Chapter 2

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edited 03/02/23

1/2 hour later

"Jarvis run the test again please" I said after I modified the program for the 10th time. "Of course Y/N" It took me literally days until Jarvis finally called me Y/N and not "Miss Stark" cause I'm just saying, I'm not my mom and I don't wanna feel like I am.
I heard the lab doors open and sighed. "Y/N Stark" aaand here we go.... "I'm sorry dad. I didn't mean to interrupt I just forgot about your stupid meeting and went to grab a coffee" Dad sat down beside me and looked at me "Yeah I saw that...You know I'm not exactly mad at you, they were gonna find out about you at some point anyways. Just make sure that you crash our meeting in a more boring moment next time, alright?" I was surprised. Like honestly surprised. He isn't the type of dad that screams at me but I expected him to be a bit mad at least. Not that I want that but it'd be appropriate I guess. He told me that it was important and I still.forgot about it. But I'm not complaining.
"Actually" he continues "some of them would want to meet you and asked if you wanted to come to our games night" Ok now I am really surprised.
"Uhm yeah sure..." I nod and so does he. He took a deep breath "Anything you want to say?" he asked as he looked me in the eyes. I shook my head and smiled "Nope, everything's alright just working on my little friends" He smiled, I think he's happy that I'm at least partly as interested in techs as he is. "Ok sweetie, don't stay up too long"
"Thanks dad, love ya" was all I could respond before he was upstairs again.
He really is the best dad in the world and noone can tell me otherwise.
I wachted over the test result and began with the corrections and turned my music on.
I heard "Down we go" in a sped-up version when I suddenly felt a hand on my back.
I squeaked and jumped up while reaching out for one of my knifes. The one that I had down here with me right now was a Stiletto-Knife with a customized darkpurple blade. But the foreign hand grabbed my wrist and the person said "Relax, we don't want anyone to get hurt do we?"

Her voice is almost perfect. It's steady and confident, in her low tone almost dangerous but beautiful. Her laugh must be angelic. I took a moment before I looked at the woman that belongs that voice. well...shit.
"u-uhm hey...yeah no of course not, sorry..." I've never felt so uncomfortable. She gave me a little smile and released me.
"Hey, uhm, what are you doing here anyways? It's late you know, shouldn't you be asleep or something?" Her smile grew a bit wider as she responded "Shouldn't you? I think you're the kid here" I gasped playfully "ayo, I'm not child anymore ok? And besides that, I have to finish a cake upstairs because tomorrow is Mother's Day!" She chuckled and shook her head "Need some help?" This women confuses me more and more every minute... "Don't you have something to do? Why else would you come down here at 2 am?" I'd like to say that she looked confused but I still can't read her expression, it's slowly killing me not gonna lie. "Can't sleep and actually just went down here to check who's still working at this time. I expected to find your dad here. What are these little things?"
I smiled, besides dad noone ever asked me about my spider-cams. "These are spider-cams! I built those little guys and...well try to get them to work! When they finally do you can control them with your phone and check out rooms before entering and stuff like that. Sad thing that they're to small for a mic, if they weren't you wouldn't even have to enter..."
She looked between me and them with that unreadable expression. I started to shuffle in my seat until she said "Clever. Tell me when you finish them" I smiled and nod enthusiastically. She seemed actually interested in them this is soo cool. "So...cake? You still wanna help me?" She nod and with that I shut down the lab and we went upstairs.
Baking with the mighty Balck Widow was a deaster. And I mean it. When she said she couldn't bake earlier, I was optimistic and went like "well how bad can it be?"... It's worse than bad. She has flour in her hair and chocolate on her shirt and even I have some dough in my hair. "How do you do that??? I've never made a mess like this since I was five" I laughed and she grinned saying "Told you I am bad" Which caused me to laugh even harder and so did she. I was right a few hours ago. Her laugh IS angelic. It's incredible. We finished the cake and I wrote with a buttercream >Happy Mother's Day Mom< top of it. In the meantime Natasha cleaned all the cups and tools we needed and put them away. "Thank you Natasha. Baking wasn't that fun for a really long time. See you around?" "I hadn't that much fun in a while aswell so thank you too. You know, you'd fit great in the team little Stark. Maybe I can talk to Tony so he gives you a chance" We both smiled at each other as I got slowly to the stairs to my room. "Night" "Sleep well" And with that we got to our rooms. I took a quick shower and went to bed. Falling asleep with my thoughts intruded by the red head that might be not as scary as she seems at first sight

Words: 991

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