normal again. The red haired woman seems to have a plan as she got up and said "Get yourself ready Y/N, we meet at my car in 45'" she turned around again to add "Wanda, you can come along if you want" And with that she vanished.
Wanda gave me a questioning look but since I'm as clueless as her I could only respond with a shrug.
"Soooo, you're wearing her sweater again, don't you?" Of course she noticed.
"Yeah, you know I gave it back to her but after I showered this morning it was a good option. And I love this sweater not just because it's Natasha's"
"So she kept you with her through the night..." Wands trailed off "I'm really sorry Pietro and I weren't there to help you last night. We should've looked out for you."
Tears filled her eyes. "No, it's fine Wands. It's not your fault and besides, Natasha was there in the right moment. I should've been more carful. And if anyone should've acted different then it's that guy." I pulled her into a tight hug and felt how she took a deep breath. "Yeah, he really should take a lesson from pietro on how to get a girl" she laughed and I joined her.
"Let's get ready, I'm afraid we have to walk to wherever Natasha wants to go if we're not on time" I said and the ginger girl responded with a laugh as she pulled me to the elevator.
I chose to pair Natasha's sweater with a black skirt and paired it with some black, warm tights considering it was October and therefore not too warm. I finished my look with some decent make-up and a pair of black boots.


I'm ready, wbu?


5 minutes

I pick you up on my way down


k 🩷

While I waited I scrolled through Instagram and sent Wanda as well as Natasha some reels. At least until I got another message


Shouldn't you get ready instead of sending me reels?


Nope, I'm already ready

Just waiting for you guys :)))


Oh shut your cute little mouth

In case you're actually ready, you can come upstairs and give me my sweater back


Sorry, not possible ❤️

Actually not so sorry but still impossible


Why not?

Y/N what did you do?


Don't worry, I'm just wearing it

I wouldn't dare to ruin MY sweater

And perfectly timed there was a knock on my door.
I got up and joined Wanda.
"Do you know where we're going by now?" I shook my head "Nope. Guess we have to wait patiently and let us suprise"
Wanda hummed in response and entered the elevator. Arriving at Natasha's car we realized that she wasn't there yet so we just stood there and talked a bit. I wrote Pietro a quick text that I'm fine and that I want to play Mario Kart with him when we're both free. And the moment I wanted to text the redhead that she should hurry up because I'm tired of waiting she joined us in the garage.
"Finally! Took you long enough" I mumbled the last part, hoping she wouldn't hear it but- "what was that?" -but apparently I failed.
"Nothing" I grinned at her and she looked me up and down for a second. "You're outfit is almost excuse enough that I didn't get MY sweater back. Almost." I decided to ignore the 'almost' and hoped she would forget about it when we got back.
"So where are we going?" I asked as we left the garage in a black porsche 911. I believe it belongs to my father but Natasha is one of the few, who is allowed to drive my dad's cars.

words: 1049

The next few chapters might be a bit shorter, because I write quite a lot exams till christmas but I'll keep posting

Stay healthy, drink and eat enough and have a great week ❤️🩵

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