Chapter 34

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It's been two days since then and even though I feel selfish for it, I haven't really left my room.
I mean, I feel selfish and bad for leaving the others alone but right now I can't face her. It's been months of friendship and subtle flirting and now she told me it was all just some game. And Wanda probably knew about it, why else would she be 'so sure' that Natasha had 'feelings for me too'.
Due to these two days mom and Pietro brought me some food and right now there was another knock on my door.
I stood in my bathroom and looked at my own reflection. My eyes were red and puffy, ma skin appeared even paler than it does normally and my hair was fuzzy.
I sighed "Come in" and the door opened.
To my surprise the person who entered was Clint.
"What do you want?" I asked carefully as he sat down on the couch. For a moment he didn't say anything "I wanna know what happened, you've been in here for days and you look like crap. And Pietro said he wouldn't tell me anything" I chuckles at his honesty but even that sounded dry, without joy in it. But I value Pietro for not telling him. "Why would you ask? Bet you know about your fun little avenger games and bets. Tell me, do you just play truth or dare and dare someone to play with others feelings or do you got a more 'grown up' game for that?" I believed Pietro that he didn't know anything about it, but Clint? He's Natasha'a best friend even if he wasn't part of the game night, she would have told him.
"Hold on a sec, what bet? What happened
"I swear if you're playing some shit I won't ever talk to you again" I paused for a second looking in his eyes. They actually mirrored confusion and concern so I need to believe him for now. "After everyone went to bed on christmas I wanted to clean up the kitchen and Natasha seemed to have similar thoughts as I met her there. Well, we wahsed the dishes and talked a bit. She thanked me for the day and stuff like that. And then we almost kissed but Bucky and Sam walked in moments before so she left the room. Later I went to her room but she told me to go and that all this time she was just playing. A bet about whatever. I mean I should've known, why would a woman like her want a girl like me when she could have literally anyone. I was just stupid to believe this was real" I felt a single tear making it's way down my face but I didn't care. I heard Clint sigh before he stood up and hugged me "I swear I don't know anything about it. But I'm going to have a serious talk with her." I wanted to protest but he shook his head "Don't even try Y/N. She may be m, best friend but you're like my little sister and she doesn't get to play with your feelings without consequences. I'll talk to her and how that talk goes is up to her" I squeezed him a bit tighter before letting go of the archer "Thank you. And thanks for the food" He nod and left again. Why doesn't he know anything about it? There's somewhere some part missing.
I laid down on my bed watching the ceiling and listening to music. Why did I even believe in what was happening? But it had to happen. I trusted her way too easily. Probably a lesson from life. I sighed.
I don't now how much time has passed but the sun already set when dad entered my room.
"Hey kiddo" he said softly as he sat next to me and I leaned against him. We just sat there. He was just there holding me as I cried, leaving it to me if I wanted to talk to him.
After some minutes of comfortable silence I whispered "I'm sorry that I fell in love with your best friend dad. I really am" He pulled me closer and laid his head ontop of mine before he said "We don't get to choose who we love" he paused for a second before he added "My brain made me a genius but you know what? The way my heart chose made me the man and the father I am today. My heart chose your mom and look at where we are today. We have a happy family and that's honestly more worth than anything else so don't apologize for your feelings. I'll always love you and if you love Natasha that's fine. For me at least" I closed my eyes to keep more tears from escaping and he kissed the top of my head. "Thanks dad" Once more silence took over us, looking out of my window. "How about we order some cheeseburgers and watch a movie?" "Yeah let's do that"
And so we sat there almost the whole night watching random movies. And I finally felt ok for the first time since my incident with Natasha. A part of me was happy my dad would have been fine with me and Natasha but a part of me is even more sad that it all meant nothing to her.
But that only was proof that I could trust him on anything and that he would support me as long as I would be fine and happy. I always had a better relationship with him than with mom but it still meant so much to me that he wouldn't intervene when his best friend and I would date.
But who am I kidding, it probably won't ever happen.

words: 977
i know, it's short but tomorrow or/and the day after I'll upload another one - promise

(i'm kind of wasted so don't judge my mistakes and/or the shortage of this chapter pls)
I hope you'll have a great year, love you

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