Chapter 20

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I woke up and looked out the window I was facing. I had to adjust to the brightness before I realized something. I'm laying on top someone's chest. Wait what? Where the fuck am I? How did I got here? God, dad's gonna kill me. I sat up to have a look around the room. I knew this room but couldn't connect it until I watched the person I was laying on. Natasha? Of course, it was her room that's why I know it. But why-?
I sighed about the slight spinning inside my head as I spotted the glass of water on the nightstand. Thankfully I took a sip but decided against the advil next to the glass before I lay down again. I calmed my breathing and closed my eyes. I felt too exhausted, at the moment. I didn't wanna go to my room and be angry at the one next to me. Not for now at least.
I eventually fell asleep again and woke up what I assume was a few ours later. The red head next to me gone but due to the silent you could hear the shower. I just layer there staring at the ceiling.
These last few days were so exhausting. I tried to pretend that everything was fine. Well, obviously failed. And that certainly led to last nights events. But it's good to know that clubs aren't my thing. Yet. And then of course there's Natasha. Why was she like this? I just wish I never heard this conversation, for god's sake I never shoud've believed that she likes me in the first place. I'm just stupid. Maybe dad's right and I'm still too naive.
I felt single tears making their way down my cheek. The tears got more and I wrapped the blankrt around me as the world around me got blurry. I just want this shit to end finally. I didn't notice that Natasha came out of the shower and laid next to me until two arms pulled me in for a hug. A part of me wanted to resist. Wanted to stand up and scream at her for saying those things. Wanted to storm out of the room and never see her again. But I couldn't. And I didn't actually wanted to. So I cuddled myself into her side, one arm over her waist pulling the redhead close to me afraid that she'd go. I just wanted this pain to stop.
The constant soft rubs on my back calmed me down enough to hear her "What is wrong Y/N? Everyone's safe, Wanda and Pietro are ok, you're ok, noone's hurt." I buried my head deeper into her side and sniffled "I don't wanna be mad at you anymore Natasha. I just want everything to be fine again. I don't want to be angry with, it's exhausting. But you hurt me" The last part was quieter than the rest, not sure if I should say it or not. I felt childish, I shouldn't overreact so hard. I could feel her looking down at me even though she continued to rub my back.
"I know. And I'm so sorry. I know that you have absolutely no reason go believe me but I promise you, it was never my intention to hurt you. If I would've known that you were listening I wouldn't have said this"
The voice in my head told me that I should get up and go. If she wouldn't have said it then I would've believed her sweet little act even longer. But a part of me wanted to hear her out and that part won.
"You heard what Tony said. What I told him was just.... I don't know.... an attempt to defend myself I guess. I just didn't wanted him to worry about you or spying on me. He's quite protective over you, which is good but can also be a bit difficult for everyone else. I just wanted to be able to be in your company without your dad constantly looking at us."
I searched for dishonesty in her voice, tried to figure out if it were just words without meaning them.
But all I could find was guilt and maybe a little hope that I'd forgive her.
"I-I understand but why didn't you talk to me? Why didn't you try to explain it?"
I knew my tears wet Natasha's Shirt but she didn't push me away so I just stayed there.
She sighed "I didn't realize why you were ignoring me until yesterday when I brought you to my room. I'm really sorry Y/N"
Yeah. Yesterday.
"I'm sorry for last night" I whispered, not sure if it was loud enough for her to hear it. But she did "It's fine, nothing happened. I was just afraid something would happen to one of you when Bucky told me that you were going out. And even more relieved when I finally found you guys. I'm glad nothing worse happened to you" When she said the last sentence she pulled me even closer to her. "Thank you Tasha. For saving me from that guy and taking care of me"
"How about you take a quick shower and I make us some breakfast? Well maybe I'll ask Wanda for help, considering last time I baked" I giggled at the memory, how flour was all over her face and her hair. We should do it again some time.
"Yeah let's do that" I nodded and got up. The redhead made sure that I'm alright one last time before she made her way to the kitchen. While I was in the shower I decided that I should buy her some plants for her birthday. She really needed plants in her room.
I was considering to wear the T-Shirt she gave me for the night again when I spotted the sweater I 'gave' her back. Well now it was mine again. I rushed down to my room to put on some leggings and sprinted upstairs to Natasha's room again. A few minutes later Natasha entered with a tablet.
She smiled at me and we sat down next to each other. Finally everthings normal again and Natasha was more than happy about her second chance.

words: 1052

Sooo the update is a bit late but I was too tired to finish the chapter last night.

Stay healthy and remember to eat and drink enough, love you ❤️🩵

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