Chapter 24

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So today is Tuesday. Halloween to be more precise. And of course that's reason enough for my dad to throw another party.
I was currently in the kitchen, preparing some halloween themed drinks with my mom so whoever is going to be behind the bar just has to do the basics. And I was still considering if I should bake Halloween Cupcakes for the team for breakfast tomorrow morning. Maybe if I have the time. Morgan is at a friends for a halloween party and my dad or Happy will pick her up in the morning so I'd bake alone this time but that's no problem.
"Hey hun, what do we need for the next ones?" asked my mum while she put a few glasses on the counter. We decided to make the drinks ready to the point where you just need to add some ice cubes before serving, so we could put them in the fridge until the party starts.
"Uhm wait, I need to look it up" I answered as I grabbed my phone and searched for the next cocktail recipe. "For the non-alcoholic we need Grenadine, Sprite and Blue Curacao Syrup aaaaand for the shots we need - give me sec - orange juice, Grenadine and for the black layer some canadian black vodka"
We put all the ingredients on the counter and each of us grabbed a shaker "You do the shots, I don't know how to make those"
"Ok then let's go" It took me a few seconds to realize that I don't need the shaker because the shot ingredients are literally layered. Each shot glass got half of a small jigger full of grenadine. I filled the first ten glasses to get a feeling for how I get clean gradients between the three liquids. Next was a jigger of orange juice and on top of that I had to pour very slowly the same amount of the black vodka.
"So why did you tell your father to order specifically canadian vodka?" my mom asked as she filled another glass of the purple longdrink in a glass.
"Orange juice is one of the few liquids that matches with almost every sort of alcohol, ignoring some weird liquors, but I personally prefer vodka. And to get the halloween vibe I wanted something black so either we'd have to mix normal vodka with activated charcoal or just use more or less natural black vodka. And that's something, which, as far as I know, only the canadians can produce and sell."
We kept talking while we finished the drinks, adding a green one and a white one but decided that the rest could be made at the bar on demand. Besides 160 drinks, 120 if you don't count the non-alcoholic, should be enough for the start.
"Hey, hey, hey Y/N!" Wanda called me and approched me out of breath "Wha- What are you wearing? I can't decide" she whined.
"mhhh I guess I'll go with a black, long sleeve, loose-fitting dress. Plus some spider web eyeliner and, you know, my standard black boots"
She hummed in response and added "You know, maybe I'll copy your eyeliner...but what should I weeeear?" I laughed at my best friend, yeah that ginger head girl could get freaked out about an outfit. "You want something experimental or something comfortable?"
"Hmmm.... new color for once? But either you find the time for speed shopping or I'm gonna steal a dress from you"
"Dark blue, loose-fit?" "Deal"
So we prepared ourselves for the party and right before we wanted to leave my mom entered my room.
"Hey Y/N, just asking you to not drink too much this evening and please don't do as stupid shit as Tony. Hi Wanda by the way"
"Don't worry mom, I won't drink too much. Wouldn't want to embarrass myself"
She chuckled at my comment before she left.
As soon as the door closed Wanda smirked at me "Wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of Natasha, huh?" I played it off and as soon as we finished our looks we made our way downstairs. Most of the people were already there but as I scanned through the room I could figure out most of the people I'm gonna spend my evening with.
In the back was Pietro in company of Clint, Steve, Bucky and Sam were talking to some shield agents I believe and dad was currently greeting T'Challa. To my right was Wanda, of course, and at the bar I spotted Bruce. And Bruce was desperately trying to flirt with the person behind the bar. Natasha. She went for a black dress that hugged her curves perfectly. She's beautiful.
"Yeah and now go and tell her that in person."
"Wanda! Auuugh, you know I can't. And I won't."
Through a group of people I made out my mom talking to someone and with that I decided to go to them first. Turns out I actually know the person she's talking to. "Uncle Phil! It's so good to see you" He hugged me thight and gave me a small kiss on the forehead "Y/N! How are you? Any news on that crush of yours?"
"Phiiiil" I whined. He teased me over the last few weeks about Romanoff and seems like he wouldn't hesitate in person. We talked for a bit before I made my way to the bar with the intention of getting one of those shots I made earlier. To my surprise it was still Natasha who was standing there behind the counter. "What can I get you, princess?" I almost choked at the nickname and looked away, only to meet Hades looking up at me. "Uh one of those shots would be great, I guess" I said while picking said cat up and putting him on my lap. Bruce mumbled something along 'See you later Natasha' before he got up and walked away.
"Don't you think, you're a bit too young to drink that early at a party?" The redhead teased me while handing me a shot and one for herself nonetheless. "Aren't you a bit too beautiful to act like a barkeeper at a party like this? Besides, it's just to calm some nerves, there are too many people here." I hold my breath, hoping I didn't cross a line with that comment but to my surprise she blushed a bit herself before nodding in agreement. "If you need a minute to breathe through the evening feel free to give me a sign and we can go outside for a bit" she said and with that we both emptied our glass. Of course Natasha wasn't affected by the vodka at all but still seemed a bit surprised that I wasn't as well. What can I say, I like vodka. I caressed Hades' fur thinking about what she just said. It made my heart melt a little that my badass, untouchable, sometimes seemingly emotionless, favorite spy would remember about the fact that I hate too many people in a room and would get overwhelmed by it if I don't get a break ever once in a while.

words: 1195

I'm sorry that the update is a day later but I kinda forgot to upload yesterday and realized it just a few minutes ago
I hope you have a great week and great halloween, stay healthy and keep eating and drinking enough 🧡🖤🩵

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