Chapter 36

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The last few days did go by swiftly. Clint and Pietro are in love with their new switch, both get mad when I win in Mario Kart every single time I play against them but they keep asking me for ' revanche games'. Morgan seemed to have told everyone that I was sick so no one asked why I locked myself in my room for a couple days and the few that know the truth knew better than correcting her.
Natasha and I have kept some distance we were both fine with it and there wasn't any bad blood. Though Wanda seemed to notice and kept giving us strange looks but never said anything.
Right now at least 50 people were arriving at the tower and filling the party room. It was new years eve and we invited most of the avengers' friends over. Jarvis kept updating me on interesting people that were here while I got ready. I chose to wear black overknee thights, a black leather mid-thigh skirt and a black top. The fabric was thin and half-see-through and the sleeves ended just below my elbows. I finished my look with some decent makeup, silver jewelry and my black boots.

It's about 9 pm now and I think everyone who planned on coming was actually here.
I chatted a bit with Wanda and Laura when my eye attention got caught by a certain red haired woman. She wore a grey suit, seemingly designed rather for a party than for buissness, and a wine red shirt. "You just wanna stare at her for the rest of the evening or will you actually go over and talk to her?" It was Wanda, as usual mocking me and Laura jumped in "Yeah, just staring might come off as creepy" I huffed "Of course that wasn't my plan but whatever" With that said I walked over to the bar where Natasha and Maria just headed and slipped behind the counter just before they sat down.

"What can I serve  two such beautiful ladies?" I asked in joking, deeper voice. "I'd really love a 'bloody mary' for now, Ms Stark" Maria answered kindly in a playful tone. I nod and began mixing, waiting for Natasha to answer. As I placed Maria's drink infront of her the redhead had decided. "Just vodka with some ice please" and I rolled my eyes mentioning how montone and boring that was. "Then how about you surprise me, Ms Stark?" she played along, causing me to giggle. I thought about it for a second before I filled an old fashioned glass halfway up with ice cubes. I searched - and successfully found - the bottle of coffee-liquor and mixed it 50/50 with vodka. I poured it in the glass and topped the dark brown liquid with a layer of half-whipped cream. That way it slowly sunk down and mixed with the rest. "A white russian for the lady that doesn't know anything else than vodka" I smiled and so did she "Thank you принцесса" And with that all my sudden confidence was gone again and I just stood there blushing.

"Do you got Capri Sun?" Pietro asked me. I made a mental note to thank him later for saving me out of that situation but for now I grinned at the childish sparkle in his eyes and grabbed three, handing him two of them. "You come and play another round? Clint wants to take you down" I just laughed, downed the shot of vodka I poured myself in a glass when I made Natasha's drink and followed him. I let myself fall dramatically next to Clint "I actually intended to enjoy the vodka and a nice talk with these two over there but then a silver haired boy appeared and destroyed that plan, referring to an old, grumpy archer who refuses to accept that I'm better in mario kart. Statement?" "I'm not old, just grumpy, you aren't better than we are it's just luck and you chose us and Capri Sun is just better than vodka" He made me grin once again and I grabbed my controller and was ready to get started but Clint stopped me. "No wait! What if you just have the better controller? You play always with the purple one! I take it and then I'm gonna win!" That led to Pietro and Clint discussing who of them is allowed to play 'my' controller and I sat there, sipping my Capri Sun and enjoyed the show. Eventually they sorted it out and were ready to play.

An hour before midnight we turned the music really loud and most of us started dancing. After Wanda and I ended our intense air-guitar battle, where neither Laura or Maria wanted to say who of us won, we got to the bar. This time Natasha was behind the counter and making us drinks. Wanda got a sex on the beach and I just wanted to 'order a mojito when Natasha handed me a glass of water. "Drink that. You won't get anything else before that glass is empty" I wanted to discuss but she silenced me before I could even start "Nope. Drink this. Now. I can't have you passed out or drunk in the next few hours" I rolled my eyes but emptied the glass handing it back to the redhead. "Wasn't that hard, was it? And don't roll your eyes at me, you know damn well that I'm right" "Mojito please" she nod and gave me one of the two glasses. I didn't comment on it but I was happy that she seemed open to new things tonight, even if it's just some new drinks.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR" everybody cheered and laughed, I heard one champagne glass break on the floor and saw the rest trying to manage to hug everyone without breaking their own glass. I put mine on the counter where I sat earlier just before Wanda jumped on me, wishing me a great year as well. Beside hers I received several hugs from several people including Uncle Phil, Pietro, mom, dad and Clint and even a short one from Natasha.
After everyone calmed down most guests left and those who stayed here over night plus our team made their way to their rooms as they slowly got overwhelmed by tiredness.
I checked my phone, reading some New Years messages in group chats when a notification popped up "Roof in 5'?" I didn't open it but made my way upstairs. It's about 1 am and as I entered the roof I saw a familiar silhouette leaning on the wall that was about 1,20 meters high. I approached her carfully not wanting to scare her. We stood there in a comfortable silence, watching the fireworks. There were still plenty of them to watch, some bigger, some smaller. I felt the redheads eyes linger on me but didn't react to it until she let out a nervous sigh.

words: 1161

hehe :)

Have a great week, stay healthy and always remember to drink and eat enough 💚🩵

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