Chapter 14

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"Let me in Natasha. Now. I'm not asking."
No answer.
Finally the door opened. I met a pretty tired looking Natasha, who was still in her suit and obviously hurt.
"Sit down" I gestured to a chair that I just moved to the middle of the room.
"I don't need your help, that I let you in was pure politeness Stark" the redhead said pissed.
"Again Natasha. I'm not asking you anymore. Sit down, out on some music and either talk to me nicely or shut it."
I know I was being rude but it hurt to see her like this and I know that she wouldn't let me help her if I'd just ask friendly. She glared at me but sat down and sighed " Taylor Swift and Y/N don't you dare say anything"
I giggled quietly, she was literally the last I'd expect to be a Taylor Swift fan but her being so sensitive about it was quite cute.
I opened my first aid kit on her bed and pulled out some disinfectant to clean her wounds. I gave a bit on a cotton cloth and looked at her. I walked over to her and she opened her legs and pulled me in. So now I stood between her legs tugging some hair behind her ear so it wouldn't be in the way and carefully attached the cloth to the cute and bruises on her forehead.
She hissed and grabbed my waist a bit tighter.
"Just a second, we got it in just a second" I tried to calm her and she nodded. I grabbed the wound clamps and closed the cut. Absentmindedly I kissed her forehead right next to it like I did with my dad when we played doctor when I was younger. I turned around and cleared my throat as soon as I realized it. I went back to her with a bandage in one and some cooling cream in my other hand. I placed myself where I stood before and carefully opened her suit, ready to be killed or at least to be stopped in a matter of seconds. To my surprise neither happened. Instead I met a mischievous smirk on her face when I slowly pulled her suit over her shoulders and down to her stomach. I saw the cut on her left arm before but I wanted to check the rest of her for other wounds. Luckily there were none. But god was she beautiful.
"Like what you see?"
"No- Yes- I-i mean...yeah kinda do" I just gave up. My cheeks were burning again and I know that she noticed.
"My eyes are up here darling"
If it's possible the red on my face just got darker and I wanted to take a step back but was held back by two hands that grabbed my waist once again.
"You know, if you would've wanted to undress me and see me like this you could have just asked" she giggled.
"Oh shut it Romanoff, you're hurt."
I wiped her arm first with a wet cloth to get rid of the blood and then again with the disinfectant.
Once again she hissed and leaned her head against my chest. I combed through her hair and rested my hand on her back. We stayed like this for a moment before I opened up the bandage and finished fixing her arm. I stepped back and packed my things together, threw the trash away and looked at the redhead. She stood up and was just standing there, looking at me. I walked up to her and pulled her into a tight hug, not allowing her to pull away. "I thought for a moment we lost you guys. God I'm so glad you're ok." And once again tears filled my eyes at the thought of losing her or my dad. It felt so good to just hold her for a second and it felt even better when her arms pulled me closer to her body. "It's ok. We're here now. Everyone is alright, ok?"
I nod and smiled as we pulled away
"So since you rejected Cheeseburger, what do you wanna eat?" She just shrugged and before she could say a word I added "and don't say 'nothing' that's not a valid answer. Only thing you're allowed to answer is something edible that I can cook." She smiled and I knew that I just got her but after a while she hummed "so sandwich would be a valid answer?" I nod and made my way to our family since it was closer. To my surprise I met Wanda there.
"So how's fixing Natasha?" she asked teasingly.
"Just making her some food and then probably starting a series with her"
I answered. Some time ago she told me that she's more of a series kind of person than a movie person.
"Uh-huh" the redhead answered smiling.
So no teasing this time, couldn't be happier.
I decided to make a basic sandwich and a salad in addition so she would eat enough. The salad contained besides lettuce red pepper, some chicken, corn, croutons, garlic and some caesar dressing.
I wished Wanda a good night and made my way back to Natasha.
"Here you go" She took the plate with the sandwich and I put the bowl with the salad and two cokes I grabbed last second next to her. "So why do you have a first aid kit in your bathroom? I don't" she asked me curious. I laughed and shrugged "You know, when I train or craft I hurt myself quite often" She hummed and continued to eat her sandwich with a slight grin on her face.
"So you're caring but still somewhat clumsy at the same time... What's this?" she asked gesturing towards the bowl with a raised eyebrow.
"A salad. Won't let you off the hook with just a sandwich" I opened my coke and took a sip as if her comment didn't made me blush.
"Thanks...wanna watch something?" she asked and patted next to her on her bed. I nod and sat next to her and got myself comfortable.
"Any ideas? Heard Wednesday's supposed to be good but I don't know"
She finished her food and we skipped through Netflix but lastly decided actually on Wednesday.
I usually don't watch horror but since this was considered a comedy-horror I thought I'd survive it.
I like the humor and I was pretty confident that this wasn't too bad. That was until the scene at the meeting house when Wednesday just wanted to go.
(I won't spoiler anything but those who watched the series know which scene I mean or at least I hope so)
I was all chill but with that I practically jumped up and shrieked hiding my face in Natasha's shoulder.
Said redhead just chuckled and pulled me closer "You're not watching horror movies too often, are you?" And as I shook my head she just held me close to her as we continued watching.
My eyelids got heavy and I leaned my head on her shoulder. Yeah, I'd go to my room in just a few minutes. Right after that episode.
And with that I fell asleep right next to the beautiful redhead who seemed to watch over me for this night.

I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar environment with an unknown body next to me.
I almost jumped up and threw something from the nightstand but remembered last night just moments before and with that I smiled and lay back cuddled into her. She's asleep anyways so she wouldn't know. I must have fallen back to sleep for an hour or two because next thing I knew was Natasha walking out of her bathroom dressed in a simple pair of shorts and an oversized T-shirt. "Morning gorgeous" she said with a raspy voice. God her voice. I blushed slightly - again - and smiled at her. She threw another oversized T-shirt and a pair of shorts at me as well and with that I took them and made my way into her bathroom to change. Since she's slightly taller than me her oversized shirt was even more oversized but I couldn't care less. "Ready for breakfast?" I asked as I stepped out and she turned around and looked at me. "You look adorable, you know that?" I gaped and replied offended "I never look 'adorable'. And I won't ever in the future" But that only caused Natasha to giggle and whisper once again "adorable". And with that we made our way down to meet Wanda.
The last days events made me think.
Maybe - just maybe - I feel different about the mesmerizing redhead than I do for Wanda.

words: 1467

Heyyy, so here's another chapter, hope you like it.
Remember to drink and eat enough, love you ❤️🩵

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